The Harem King

Chapter 142

"Why are you asking for something that private, Bunny?!" Harry"s eyes grew big and his hands covered the front of his groin.

I could only shake my head at this and dreaded the moment i"d take the filthy coins that has the smell of an old man"s c.o.c.k on it.

"I will double the money when i return it to you, Harry. I promise." i said.

"..." the ugly old man denied me silently and he even sported an angry glare on his face. It was the last of his possessions and i knew well enough of the importance of money in this place.

With a few copper coins, one can buy bread and even some soup on the side. But without it, only the fruits outside would suffice the needs of the penniless.

Though there would be consequences on taking much of the potent unprocessed produce of the lands.

"BOINK!" i could even feel my stomach churn because of the recent intake of Chikata a few minutes ago.

I knew that an hour or so from now, i would have to go to the restroom to dump the fruit"s toxic remains. But an hour would suffice me well enough. Now i just needed to get some capital on my hands.

"TRIPLE!" i offered louder and raised three fingers before this old waste.

"DEAL!" Harry agreed in a flash and laughed for all that he was worth.

His eyes sparkled in interest and i knew that he was using what little brain he had to calculate how much gain he would have, come collection day.

Upon seeing this faded man"s thrilled face, i could not help but give a little smile in turn.

The innocent and the simple minded were indeed foolish in their ways but that did not mean that they can never bring joy or amus.e.m.e.nt to somebody else.

"Here you go, Bunny! Don"t forget what you owe me." Harry reached beneath his stinking pants and brought forth a small sack one breath later.

I could only imagine how the tiny bag of coins fitted down there. Perhaps this acted as Harry"s third b.a.l.l.s and i would not deny that possibility at all.

"Thank you, Harry. Before the sun is gone, you shall have your money back and more." i reaffirmed our agreement.

The container of the coins was horrible to the senses and i did not even justify its existence by adding anymore description to Harry"s third b.a.l.l.s. There was a thin string on top of the disgusting storage.

I unrolled the tightly wrapped nauseous gift and when i did, the abused tortured and mistreated copper coins came into view. All 16 pieces of them broken metals.

I put the sorry tin cans down my pocket and did not touch the thing that held them up for how many grueling years. After the initial contact, i threw them down to the collection of garbage around me.

"Come, Harry. Let us earn a fortune today!" I walked pa.s.sed the old man and back to the world outside.

It would have been better if there was fresh air to greet my exit but alas, the stench of human excrement a.s.saulted my nose once again. Its horrid smell was everywhere it seemed.

"Wait for me, Bunny!" the fool called as he was hastily tying something up between his legs.
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It might be that he was fastening the strings of fate down there but i chose not to observe further to at least retain some peace of mind on my part.

But with the warm ooze of the jiggling coins on my left leg, i knew that that would be a tall order to accomplish.

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