Ask me why I send you here, II. 6.

At draw-gloves we"ll play, I. 122.

At my homely country seat, I. 191.

At post and pair, or slam, Tom Tuck would play, II. 46.

At stool-ball, Lucia, let us play, II. 45.

Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt, II. 137.

Away enchased with gla.s.s and beads, I. 111.

Away with silks, away with lawn, I. 193.

Bacchus, let me drink no more, I. 153.

Bad are the times. And worse than they are we, I. 198.

Be bold, my book, nor be abash"d, or fear, II. 11.

Be not dismayed, though crosses cast thee down. II. 137.

Be not proud, but now incline, I. 120.

Be the mistress of my choice, II. 36.

Be those few hours, which I have yet to spend, II. 241.

Beauty no other thing is than a beam, I. 39.

Beauty"s no other but a lovely grace, II. 92.

Before man"s fall the rose was born, II. 246.

Before the press scarce one could see, II. 107.

Begin to charm, and as thou strok"st mine ears, I. 81.

Begin with a kiss, II. 57.

Begin with Jove; then is the work half-done, I. 159.

Bellman of night if I about shall go, II. 182.

Besides us two, i" th" temple here"s not one, I. 210.

Biancha let, I. 34.

Bid me to live, and I will live, I. 135.

Bind me but to thee with thine hair, II. 115.

Blessings in abundance come, I. 155.

Born I was to be old, I. 247.

Born I was to meet with age, I. 240.

Both you two have, I. 138.

Break off delay, since we but read of one, II. 63.

Breathe, Julia, breathe, and I"ll protest, I. 84.

Bright tulips, we do know, I. 231.

Bring me my rosebuds, drawer, come, II. 6.

Bring the holy crust of bread, II. 103.

Brisk methinks I am, and fine, II. 134.

Burn or drown me, choose ye whether, II. 67.

But born, and like a short delight, I. 84.

By dream I saw one of the three, I. 192.

By hours we all live here; in Heaven is known, II. 240.

By so much virtue is the less, II. 66.

By the next kindling of the day, II. 88.

By the weak"st means things mighty are o"erthrown, II. 48.

By those soft tods of wool, II. 71.

By time and counsel do the best we can, I. 150.

Call me no more, I. 180.

Can I not come to Thee, my G.o.d, for these, II. 186.

Can I not sin, but thou wilt be, II. 193.

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