A little library, growing larger every year, is an honorable part of a man"s history. It is a man"s duty to have books. A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessaries of life.



5th. FRANK NORRIS, b. 5 Mr. 1870 I. The Pa.s.sing of c.o.c.k-Eye Blacklock, 22-Pt. II:64

6th. ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING, b. 6 Mr. 1806 I. Mother and Poet, 11:297-302 II. A Musical Instrument, 12: 282-283 III. The Cry of the Children, 12: 296-302

7th. I. Thackeray"s On a Lazy Idle Boy, 1-Pt. I: 41-51

8th. HENRY WARD BEECHER, d. 8 Mr. 1887 I. Deacon Marble, 7-Pt. I:13-15 II. The Deacon"s Trout, 7-Pt. I:15-16 III. n.o.ble and the Empty Hole, 7-Pt. I:17-18

9th. ANNA LEt.i.tIA BARBAULD, d. 9 Mr. 1825 I. Life, 14:260-261 II. Dunsany"s Night at an Inn, 18:I

10th. I. Ruskin"s The Mountain Gloom, 1-Pt. II: 33-56

11th. CHARLES SUMNER, d. n Mr. 1874 I. Longfellow"s Charles Sumner, 15:111-112 GILES FLETCHER, buried 11 Mr. 1611 II. Wooing Song, 12:101-102 III. Carlyle"s Reward, 2-Pt. I:146-160

Books that can be held in the hand, and carried to the fireside are the best after all.



12th. I. A Family Horse, 9-Pt. I:3-14 II. Living in the Country, 7-Pt. I:82-95

13th. I. Macaulay"s Task of the Modern Historian, 2-Pt. II:3-22 II. Puritans, 2-Pt. II:23-29

14th. HENRY IV. defeated the "Leaguers" at Ivry, 14 Mr. 1590 I. Macaulay"s Ivry, 10:194-199

15th. JOHANN LUDWIG PAUL HEYSE, b. 15 Mr. 1830 I. L"Arrabiata, 20-Pt. I:130-157

16th. WILL IRWIN, b. 15 Mr. 1876 I. The Servant Problem, 7-Pt. I:132

17th. I. Hawthorne"s The Great Stone Face, 3-Pt. I:103-135

18th. I. Roche"s The V-A-S-E, 7-Pt. II:60-61 II. Roche"s A Boston Lullaby, 8-Pt. II:78 III. A Boston Lullaby (Anon.), 7-Pt. II:105 IV. Burgess"s The Bohemians of Boston, 7-Pt. II:141-143

The first time I read an excellent book, it is to me just as if I had gained a new friend; when I read over a book I have perused before, it resembles the meeting with an old one.


MARCH 19TH TO 25th

19th. THOMAS BAILEY ALDRICH, d. 19 Mr. 1907 I. A Rivermouth Romance, 7-Pt. II:129-140 II. A Death Bed, 15:136-137

20th. CHARLES G.o.dFREY LELAND, d. 20 Mr. 1903 I. Ballad, 7-Pt. II:51-52 II. Hans Breitmann"s Party, 7-Pt. I:96-97 III. De Quincey"s Levana, 4-Pt. II:145-157

21st. ROBERT SOUTHEY, d. 21 Mr. 1843 I. The Inchcape Rock, 10:153-156 II. My Days Among the Dead Are Past, 14: 261-262 III. Lincoln"s Springfield Speech, 5-Pt. I:23-36

22nd. I. Lamb"s Two Races of Men, 5-Pt. II:3-11

23rd. JOHN DAVIDSQN, disappeared 23 Mr. 1909 I. b.u.t.terflies, 12:345 II. Doyle"s Dancing Men, 22-Pt. I:63-l00

24th. HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW, d. 24 Mr. 1882 I. The Building of the Ship, ll:89-102 II. The Skeleton in Armor, 10:124-130 III. Resignation, 15:131-133 IV. The Arrow and the Song, 12:283-284

25th. I. Franklin"s George Whitefield, 6-Pt. II: 108-114 II. The Franklin Stove, 6-Pt. II:115-116 III. Civic Pride, 6-Pt. II:117-124 IV. Advice to a Young Tradesman, 6-Pt. II: 153-155

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learnings.



26th. A. E. HOUSMAN, b. 26 Mr. 1859 I. A Shropshire Lad-XIII, 12:340 II. Ferber"s Gay Old Dog, 22-Pt. II:81-114

27th. I. Thackeray"s Thorns in the Cushion, 1-Pt. I:51-64

28th. FOCH, made Commander Allied Armies, 28 Mr. 1918 I. Burr"s Fall In, 15:211 II. Coates"s Place de la Concorde, 15:226

29th. BONNIVARD, Prisoner of Chillon, liberated 29 Mr. 1536 I. Byron"s Prisoner of Chillon, 11:191-204

30th. DE WOLF HOPPER, b. 30 Mr. 1858 I. Casey at the Bat, 9-Pt. I:95-98 II. Butler"s Just Like a Cat, 8-Pt. I:152

31st. ANDREW MARVELL, b,. 31 Mr. 1621 I. The Garden, 14:20-22 II. Bermudas, 15:162-163 JOHN DONNE, d. 31 Mr. 1631 III. The Dream, 12:137-138 IV. The Will, 15:156-158 V. Death, 13:195-196 VI. A Burnt Ship, 13:272

Ap. 1st. AGNES REPPLIER, b. 1 Ap. 1858 I. A Plea for Humor, 8-Pt. II:3-25

Dreams, books are each a world; and books, we know, Are a substantial world, both pure and good: Round these, with tendrils, strong as flesh and blood, Our pastime and our happiness will grow.



2nd. I. Jefferson, 16-Pt. I:43-70 Nelson"s Victory Over the Danish Fleet, 2 Ap. 1801 II. The Battle of the Baltic, 10:189-192

3rd. WASHINGTON IRVING, b. 3 Ap. 1783 I. Wouter Van Twiller, 7-Pt. I:3-10 II. The Voyage, 3-Pt. II:61-71

4th. I. Browning"s Home Thoughts from Abroad, 12:57-58 II. Macaulay"s Byron the Poet, 2-Pt. II:94-109

5th. FRANK R. STOCKTON, b. 5 Ap. 1834 I. Pomona"s Novel, 7-Pt. II:62-81 II. A Piece of Red Calico, 8-Pt. I:105-112

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