"Everything is ready for our great show on the day of the annual symposium. Some of the investors and board members already pledge to help with our plans." The unidentified man told Robert.

"did everyone joined us?" Robert asks.

"Not everyone but we have the most numbers, and of course I will be partic.i.p.ating too." The unknown guy laughs.

"How about the plan B? do we have to execute it?" Robert clarifies.

"I already set the platform for the plan B if something happens unexpectedly. But I am confident that we won"t be using that." The man rea.s.sured him.

Suddenly, they heard a loud phone ring! They are sure that it comes from inside the study room. They checked their phones, it"s not them! Someone is inside the study room! but who could it be?

"Who"s there?" Robert shouted in fright. Did someone hear their conversation? Who dares to?

"d.a.m.n this phone! I thought I put it on silent mode!"" The lady in black with a mask on her lower face lectured herself while she is hiding among the shelves.

"Who"s there!" Once again she heard Robert shouts. Then she heard some footsteps coming towards her. she immediately hides at the top of the shelve. They tried looking inside the study room but they found none. Then Robert sounded an alarm. Security guards came running towards Robert.

"There"s an intruder in the house. Search everywhere!" he commanded.

Some guards stayed in the study room as they tried to double check it. While others were searching the whole house, guarding every exit point, door and windows. Some are searching outside also.

When Robert and the unknown guy exited the room, Aisha started to count the men inside. There are at least four of them, each holding a gun. She can"t afford someone to shoot or else everyone will flee to her direction. So she silently attacks each one behind. She knew where to hit them that could make them go unconscious. After a while, four men were lying on the floor.

Aisha tried to open the window silently then she jumps out. She can see a lot of guards roaming around. she needs to be extra cautious. It"s good that it"s early evening, the surrounding was covered by darkness. The light on their torches as well as the light on the posts were their only guides. Aisha steps closer to the bushes then she hides from them. She was heading to the wall that cannot be reach by CCTV cameras.

"I found yah!" she whispers to herself. She checks her time; she still has an hour before Eli"s post birthday celebration. She needs to rus.h.!.+

She run towards the wall. She"s about to throw a rope but a guard spotted her.

"I found the intruder! I found the intruder!" he shouted on his radio. Aisha rushed to him and quickly snap his breath. He only lost consciousness, then she quickly run back into the wall then throw her rope outside. Guards were rus.h.i.+ng to her so she climbs immediately.

"Phew! That was close!" she murmurs.

She went to where her car was hidden then she drove back to the City. She"s in deep thought.

"They already have the board members and other investors on their side. I have to do something." she thought. Then she picks up her phone and dialed his father"s number.

"Oh, h.e.l.lo! What made you call this pitiful forgotten old man?" Demetrius speaks pitifully.

"Dad!" she exclaims.

"Hha, just tell me why you called?"

"I just want to ask about what we talked last time?"

"Ohh! That? Well I guess it"s fine, hha!" the old man answered.

"Dad, I"m serious."

"Okay, okay. yes, I already asked your uncle about it. It"s done." Demetrius smiled.

"Thanks dad, you"re the best!" she heaves a sigh. They talk a lot of things before they disconnect. Before going home, Aisha drop by at hunter"s shop to change her outfit and also to get Eli"s birthday present.

*** It was already 7pm when Aisha arrived at the Z-Mossini Hotel, where they held the post birthday celebration of Eli. It"s about to start.

"Happy birthday sweetheart!" Aisha greeted Eli who is sitting beside Ethan next to Master Omni.

"Thanks mom! Thanks everyone!" Eli expresses his grat.i.tude to his parents. They actually went to Disneyland on the day of Eli"s birthday. This is just a post celebration to invite their close family and friends.

"Great Pap"s! let"s dance!" Eli is pulling Master Omni"s hand towards the dance floor.

"Ah! I like that grandson! Hha, great pap"s can dance pretty well." Master Omni laughs heartily.

"Careful Old man, you"re not a youngster anymore." Aisha teases as she smiles at him.

"Tsk! dare to challenge this old man? Watch me!" Master Omni boast then he followed Eli on the dance floor.

They"re definitely having fun. Everyone looks happy and somehow enjoying the party Aisha is relieved. After some minutes of dancing, Eli went to the DJ and whispered something in his ears then afterwards the music change. The music turns soft. It"s a love song. Does Eli even know what that song is?

Aisha can see Eli coming towards their table as the song "Perfect" is being played. He is smiling from ear to ear. Is he planning something? Eli pulls Ethan"s arm, Ethan followed him curiously. Then they walk towards Aisha. Eli holds Aisha"s hands then he leads them to the dance floor. Ethan and Aisha looks at each other and then to Master Omni. Master Omni look at them with a puzzled expression then he shrugs his shoulder to let them know that he doesn"t know anything.

Eh, whatever! Let"s just follow Eli, it"s his birthday anyway! :D Ethan and Aisha knew what Eli wants since he led them where the dance floor is. Guess they don"t have a choice. Eli just stood in front of them smiling as if waiting for them to hold each other and start dancing with the flow of the music.

Ethan held Aisha"s hand while his other hand touch her side. Aisha inches closer to him, her head leaning at Ethan"s broad shoulder. When Eli saw them, he went back to their table.

"Are you happy now?" Mater Omni ask Eli.

"Yes Great Pap"s! she may not be my real mom but I really like her!" Eli smiled. Master Omni was shocked to hear his statement.

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