14th. JOHN FLETCHER, d. 14 Ag. 1785 I. Love"s Emblems, 12:29-30 II. Hear, Ye Ladies, 12:132-133 III. Melancholy, 12:278-279 IV. Lodge"s Rosalind"s Madrigal, 12:83-84 V. Rosalind"s Description, 12:84-86

15th. THOMAS DE QUINCEY, b. 15 Ag. 1785 I. The Pains of Opium, 4-Pt. II:73-100

16th. BARONESS NAIRNE (Carolina Oliphant), b. 16 Ag. 1766 I. The Laird o" c.o.c.kpen, 11:251-252 II. The Land o" the Leal, 12:311-312 III. Cather"s Grandmither, Think Not I Forget, 14:313

17th. I. Ali Baba and the Forty Robbers, 19-Pt. II:1-58

18th. I. Longfellow"s Rain in Summer, 14:96-99 II. Herrick"s Corinna"s Going a-Maying, 12:30-33 III. Sh.e.l.ley"s Ode to the West Wind, 13:129-132

19th. Battle of Otterburn, 19 Ag. 1388 I. The Battle of Otterburn, 10:171-176

Books make up no small part of human happiness.


My latest pa.s.sion will be for literature.

--FREDERICK THE GREAT (in old age).


20th. MARCO BOZZARIS,fell 20 Ag. 1823 I. Halleck"s Marco Bozzaris, 11:187-191 II. Lowell"s Vision of Sir Launfal, 11:107-121

21st. MARY MAPES DODGE, d. 21 Ag. 1905 I. Miss Maloney on the Chinese Question, 7-Pt. 11:20-24 II. Lowell"s Letter from a Candidate, 7-Pt. II:29-32

22nd. Royal Standard Raised at Nottingham, 22 Ag. 1642 I. Browning"s Cavalier Tunes, 12:205-208 II. Milton"s Il Penseroso, 14:14-19 III. Lycidas, 15:52-58

23rd. EDGAR LEE MASTERS, b. 23 Ag. 1869 I. Isaiah Beethoven, 14:308 II. Hardy"s She Hears the Storm, 14:312 III. Wheelock"s The Unknown Beloved, 10:309

24th. ROBERT HERRICK, baptized 24 Ag. 1591 I. To Dianeme, 12:123 II. Upon Julia"s Clothes, 12:124 III. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time, 12:125 IV. Delight in Disorder, 12:125-126 V. To Anthea, 12:126-127 VI. To Daisies, 12:127 VII. The Night Piece, 12:128

25th. BRET HARTE, b. 25 Ag. 1839 I. Plain Language from Truthful James, II:234-236 II. The Outcasts of Poker Flat, 20-Pt. I:30-46 III. Ramon, 11:285-288 IV. Her Letter, 8-Pt. I:113-115

26th. I. Holley"s An Unmarried Female, 8-Pt. II: 26-36

We are as liable to be corrupted by books as by companions.



27th. I. Scott"s Coronach, 15:33-34 II. Lochinvar, 10:36-39 III. A Weary Lot Is Thine, 10:40-41 IV. County Guy, 12:154-155 V. Hail to the Chief, 12:203-204

28th. LEO TOLSTOI, b. 28 Ag. 1828 I. The Prisoner in the Caucasus, 19-Pt. I:141-186

29th. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES,b. 29Ag. 1809;d.

I. The Ballad of the Oysterman, 7-Pt. I:105-106 II. My Aunt, 7-Pt. I:23-24 III. Foreign Correspondence, 7-Pt. I:77-80 IV. The Chambered Nautilus, 14:108-109 The Royal George lost 29 Ag. 1782 V. Cowper"s On the Loss of the Royal George, 10:148-149

30th. I. Scott"s Brignall Banks, 10:41-43 II. Hunting Song, 12:230-231 III. Soldier Rest, 12:277-278 IV. Proud Maisie, 10:258 V. Harp of the North, 12:286-287

31st. THeOPHILE GAUTIER, b. 31 Ag. 1811 I. The Mummy"s Foot, 19-Pt. I:90-108

S. 1ST. SIMEON FORD, b. 31 Ag. 1855 I. At a Turkish Bath, 9-Pt. II:74-77 II. The Discomforts of Travel, 9-Pt. II: 123-127 III. Boyhood in a New England Hotel, 9-Pt. I:123-126

2nd. AUSTIN DOBSON, d. 2 S. 1921 I. Ballad of Prose and Rhyme, 12:335 II. Carman"s Vagabond Song, 12:330 III. Colum"s Old Woman of the Roads, 14:311 IV. Peabody"s House and the Road, 12:344 V. Daly"s Inscription for a Fireplace, 13:294

Old wood best to burn; old wine to drink; old friends to trust; and old authors to read.



3rd. IVAN SERGEYEVICH TURGENIEFF, d. 3 S.1883 I. The Song of Triumphant Love, 19-Pt. I: 109-140 II. Wordsworth"s Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept, 3, 1802, 13:211

4th. SIR RICHARD GRENVILLE, d. 4 (?) S. 1591 I. Tennyson"s The Revenge, 10:222-229 II. Wordsworth"s To the Skylark, 12:40-41 III. On a Picture of Peele Castle, 14:44-47

5th. I. Some Messages Received by Teachers in Brooklyn Public Schools, 7-Pt. II:144-147 II. Emerson"s Labor, 2-Pt. I:138-145

6th. I. Wordsworth"s Resolution and Independence, 11:48-54 II. Yarrow Unvisited, 14:53-55 III. Intimations of Immortality, 13:89-96 IV. Ode to Duty, 13:96-98 V. The Small Celandine, 14:112-113

7th. I. Milton"s Echo, 12:25-26 II. Sabrina, 12:26-27 III. The Spirit"s Epilogue, 12:27-29 IV. On Time, 13:52-53 V. At a Solemn Music, 13:53-54

8th. I. Wordsworth"s Lucy, 15:114-118 II. Hart-Leap Well, 10:134-142 SIEGFRIED Sa.s.sOON, b. 8 S. 1886 III. Dreamers, 15:223

9th. SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT, drowned 9 S. 1583 I. Longfellow"s Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 10:160-161 Battle of Flodden Field, 9 S. 1513 II. Elliot"s A Lament for Flodden, 10:251-252 III. Wordsworth"s Stepping Westward, 14:158-159 IV. She Was A Phantom of Delight, 14:159-160 V. Scorn Not the Sonnet, 13:175-176

To desire to have many books, and never use them, is like a child that will have a candle burning by him all the while he is sleeping.



10th. I. Wordsworth"s Nuns Fret Not, 13:175 II. Lines, 14:253-255 III. We Are Seven, 10:252-255

11th. JAMES THOMSON, b. II S. 1700 I. Rule Britannia, 12:208-209 II. Collins"s On the Death of Thomson, 15:59-60 III. Lowell"s A Winter Ride, 12:331 IV. MacKaye"s The Automobile, 13:290

12th. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER, b. 12 S. 1829 I. Plumbers, 8-Pt. I:150-151 II. My Summer in a Garden, 7-Pt. I:6l-74 III. How I Killed a Bear, 9-Pt. I:59-70

13th. GENERAL AMBROSE EVERETT BURNSIDE, d. 13 S. 1881 I. Lincoln"s Letter to Burnside, 5-Pt. I:118 II. Collins"s Ode Written in 1745, 15:34 III. The Pa.s.sions, 13:81-85 IV. Ode to Evening, 13:85-88 V. Dirge in Cymbeline, 15:112-113

14th. DUKE OF WELLINGTON, d. 14 S. 1852 I. Tennyson"s Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, 13:151-161 DANTE, d. 14 S. 1321 II. Longfellow"s Dante and Divina Comedia, 13:239-244 III. Parsons"s On a Bust of Dante, 14:152-154

15th. I. Wordsworth"s The Solitary Reaper, 14:160-161 II. Jonson"s Hymn to Diana, 12:14 III. Pindaric Ode, 13:37-42 IV. Epitaph, 15:46-47 V. On Elizabeth L. H., 15:47

16th. ALFRED NOYES, b. 16 S. 1880 I. Old Grey Squirrel, 14:306 JOHN GAY, baptized 16 S. 1685 II. Black-Eyed Susan, 10:32-34 CHARLES BATTELL LOOMIS, b. 16 S. 1861 III. O-U-G-H, 7-Pt. I:143

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