Compos"d by Mr. _Theophilus Cibber_, Comedian.

The SONGS made (to old Ballad Tunes) by a Friend.

Printed for the Benefit of _Richard Cross_ the Prompter; and Sold at the Theatre. 1733. [Price Six Pence.]


Is Dedicated to the Ingenious Mr. _H O G A R T H_,

(On Whose Celebrated Designs it is Plan"d,)

_By his Well-wisher,_ _and obliged_ _Humble Servant_,

Theo. Cibber., March_ _31st, 1733._

Persons in the Harlot"s Progress.

Harlequin, Mr. _Le Brun_.

Beau _Mordecai_, Mr. _Stoppelaer_.

Old Debauchee, Mr. _Berry_.

Justice _Mittimus_, Mr. _Mullart_.

Mons. _Poudre_, Mr. _Oates_.

Constable, Mr. _Jones_.

Keeper, Mr. _Burnet_.

Porter, Mr. _Peploe_.

_Pompey_, Y. _Grace_.

Beadles, {Mr. _Gray_.

{Mr. _Wright_.

Miss _Kitty_, Miss _Raftor_.

Madam _Decoy_, Mrs. _Mullart_.

_Jenny_, Mrs. _Grace_.

Bess _Brindle_, Mr. _Leigh_.

Persons in the _Ridotto al" Fresco_.

_Les Capricieux_ by Mr. _Ess.e.x_ and Miss _Robinson_.

The _Hungarians_ by Mr. _Houghton_ and Mrs. _Walter_.

The _Fingalians_ by Mr. _Lally_ Sen. and Miss _Mears_.

_Scaramouch_, _Pierot_, and _Mezetin_ by Mr. _Lally_, Junior, Mr.

_Tench_, and Mr. _Stoppelaer_.

Ladies of Pleasure by Miss _Mann_, Miss _Atherton_ and Miss _Price_.

The Marquis _de Fresco_ by Monsieur _Arlequin en Chien_.


AFTER the Overture, the Curtain rises;--the Scene represents an Inn; The Bawd, the Country Girl, the _Debauchee_ and the Pimp, all rang"d as they are in the _first Print_.--The Parson on the Right Hand, reading the Letter, soon goes off----while the Bawd is persuading the Girl to go along with her, Harlequin appears at the Window, and seeing the Country Girl, jumps down, and gets into a Trunk which belongs to her, while the Bawd sings.

AIR I. What tho" I am a Country La.s.s.

_Let Country Damsels plainly nice, In Home-spun Russet go, Sir; While, Frolick we, chearful as wise, More pleasing Transports know, Sir.

They dull and coy, Refuse the Joy, All bashful void of Skill-a: We gay and free To each fond He Yield up our selves at Will-a._

_At last our Youth and Charms decay"d, Like old experienc"d Sinners, We follow the procuring Trade, And train up young Beginners.

Thus ample Gains, Reward our Pains; Then mock not our Profession, Like Courtiers we, Secure the Fee, And laugh at the Transgression._

After the Song, the Bawd beckons a Porter, orders him to take up the Trunk and follow her and the Girl, which he does, with Harlequin in it.--Then the _Debauchee_ comes forward, who seems to be enamour"d with the Girl; the Pimp a.s.sures him he can procure her for him, upon which the _Debauchee_ seems rejoic"d and sings in Praise of Women and Wine.

AIR II. _Brisk_ Tom _and Jolly_ Kate.

_Brisk Wine and Women are, The Sum of all our Joy; A Brimmer softens every Care, And Beauty ne"er can cloy: Then let us Drink and Love, While still our Hearts are gay, Women and Wine, by turns shall prove, Our Blessings Night and Day._

After the Song he follows her--the Pimp struts about and sings.

AIR III. _Maggy Lawther._

_Pimping is a Science, Sir, The only Mode and Fashion, To Virtue bids Defiance, Sir, "Tis the Glory of the Nation.

In City, Country, or in Court, It is the Coup d"Grace, Sir; If you your Patron"s Vice support, You need not fear a Place, Sir._

_The Lawyer pimps to gain a Coif, While Porters pimp for Hire; Kind_ Betty _serves his Worship"s Wife, The Page pimps for the Squire, "Tis pimping gains a large Estate, Makes Valets wear their Swords, Sir, For Pimps oft look as big and great, As any Duke or Lord, Sir._

After the Song he follows the Debauchee.--The Scene changes to the Street; the Debauchee having found Harlequin in Company with Miss _Kitty_, turns her out of Doors, and the Pimp kicks out Harlequin; _Kitty_ goes out in the greatest Distress--Harlequin by his Action signifies he"s in Love, and is in doubt whether to hang or drown himself, or cut his Throat, _&c_. At length he resolves to follow her, and determines to dress himself like a smart _Cadet_, in order to address her: To accomplish which he strikes the Ground, and there rises a Dressing-Table fix"d in a Cloud, furnish"d with all necessary Appurtenances.----After he is drest, the Table vanishes and he goes out.

The Scene changes to the Lodging that Beau _Mordecai_ has provided for _Kitty_, whom he has just taken into high Keeping. (This Scene is taken from _the Second Print_) she is discovered lolling upon a _Settee_, attended by her Maid and Black-Boy, admiring the Grandeur of which she is possess"d, and then sings.

AIR IV. Oh! what Pleasures will abound.

_Who wou"d not a Mistress be, Kept in Splendor thus like me?

Deckt in golden rich Array, Sparkling at each Ball and Play!

Gaily toying, Sweets enjoying Foreign to that thing a Wife, Flirting, flaunting, Jilting, jaunting, Oh the Charming happy Life!_

After the Song Harlequin creeps from under her Toilet, in the Habit of the _Cadet_, and courts Miss _Kitty_; she appears Coy at first, but at length yields to him.--Then sings.

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