The Gypsies

Chapter 33

Chaldroch Knife (_caldock_, sharply pointed.


Bog To get.

Masheen Cat.

Cambra Dog.

Laprogh Goose, duck.

Kaldthog Hen.

Rumogh Egg.

Kiena House (_ken_, old gypsy and modern cant).

Rawg Wagon.

Gullemnoch Shoes. To sweep, to broom.

a.n.a.lken To wash.

D"erri Bread.

R"ghoglin (gogh"leen) To laugh.

Kradyin To stop, stay, sit, lodge, remain.

Oura Town.

Lashool Nice (_lachool_. Irish).

Moinni, or moryeni Good (_min_, pleasant. Gaelic).

Moryenni yook Good man.

Gyami Bad (_cam_. Gaelic). Probably the origin of the common canting term _gammy_, bad.

Ishkimmisk Drunk (_misgeach_. Gaelic) Roglan A four-wheeled vehicle.

Lorch A two-wheeled vehicle.

Smuggle Anvil.

Granya Nail.

Riaglon Iron.

Gushuk Vessel of any kind.

Tedhi, thedi Coal; fuel of any kind.

Grawder Solder.

Tanyok Halfpenny.

(Query _tani_, little, Romany, and _nyok_, a head.) Chlorhin To hear.

Sunain To see.

Salkaneoch To taste, take.

Mailyen To feel (_c.u.mail_, to hold. Gaelic).

Crowder String.

Sobye (?) Mislain Raining (mizzle?).

Goo-ope, guop Cold.

Skoichen Rain.

Thomyok Magistrate.

Shadyog Police.

Bladhunk Prison.

Bogh To get.

Salt Arrested, taken.

Straihmed A year.

Gotherna, guttema Policeman.

[A very rare old word.]

Dyukas, or Jukas Gorgio, Gentile; one not of the cla.s.s.

Misli Coming, to come, to send.

To my-deal To me.

Lychyen People.

Grannis Know.

Skolaia To write.

Skolaiyami A good scholar.

Nyok Head.

Lurk Eye.

Menoch Nose.

Glorhoch Ear.

Koris Feet.

Tashi shingomai To read the newspaper.

Gorheid Money.

Tomgarheid (_i.e._ big money) Gold.

Skawfer, skawper Silver.

Tomnumpa Bank-note.

Terri Coal.

Ghoi Put.

Nyadas Table.

Kradyin Being, lying.

Tarryin Rope.

Kor"heh Box.

Miseli Quick.

Krad"hyi Slow.

Th-mddusk Door.

Khaihed Chair (_khahir_. Irish).

Bord Table.

Grainyog Window.

Rumog Egg.

Aidh b.u.t.ter.

Okonneh A priest. Thus explained in a very Irish manner: "_Okonneh_, or _Koony_, _is_ a _sacred_ man, and _kuni_ in Romany means secret. An" sacret and sacred, sure, are all the same."

Shliema Smoke, pipe.

Munches Tobacco.

Khadyogs Stones.

Yiesk Fish (_iasg_. Gaelic).

Cab Cabbage.

Cherpin Book. This appears to be vulgar.

_Llyower_ was on second thought declared to be the right word.

(_Leabhar_, Gaelic.) Misli dainoch To write a letter; to write; that is, send or go.

Misli to my bewr Write to my woman.

Gritche Dinner.

Gruppa Supper.

Goihed To leave, lay down.

Lurks Eyes.

Ainoch Thing.

Clisp To fall, let fall.

Clishpen To break by letting fall.

Guth, gut Black.

Gothni, gachlin Child.

Styemon Rat.

Krepoch Cat.

Grannien With child.

Loshub Sweet.

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