The Heiress

Chapter 40: 40

Chapter 40: 40

"Mr . . Mr . Cheng . . . I--I . . . . M-my n-n-name is--" a woman stuttered out

"Get out!" he roared . He had asked his people to hire him someone like Anna but not one who stutters!

At the same time, it truly wasn"t the girl"s fault . His regal and defined self glared at her, placing an indescribable pressure on her shoulders, preventing her to speak .

Once again, another secretary in training was fired . .

"Get me someone capable . NOW!!"

Sigh . . If only Anna was here . .

Days pa.s.sed by the same way, He was like a robot who only knew how to say "you"re fired" or "get out" . In the end, Cheng Ming-hùa did everything himself . He was fast and efficient, quietly working 24 hours a day .

People who saw him, shrieked in fear due to his dark eyebags and red eyes . He kept working himself out without eating as he never went out of his office .

He did this before, even when he had a bimbo, muscleheaded secretary so what"s the point of not doing it again?

People in the company was scared if this ticking time bomb inside a human sh.e.l.l . They thought it would not come back since it died down when Ms . Lin arrived, but who knew the devil would come back . . ?

He brought down h.e.l.l in his office, working down his employees . His meetings took long hours and his decisions were final . No one came to serve them inside the room and none of them complained, no matter how much they wanted to .

He brought down h.e.l.l in his office, working down his employees . His meetings took long hours and his decisions were final . No one came to serve them inside the room and none of them complained, no matter how much they wanted to .

It was an awful start of the year, making them miss the cold hearted secretary who was once by Mr . Cheng"s side, making decisions for him .

Taking into consideration the time they spent working together, he had not shown her this side of him, not once . It was as if he transformed into a whole new being whenever she was near .

It had only been a year of her working for him yet she seemed to do and understand whatever he wanted in perfection .

After a few hours more of work, his eyes seemed to blur as his surroundings gradually disappeared in sight . It was black all around .

Of course, not eating and sleeping brought out harsh consequences to his body . Cheng Ming-hùa fainted and was brought to the hospital .

When he woke up, he was welcomed by the faint scent of disinfectant . He hated the feeling of being stuck in bed on a drip, or even looking out at the window, only to see the boring, same old blue sky .

When he woke up, he was welcomed by the faint scent of disinfectant . He hated the feeling of being stuck in bed on a drip, or even looking out at the window, only to see the boring, same old blue sky .

"Finally, you"re awake . You"ve been asleep for two days from overfatigue, I"m surprised it wasn"t any later" the doctor who was once with Anna Lin greeted him

"Discharge me"

"ha . . hahahahahaha . . hahahahahaha" the doctor chuckled "I"m sorry, you remind me so much of my friend" he grinned but saw that Cheng Ming-hùa was not in the mood to joke around, he cleared his throat

"Mr . Cheng, you fainted from exhausting your limits . Take into consideration resting for a week . You have the case of insomnia,yes? In that case take a vacation to clear your mind once in a while"

"discharge" Ming-hùa repeated once more

"sure sure, here Mr . Cheng, just sign this and you"re good to go"
"discharge" Ming-hùa repeated once more

"sure sure, here Mr . Cheng, just sign this and you"re good to go"

. . . .

Cheng Ming-hùa was discharged from the hospital and almost immediately, a car pulled up in front of the entrance and he got in .

"vacation . . huh?"

"the airport"Mr Mr . Cheng . I--I M-my n-n-name is-- a woman stuttered out Get out! he roared . He had asked his people to hire him someone like Anna but not one who stutters! At the same time, it truly wasnt the girls fault . His regal and defined self glared at her, placing an indescribable pressure on her shoulders, preventing her to speak . Once again, another secretary in training was fired Get me someone capable . NOW!! Sigh If only Anna was here Days pa.s.sed by the same way, He was like a robot who only knew how to say youre fired or get out . In the end, Cheng Ming-hùa did everything himself . He was fast and efficient, quietly working 24 hours a day . People who saw him, shrieked in fear due to his dark eyebags and red eyes . He kept working himself out without eating as he never went out of his office . He did this before, even when he had a bimbo, muscleheaded secretary so whats the point of not doing it again? People in the company was scared if this ticking time bomb inside a human sh.e.l.l . They thought it would not come back since it died down when Ms . Lin arrived, but who knew the devil would come back ? He brought down h.e.l.l in his office, working down his employees . His meetings took long hours and his decisions were final . No one came to serve them inside the room and none of them complained, no matter how much they wanted to . It was an awful start of the year, making them miss the cold hearted secretary who was once by Mr . Chengs side, making decisions for him . Taking into consideration the time they spent working together, he had not shown her this side of him, not once . It was as if he transformed into a whole new being whenever she was near . It had only been a year of her working for him yet she seemed to do and understand whatever he wanted in perfection . After a few hours more of work, his eyes seemed to blur as his surroundings gradually disappeared in sight . It was black all around . Of course, not eating and sleeping brought out harsh consequences to his body . Cheng Ming-hùa fainted and was brought to the hospital . When he woke up, he was welcomed by the faint scent of disinfectant . He hated the feeling of being stuck in bed on a drip, or even looking out at the window, only to see the boring, same old blue sky . Finally, youre awake . Youve been asleep for two days from overfatigue, Im surprised it wasnt any later the doctor who was once with Anna Lin greeted him Discharge me ha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha the doctor chuckled Im sorry, you remind me so much of my friend he grinned but saw that Cheng Ming-hùa was not in the mood to joke around, he cleared his throat Mr . Cheng, you fainted from exhausting your limits . Take into consideration resting for a week . You have the case of insomnia,yes? In that case take a vacation to clear your mind once in a while discharge Ming-hùa repeated once more sure sure, here Mr . Cheng, just sign this and youre good to go Cheng Ming-hùa was discharged from the hospital and almost immediately, a car pulled up in front of the entrance and he got in . vacation huh? the airport

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