The Hero

Chapter 4

The Hero

Volume 8 – Motive

Chapter 4

"There"s nothing more to see. Evasion abilities are between Rank A and Rank S. This shows that it wasn"t strange to have seen his amazing close combat abilities during battle. Only, his detection abilities are between Rank C and Rank B, and……"

The last thing left was the measurement of his instant emission of mana.

"The instant release of destructive power that he can do in a single shot, is over Rank SS."

As YooShik stared at the researcher who gave him this info., his face turned pale with fright. Not at the Rank S level, but Rank SS? Only a handful of people in the world had such numbers.

"It"s pointless to administer more tests. Even if we were to retake the tests, the result won"t be too different from what it"s showing right now. It wouldn"t be weird to call him a monster."

YooShik opened his mouth and stared at Haneul through the window. Haneul looked to be surprised with the broken machine. And, although YooShik had had the feeling that Haneul was an extraordinary character, this was just ridiculous.

"Even though I saw it with my own eyes, I still can"t believe it…… I, I will go visit the director really quick. I"ll leave the rest of the testing process to you."

"You want to continue testing Silver Knight?"

"No. I feel that it would be useless to do so. I was talking about the remaining tests for the other Heroes."

YooShik went up to the top floor.

Operation command center.

It was a place that was as big as a gym, and filled with several dozens of people and computers. Although it looked ridiculous to have so many people in one room, their true abilities came out when a rift appeared.

And, within the deep regions of the command center, there existed a small room.

It was the Director"s office where the Director of operations worked at.

It was a very narrow room to be considered a Director"s office.

Knock knock.

"Come in."

YooShik opened the door and walked inside.

As JooHyuk Park saw who walked in, he put down the doc.u.ments he was holding.

"So, it"s department head Kim. That must mean the shock must have been from the 4th floor then. Now, hurry and sit."

"Yes, sir."

"Do you want some coffee?"

"Ah, I"ll prepare it, sir."

"It"s okay. This is my room, and you"re my guest."

Although it was a weird thing to say, YooShik did not respond back to it. There wasn"t anybody in this building that didn"t know of Director Park"s stubbornness.

As hot water was poured into the coffee pot, a fragrant coffee aroma filled the room.

"Then shall we get straight to the point. Seeing as how you didn"t use the internal line to call me, and came here in person instead, you must have gotten results. Does he have the strength of a Rank S Hero as you"ve thought?"

"No, sir."

YooShik shook his head, and as JooHyuk frowned, his face was filled with disappointment.

"It"s too bad. I thought a Hero that could compete against the world ranks was going to appear here in Korea. Does that mean that the numerical values that had come out from the pillar of fire was due to an error?"

"That"s not it. The numbers show that he is of the Rank SS level."

JooHyuk"s eyes suddenly grew wide with surprise.

Then YooShik quickly added.

"It"s not his overall score, however his instant emission of mana is above that of Rank SS. Furthermore, compared to before, almost all numerical values are showing a margin of growth. That means there"s a possibility that he might be more than that."

"Rank SS……so ridiculous."

"He didn"t use his full strength when he hit the target, so there might be an error. However, there"s a high chance that the expected values will generally be higher. There"s no mistake that Silver Knight is a Hero beyond description."

Feeling the dryness within his mouth, JooHyuk took a sip of his coffee.

"Although this should be information I should be happy about, I feel like all of this is an omen for what"s to come in the near future. The same feeling I got with the recent Dominator as well."

"All tests have been completed."

YooShik gave each of them their own test results in an envelope.

They each checked their own results.

Thinking that it couldn"t be true, Haneul opened the envelope to look at the results. As soon as he did, his face stiffened.

"Rank S?"

"Corresponding to your results, any adjustment that needs to be made for your rank will be made at a later time. Only, because of the current formula for the cla.s.sification system, there are some of you that will not be getting a rank change. I hope that you do not feel disappointed regarding this matter. Now, I think I"ve relayed everything I needed to, so it"s okay for all of you to return. Thank you for following through with our sudden request to come to HQ"s."

Chapter 4 Completed.

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