What need we marry women, when, II. 120.

What needs complaints, II. 141.

What now we like, anon we disapprove, I. 240.

What offspring other men have got, II. 42.

What others have with cheapness seen and ease, II. 161.

What sweeter music can we bring, II. 202.

What though my harp and viol be, II. 199.

What though the heaven be lowering now, I. 236.

What though the sea be calm? Trust to the sh.o.r.e, I. 104.

What times of sweetness this fair day foreshows, I. 52.

What was"t that fell but now, I. 90.

What will ye, my poor orphans, do, II. 19.

What wisdom, learning, wit or wrath, I. 57.

What"s got by justice is established sure, II. 141.

What"s that we see from far? the spring of day, I. 139.

Whatever comes, let"s be content withal, II. 187.

Whatever men for loyalty pretend, II. 163.

Whatsoever thing I see, II. 65.

When a daffodil I see, I. 45.

When a man"s faith is frozen up, as dead, II. 196.

When after many l.u.s.ters thou shalt be, II. 36.

When age or chance has made me blind, I. 38.

When all birds else do of their music fail, II. 57.

When as in silks my Julia goes, II. 77.

When as Leander young was drown"d, I. 49.

When Chub brings in his harvest, still he cries, II. 157.

When fear admits no hope of safety, then, II. 163.

When first I find those numbers thou dost write, II. 125.

When flowing garments I behold, II. 138.

When I a ship see on the seas, II. 214.

When I a verse shall make, II. 11.

When I behold a forest spread, I. 254.

When I behold Thee, almost slain, II. 252.

When I consider, dearest, thou dost stay, I. 243.

When I departed am, ring thou my knell, I. 138.

When I did go from thee, I felt that smart, I. 50.

When I go hence, ye closet-G.o.ds, I fear, II. 30.

When I love (as some have told), II. 1.

When I of Villars do but hear the name, I. 172.

When I shall sin, pardon my trespa.s.s here, II. 206.

When I through all my many poems look, I. 117.

When I thy parts run o"er, I can"t espy, I. 9.

When I thy singing next shall hear, I. 25.

When Julia blushes she does show, I. 150.

When Julia chid, I stood as mute the while, I. 70.

When laws full powers have to sway, we see, II. 12.

When man is punished, he is plagued still, II. 211.

When my date"s done, and my grey age must die, I. 47.

When my off"ring next I make, I. 197.

When one is past, another care we have, I. 20.

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