The Hidden Wife Of The Cold CEO

Chapter 578 – Meixu Being Rude To s.h.i.+ Qiao

Chapter 578 – Meixu Being Rude To s.h.i.+ Qiao

"The ads I"m shooting, is it for his company?" Meixu asked with an ugly facial expression on her face.

"Yes, didn"t you read it from the first page of the contract when you opened it?." Her manager asked.

There was a smile on s.h.i.+ Qiao"s face when Meixu turned to look at him. "It looks like you don"t read a contract before you sign it, are you not afraid of getting into trouble?."

Meixu rolled her eyes at him and said, "My wellbeing is for me to worry about, it has nothing to do with you."

s.h.i.+ Qiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you say so."

Meixu was in regret as she had no idea of the company she just signed a contract with. She had merely glanced at the first page of the contract, and it never dawned on her to at least check the company she would be working for if she was too late to glance at the entire contract.

"Meixu what have you gotten yourself into?" Meixu thought to herself. Now she was in a dilemma and was wondering what was hard to take 2 seconds to glance at the t.i.tle page of the contract.

There was no remedy to crying over spilled milk, the deed has been done.

"Manager s.h.i.+, please have a copy of the contract." Meixu"s manager said as he respectfully handed the original contract to s.h.i.+ Qiao, who took it from him and began to flip the pages.

When s.h.i.+ Qiao saw Meixu"s signature, he smiled in satisfaction before closing the contract and pa.s.sing it to his a.s.sistant he walked in with him.

"Miss Fu, could you please come with me, so we can talk about the details for the ad shoot?" s.h.i.+ Qiao asked with a smile, and with his hands in his front trouser pockets.

"I"m not going anywhere with you," Meixu replied and sat back down on the sofa, she didn"t even bother to spare him another glance as she picked up a magazine on the table and began to flip through the pages.

s.h.i.+ Qiao was not bothered by her rude actions. Instead, he smiled and glanced at her manager to ask, "The contract has been signed, and I have a copy of it already, and that means that Miss Fu can start work immediately if she doesn"t have any ongoing projects, right?"

Meixu"s manager glanced at Meixu before glancing back at s.h.i.+ Qiao to reply with a slight smile, "Yes."

Meixu seemed to know where this was going to, so she immediately said before s.h.i.+ Qiao could respond.

"I already have an ongoing project, so wait patiently for your turn."

s.h.i.+ Qiao smiled meaningfully. He took his palms out from his trouser pockets and clapped them together.

"Miss Fu, I checked your work schedule this morning before you arrived. You have no current ongoing work. You have 2 weeks free time till FJ"s fas.h.i.+on show and your next filming project."

Hearing that he had already checked her schedule, Meixu glanced at her manager and asked, "When did my schedule become something you can share with others?"

"The director let him see it." Her manager replied.

This was not s.h.i.+ Qiao"s first time in the company, and he was very familiar, especially after Zhi Ruo got physical with Meixu.

No outsider knew what kind of relations.h.i.+p truly existed between s.h.i.+ Qiao and Meixu at that time, and also currently. But the impression they left on them, was that they were on good terms.

But with what was going on in front of Meixu"s manager, he was sure something wrong must have happened in their relations.h.i.+p.

Meixu thought she must correct their thoughts. The director must have thought that her relations.h.i.+p with s.h.i.+ Qiao now, was still the same as in the past, and that must be the reason he allowed him to see her schedule.

"From today, n.o.body can have an access to my schedule apart from the company, and my a.s.sistant, no outsider is allowed to see it, because you don"t know what kind of while intention that is going through their mind," Meixu said to her manager.

Meixu was very direct with her words, and her manager was afraid she might offend s.h.i.+ Qiao, but looking at the person who he thought was offended by Meixu"s rudeness, he discovered that there was no need to worry because s.h.i.+ Qiao didn"t take her words to heart.

"I will take her with me now." s.h.i.+ Qiao said to her manager before taking her hand and pulling her out, ignoring her protests.

s.h.i.+ Qiao"s a.s.sistant picked up Meixu"s bag and left with them.

"Where are you taking me to? Let go off me!" Meixu said in a raised tone.

"Don"t forget where we are, don"t make a fool of yourself, or you may appear on the news headline." s.h.i.+ Qiao reminded her.

Being reminded of her image, Meixu shrugged her hand out of his grasp. "I can walk by myself, as I also don"t want some ugly news to be written about us. I also care about my image."

s.h.i.+ Qiao laughed over her actions and led the way. Meixu joined him and his a.s.sistant in their car. Expecting them to take her to their company, she was rather taken to a high-end restaurant that had meeting rooms.

"Is this where we are having the meeting?" Meixu asked with a frown.

"Why not? This place is good, and there are private rooms that can be used to have meetings." s.h.i.+ Qiao explained.

After they had settled into the meeting room s.h.i.+ Qiao reserved, a waiter came to take their order. Meixu ordered so many dishes she knew she could not eat finish. She wanted to waste s.h.i.+ Qiao"s money, and that led to her action.

"…and one serving of steak. Also get a bottle of the most expensive wine in your restaurant, that will be all." Meixu said and handed the menu back to the waiter.

After watching her order different kinds of dishes, s.h.i.+ Qiao asked, "Can you finish everything you just ordered?."

"Does it matter? I want to try all the dishes in this restaurant." Meixu said.

"Why do I feel that your interest is to burn a hole in my pocket?" s.h.i.+ Qiao asked.

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