"Why don"t we go home first and let Caleb rest for a while." Ethan suggested when the operation was successfully done. They Already transferred Caleb in a luxurious Private room.

"Ehm, let"s do that. Lisa, sleep in the house for the meantime. Don"t go back to your apartment for now. We don"t know if they saw you or not but I don"t want to risk your life too." Aisha says.

"Thank you." Lisa utters.

"I"ll see you tomorrow then. I"ll just stay here with Caleb tonight." Aisha smiles at them.

"No. You should go home too." Ethan was annoyed.

"But someone needs to stay here tonight." Aisha pleaded.

"I already asked some of my men to stay here. Let"s go home first, I know everyone needs rest tonight." Ethan insisted.

Aisha was skeptical about leaving Caleb but she realized how tired everyone was. They definitely need some rest.

Aisha lends Lisa some of her unused dress after she showed her the room that she will occupy for the night. she told her that she needs to stay with them for a couple of days since they aren"t sure who they are dealing with. Of course Aisha can"t tell her about the bounty hunters. She doesn"t want to drag Lisa nor Ethan on this fight. It is her fight! She can"t drag them along with her, though they already found out about Caleb. It"s too dangerous.

"I need you to prepare all our best men. Contact me as soon as tomorrow." Ethan cut the call when he heard the door opened. He saw Aisha walks in while pondering deeply as she walks toward the bed. She laid down with a heavy heart. She looks so drained.

Ethan approaches the bed then he lay down beside her.

"Come here."" He consoles her. he pull her close to his chest as he cuddles her. "Stop thinking and just rest for a while." He whispers in her ear.

"Ehm." Aisha nods as she inches closer, feeling the warmth of Ethan"s arms.

*** Ethan woke up early but he decided not to awaken the woman beside her since she is still sleeping roundly. It"s been a while that he saw her face with a peaceful look. After preparing for work, Ethan kissed his wife"s forehead then heed outside. He saw Lisa having a coffee in the Sala. He smiles at her, she smiles back.

"Stacy is still sleeping. Please let her know I went ahead." Ethan utters.

"Sure I will." Lisa a.s.sured him.

After some more minutes, Lisa saw Aisha walking down the stairs.

"Have you seen Ethan?" Aisha asks her.

"Yes. He told me to tell you that he went ahead. He didn"t wake you up since you were sleeping peacefully." Lisa smiled.

"Oh, Okay. thank you. Have you had your breakfast yet?" Aisha asks but Lisa shook her head.

"I"m waiting for you." Lisa mention.

"I"ll just go and see Eli. I"ll come down in just a minute." Then Aisha walks back to Eli"s room.

Eli just woke up when Aisha opened the door to his room. she greeted him then they both went down the kitchen.

"Good morning aunt Lisa!" Eli cheerfully greeted Lisa as he kissed her cheek. They"ve become close when Eli started to visit his parents at the company more often the past few days.

"Good morning handsome!" Lisa replied.

After they had breakfast, Mr. Tanner and some bodyguards accompanied Eli at school today leaving Aisha and Lisa alone. Aisha also requested Lisa to stay in the house while she visits Caleb. Lisa understood what she meant so she agreed. Aisha is Caleb"s best friend anyway. Who is she to even worry about Caleb. They are just merely colleagues. But she was so afraid to lose Caleb last night. the thought of him dying makes her heart aches so much.

Aisha directly went to the hospital where Caleb was. She can see some men guarding the room entrance. She smiled to know how Ethan cares for her friends as well. Aisha dismisses the men guarding the room for the time being. The men obeyed. When she can"t see them anymore, she went inside Caleb"s room. He is still unconscious so she arranges the flowers that she bought on her way to the hospital earlier. After placing the flowers on the vase, Aisha sat beside him. she can see gunshots on his sides and on his leg as well. Good thing it didn"t penetrate any of his organs or else she will never forgive herself for being the cause of Caleb"s death.

Aisha looks at the unconscious Caleb before her. He was harmed because of her. The bounty hunters are after her but how come they attacked Caleb? if she was right that the bounty hunters attacked Caleb to lure her out, the question is, how did they know that she and Caleb are acquainted to each other? Is it possible that the person behind this hunting games knew her very well? Yes! it"s possible! Her thoughts were in a mess.

"I know I have a lot of enemies and my father too. But this person seems to know me very well. Could it be that -----!" her eyes widened when she realized something, "No! It"s impossible. It wouldn"t be him!" she shrugs her thoughts.

She is still talking to herself when the door suddenly opened. She looks at the door"s direction to see who came in but she stood in surprise. Her jaw drop! Her lips quivered. How come he is here!

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