Studies themselves will languish and decay, II. 144.

Suffer thy legs but not thy tongue to walk, II. 172.

Suspicion, discontent, and strife, I. 58.

Sweet Amarillis, by a spring"s, I. 55.

Sweet are my Julia"s lips, and clean, II. 95.

Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes, I. 74.

Sweet Bridget blush"d, and therewithal, I. 255.

Sweet country life, to such unknown, II. 33.

Sweet none, do but say, II. 81.

Sweet virgin, that I do not set, I. 182.

Sweet western wind, whose luck it is, I. 128.

Take mine advice, and go not near, II. 98.

Tears most prevail; with tears, too, thou mayst move, II. 107.

Tears quickly dry, griefs will in time decay, II. 115.

Tears, though they"re here below the sinner"s brine, II. 29.

Tell if thou canst, and truly, whence doth come, I. 196.

Tell me, rich man, for what intent. II. 244.

Tell me, what needs those rich deceits, II. 101.

Tell me, young man, or did the muses bring, II. 122.

Tell that brave man, fain thou wouldst have access, II. 125.

Tell us, thou clear and heavenly tongue, II. 207.

Temptations hurt not, though they have access II. 196.

Thanksgiving for a former, doth invite, II. 181

Th" art hence removing (like a shepherd"s tent), I. 235.

Th" "ast dar"d too far; but, fury, now forbear, I. 100.

That Christ did die, the pagan saith, II. 245.

That flow of gallants which approach, II. 47.

That for seven l.u.s.ters I did never come, I. 31.

That happiness does still the longest thrive, II. 81.

That hour-gla.s.s which there you see, I. 52.

That little, pretty, bleeding part, II. 279.

That love last long, let it thy first care be, I. 232.

That love "twixt men does ever longest last, II. 157.

That manna, which G.o.d on His people cast, II. 224.

That morn which saw me made a bride, I. 136.

That prince must govern with a gentle hand, II. 153.

That prince takes soon enough the victor"s room, I. 136.

That prince who may do nothing but what"s just, II. 162.

That princes may possess a surer seat, I. 203.

That there"s a G.o.d we all do know, II. 243.

The bad among the good are here mixed ever, II. 229.

The blood of Abel was a thing, II. 235.

The body is the soul"s poor house or home, II. 98.

The body"s salt, the soul is; which when gone, II. 162.

The bound almost now of my book I see, II. 140.

The doctors in the Talmud, say, II. 235.

The factions of the great ones call, II. 101.

The fire of h.e.l.l this strange condition hath, II. 235.

The G.o.ds require the thighs, II. 60.

The G.o.ds to kings the judgment give to sway, I. 136.

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