The Harem King

Chapter 67

"I"m sorry, father. I apologize for my actions." the fool backed down in the end. And here I thought that he would at least last a few breaths against my father"s words. Tsk Tsk. What a letdown.

"Apologize to your brother! Not to me." father corrected my foolish brother.

"It was my mistake." Aiden murmured and never even faced me nor looked into my eyes.

"What did you say?" I played with the food on my mouth. Can"t swallow you that easy, my dear brother.

"I said it was my mistake!" Aiden"s words boomed once more and I captured this moment with vivid clarity.

A scene to fuel me when I would skin this cretin alive, beneath my feet.

"You are not young anymore, Aiden. Let older brother teach you now for all the years I"ve been missing in your life." I smiled.

"PA!" before another strike went to balance the rosy cheek on my younger brother"s face.

He had his guard up this time but that paltry defense could not compare to the invisible swift hands that flew at him with dazzling accuracy.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" Aiden"s vehemence was palpable but he never took action this time.

Unlike the last, he only seethed with murderous gaze so great that even his eyes were now tinted with a crazed expression unbecoming a man and more of a wild beast than any other.

"Sit down Aiden." the calm words of my father resounded until the disturbance died out. Aiden has no choice but appear like a rabid dog put down upon his th.o.r.n.y iron throne.

"This is my eldest son, Neon. And since he is well and has fought back against his affliction, he shall resume his seat as the rightful heir of the clan." my father started.

"................." and no one answered.

Not even a needle"s drop was heard around the dining hall. But how could I let my entrance fail to be as grand as my divine self.

"The Killoran Family shall reign supreme not only of this city but also to all lands seen and unseen, Father.

That I promise you!" my voice rang loudly and the conviction I held reached to every heart upon these confines.

"You are indeed my son, Neon. My ambition halted in the city of Silentcrest. But yours exceeded this tiny pond under the heavens. Very well. I shall wait for that day"s advent! Come!

Let us dine and we shall drink until dawn!" so declared my father and the celebration began and ended with me at the center of it all.


"Shall I serve you, young master?" Noemi called for me in a shadowed corner.

The party was over and though the early morn"s light was not long in coming, that didn"t mean that I can"t take a lovely tumble at my time of wanting.

"You need to rest, Noemi. Come sleep with me tonight." I walked and closed the distance between us.

Our intense affair last night had indeed taken a toll on her. And I was not one too drowned in l.u.s.t to break a faithful servant at my side.

I held her close and pulled her into my arms. And even as the first light broke the horizon, only one thought filled my mind.

"I need to get an immortal lover soon. Or at least a b.i.t.c.h that I can use wantonly. A seasoned cultivator would be good."

Then I let myself succ.u.mbed to a dreamless sleep, with the young Noemi in my embrace.

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