The Heir is Here: Quiet Down, School Prince!

Chapter 983: The Big Fat Wedding (14)

Chapter 983: The Big Fat Wedding (14)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The n.o.body went on singing love songs for the famous planner, which lasted for over three months. In the end, the famous planner was so moved that she accepted the n.o.body’s love.

The planner was well-connected, so whenever she had projects for cover versions of old songs or needed actors for radio shows, she would recommend the n.o.body for the job.

The n.o.body had a beautiful voice. After a radio show depicting a relations.h.i.+p between a master and an apprentice, he became popular.

The n.o.body changed after that. He no longer paid thoughtful attention to the planner and the love songs stopped.

Then came a day when the n.o.body, scratch that, the somebody, came to the planner, asking her to design a cover for an alb.u.m he was going to release with his own money.

The naive planner helped him and busied herself with all the work involved.

One stormy night, the somebody called her, whining about not having enough money for the alb.u.m. In a moment of weakness, the planner lent him 100,000 yuan.

The alb.u.m was then released and turned out to be a hit. The somebody was recruited by an entertainment company, and officially became an artist.

However, he never mentioned that 100,000 yuan again.

The planner was then urgently in need of that money, so she contacted him. He then took the planner shopping and bought her that bracelet, but never showed up again afterward.

And that was the bracelet Ai Bao was holding now.

“That’s my story.” Ai Bao sighed. “You must think me a hopeless idiot.”

An Yibei said casually, “Fraud is a crime. Do you need me to sue him for you?”

“Well…” Ai Bao was dazed. As a matter of fact, that had never crossed her mind.

“Do you have any evidence? Such as recordings or chat history on lending him the money, or an IOU?” An Yibei calmly a.n.a.lyzed the situation for her.

Ai Bao looked frustrated. “No. I didn’t think he would do this to me, so I didn’t keep any records.”

An Yibei smiled a little. “As a matter of fact… I’m a little short on cash these days as well. Can you lend me some money?”

“Hm… I…” Ai Bao bit her lip. She was so broke now that she had to live on instant noodles and pickles. If she lent him the money… would she even be able to survive?

“How much do you want?” Ai Bao asked, knitting her eyebrows in despair.

Thud —

He rapped her forehead with his knuckles.

An Yibei said with a solemn look on his face, “Just say no if you don’t want to lend money out. ‘The rich help the world and the poor help themselves.’ Have you ever heard this saying? Are you rich now?”

“No.” Ai Bao said a prayer for herself in her head.

“Then keep your money to yourself! You need to take care of yourself first!”

“Yes.” Ai Bao lowered her gaze and wrung her hands together.

An Yibei found his tone a little too harsh. He then cleared his throat and said, “Actually, there’s another way to get your money back.”

“How?” Ai Bao’s eyes lit up and she stared at An Yibei unblinkingly.

An Yibei smirked. “Hire some paid commenters to spread rumors about him until he kneels down at your feet, begging you to take his money!”

Ai Bao was speechless. That was so malicious and so ign.o.ble, but sounded like so much fun!

“How do we hire those people?” Ai Bao asked expectantly.

“I have no idea.” An Yibei shrugged.

Ai Bao lay over the table like a deflated balloon.

An Yibei reminded her, “Watch out for the grease on the table.”

After some thought, he added, “Dry-cleaning is quite expensive.”

Ai Bao, who was unmoved by the first reminder, sat back up immediately after the second sentence.

“How much is that bracelet worth?”

“The price tag was a little under 50,000… I’ll probably get 30,000 if I sell it to a jewelry store.”

The lenses of An Yibei’s glinted coldly. “Follow my instructions and I guarantee you’ll get your money back.”

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