
Box-lobby Loungers to my will Obedient Yield, I change their Song From bullying Ba.s.s to Treble Shrill E"en Dammes tremble on their Tongue; I mimicry too; practice much, In taking off great Art display I"m quite at home by a single touch, Because I has such a taking Vay. (_They Retire._)

Enter _Sarah Young_ & her _Servant Girl_, with a Box--on which is written "Sarah Young"--_Bailiffs_, come forward, look pryingly about--The Chair comes on P.S. _Bailiff_ stops _Rake_ and arrests him,--_Boy_ Steals his Cane--_Sarah Young_ pays the money for _Rake_, he kisses her hand, returns into Chair & is carried back: She goes off O.P.

supported by her _Girl_; having left the Contents of her Box on the Ground--The Shoe-Boy is picking them up, when _Clown_ Enters, who reads, & recollects the name, disputes with _Boy_ about the Contents of the Box, & seeing his Master"s Cane claims it--a Scuffle ensues.--Whenever _Clown_ attempts to Strike _Boy_--_Boy_ throws his Stool in _Clown"s_ way over which he breaks his Shins--_Clown_ has already a great Leak in his Hat, & finding a m.u.f.f in the Box, wears it, & apes the _Welchman_ who is going to Court.

_Scene 8^{th}_

_Bells Ringing--Marrow Bones & Cleavers &c &c_

_Rake & Old Woman._ Richly dress"d coming from Church. _Men Servants_ in Rich Liveries--_Clown._--_old Lady"s maid Serv^{t.}_ &c all in favours.--_Parish Clerk_ Bows very low--_Old Lady_ Stops & makes him a present--_Marrow Bones & Cleavers_ beg of _Rake_ who throws money on the Ground, they Scramble for it. Company go off.--Tune during the Whole time--"Mind the Golden Rule." _Sarah Young_, on coming out of Church, faints against a Monument: Recovers to see them go off--Looks after them.--pause--Sings

_Air.--Tune--"Mary"s Lamentation."_

I sigh, I lament me in vain The Chill wind Re-echo"s my moan; Alas, what can equal my pain-- When I think that for ever he"s gone.

My Eyes, when they"re raised above, View Birds as they wanton in Air Sweet Birds!--Ye are coupled by Love I weep & I sink in despair.

Tho" Affection be all turn"d to hate And that Hate be the Sum of my woes My fears will arrise for his Fate, I cannot divest me of those.

Base Man! know in Ages to come, Thy falsehood detested Shall be And when I am Cold in my tomb Some Heart still shall sorrow for me. (_Bell Tolls._)

What Visions now crowd on my Sight!

White Rob"d--with Eyes bent on the ground!

Ah! me--"tis a Funeral Rite-- I hear the deep Bell"s solemn sound.

It tells me my Sorrows will close, On Care"s softest pillow all lye The Grave will extinguish my woes Then Sarah--prepare thee to die!


_Scene 9^{th}_

_Servants_ attending--Enter _Rake_ follow"d by _Clown_, who is ridiculously dress"d--_Rake_ gives Orders to _Servants_ and Exit--_Clown_ follows a little way--then conceitedly returns & Sings to Servants.

_Song. Clown._

Quite a Clod I came up my Shoes tied with a thong, Lookd foolish--quite mulish I trudg"d it along, And gaz"d like an Oaf at the wonderful throng, That here so gay smart & brave are; A ninny--the Twaddle--Lord quite a mere Hic A terrible bore--quite a Thing--a Queer Stick-- But now, I"m the tippee--the dandy--the kick-- "Look here--here again--here again--here" (_Spoke_) Tol de rol, de rol, la rol lol, la rol, lal la Oh, Damme! I"m devilish clever.


For Band Regulations to Butch.e.l.ls I pop My ankles just hid by a Natty Boot-top, Pig-tails are a Bore so I mount the neat Crop To appear the clean thing"s my Endeavour My negligent coat-cape proclaims me the Beau Ease & Elegance always are habited so I"m the tippee--the dandy--the kick too--heigho!

"Look here &c &c &c


The Girls all admire me--each fancy I please, To one give a leer, tip the other a Squeeze, Blow a kiss to the Third--for you see I"m all ease And each Whispers thanks for the favour Boh--Damme!--an oath I so pleasantly swear And for Duels--Bounce--Bang--let them fight me who dare I"m the tippee--the Dandy--the Kick too--look there-- There again &c &c-- _Exit_

Noise without. Enter _Porter_ with a _Washing Machine_, puts it down--Enter Beat"em, pursued by Washerwomen, who beat him & break his washing machine--Tear his Bills &c &c two or three of the _Women_ hold him, while an _Irish Washerwoman_ sings the following _Song_.

_Song Shelah O"Sudds--Tune "The Siege of Troy."_

Och! Mr. Acrostic I hate your big notes, In op"ning your Mouth, why you"d stop all our Thoats; Wid Natty Men Milliners, Och! You"d be even, And Starve all the Fair-s.e.x wid Men-Washer-Women.

But leave off such Nonsense "tis better, my Joy, Than let Shelah O"Sudds be widout her Employ; We"ll beat all your Beat"ems but give us fair-play While wid Elbows & Fists we lather away.

_Chorus._ Sing Latherum, whack!--boderation, my Joy, Let Shelah O"Sudds pray now have her employ She"ll beat all your Beat"ems but give her fair play While wid Elbows & fists She Lather"d away.


Wid your Saving & Soaping you make such a fuss, But you save what is Ours for you steal it from us "Bout your Beauty & Elegance, always are teizing, By my Soul it"s too pleasant, for long to be pleasing.

So leave off &c--


To destroy our Endeavours to live is"t you mean?

It"s a black, dirty Job, tho" you do it so Clean But a Wipe we must give you; agree, my dear Jewel-- And an Irish Shilaleh shall serve as the Towel.

So leave off &c

_Exeunt--beating him off._

_Scene 10^{th}_

_One O"Clock in The Morning._

Two or More _Chairmen_ playing at All-fours & Singing--

_Catch._--"Agree, Agree, if not d"ye see."

Piano & Forte, according to the distance of the Watchman who calls the Hour, & when the Watchmen Enter they cover their Lanthorn with a Coat-Flap, & resume the Game when Watchman is gone. During this time the _Gamblers_ who are in the next Scene, are to pa.s.s from P.S. to O.P.

Sculkingly. _Rake_ pa.s.ses,--Stops,--pulls out his purse, shakes it, and Shutting one Eye--Signifies he had it from his One Ey"d Wife. _Catch Continues_--"Agree Agree" &c--Scene Closes.

_Scene 11^{th}_

Discovers _Gamblers_ at play. _Rake_ Seated.

_Catch_--"Pa.s.s the Box, come pa.s.s it faster."-- or--"Rattle Dice, Rattle."--

_Rake_ looses all his Cash--then his Watch--Sword Knee-Buckles --Snuff-Box--Ring--Everything. _A Man_ Stands at his Back--supplies him with money on them "till all is gone--When he Kneels.--Smoke is issuing thro" the Pannel, which does not alarm Gamblers in the least. Enter Watchmen--They continue playing & Singing--Scene Closes.

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