The Hidden Wife Of The Cold CEO

Chapter 693 Who proposes like s.h.i.+ Qiao?

Chapter 693 Who proposes like s.h.i.+ Qiao?

”I love this place!” Meixu said with a big smile.

”I know you would, and that was the reason I put this in place with your taste.” s.h.i.+ Qiao replied with a smile as he pulled out a chair for her.

He had been dating for a while now to know her taste. And because he wanted her to be happy, he worked with her taste.

After making sure she was seated comfortably, s.h.i.+ Qiao went to sit on the chair opposite hers.

It didn’t take time for the food s.h.i.+ Qiao had ordered while he was booking the s.p.a.ce, to be brought over.

As the waiters served their food and wine, s.h.i.+ Qiao explained to the surprised Meixu who wanted to ask about their food order.

”Before today, I came to this place to try their food, and once I found it palatable for you, I immediately decided to bring you here once you got some time off.”

”Thank you, you are a Darling!” Meixu praised.

”That’s what boyfriends are for.” s.h.i.+ Qiao replied before ordering the waiter to open the bottle of expensive Italian wine.

s.h.i.+ Qiao poured some quant.i.ty of the red wine into their wine, and as he did so, Meixu closed her eyes, relinquis.h.i.+ng the strong aroma of the wine.

”This is a good deal,” Meixu said with her eyes on the bottle of wine. The aroma of the wine was enough to tell that it was a good one.

”Sure it is. Just wait until you have a taste.” s.h.i.+ Qiao said as he pushed her gla.s.s close to her, before picking up his own gla.s.s.

After having a taste of the wine, Meixu finished the remaining in her gla.s.s and wanted more, just like the way Jia Li acted before.

”This wine is very sweet, but be careful as it has an undercover. You can easily overlook it because of the sweetness.” s.h.i.+ Qiao warned with a knowing smile.

A sweet smile appeared on Meixu’s face as she confirmed, “Let me guess, it’s easy to get drunk while drinking it?”

”Bingo,” s.h.i.+ Qiao replied with a wink.

”That’s not an issue, I have you to send me back home,” Meixu replied nonchalantly as she helped herself with another gla.s.s.

s.h.i.+ Qiao smiled and helped himself with the food. Steak was among the food he had ordered, so he helped Meixu to cut her potion into smaller pieces.

After eating, the waiters who have been standing at a distance, came up to clear the dishes, after which another set of food was brought over.

Meixu was once again surprised with the tray of food. “What’s your plan, to fatten me up during my short break?” She asked with a smiling gaze directed at him.

”Who knows…” s.h.i.+ Qiao said as he pushed one of the meal desserts to her side.

After serving her, he looked at her and said with a meaningful smile, “All these desserts may look like they have high calories, but trust me, they have low calories. I had them prepare them to your taste. But you can try mine because it is the normal version.”

s.h.i.+ Qiao had the restaurant prepare Meixu’s favorite desserts with the perfect calorie intake she needed in a day since she was watching her weight. While he had his desert prepared the normal way.”

”You are so sweet for taking care of me to this extent,” Meixu said with a sweet smile.

”Of I don’t, who will? Eat up.” s.h.i.+ Qiao said as he watched her pick up her dessert spoon.

When they were done with that round and were both relaxing and chatting while enjoying the night view, s.h.i.+ Qiao cut off their discussion and put his hand in his trouser pocket.

”I got your something.”

”What is it?” Meixu asked with an antic.i.p.ating gaze. She was one who loved gifts, and now that he said he got her one, she couldn’t wait to see it.

”You will see.” s.h.i.+ Qiao said as he whipped his hand inside his pocket and took out a small box.

With the way he was acting, Meixu thought it was a piece of jewelry and already couldn’t wait to see it.

When s.h.i.+ Qiao stole a glance at her, he knew that even with the box in his hand, she didn’t know what was in there, or that she would have guessed wrongly.

Smiling to himself, s.h.i.+ Qiao opened the box, and a diamond ring appeared before his eyes. Because of their position, and the way s.h.i.+ Qiao held the box in his hands, Meixu couldn’t see anything.

”I thought you would like this simple style, so I got it for you, give me your left hand.” s.h.i.+ Qiao said with a smiling gaze.

’Did he get me a bracelet?’ Meixu thought to herself. The only thought that came to her mind when he asked for her hand, was that he got her a bracelet instead of a necklace which she thought it was.

There was no need to think it was a ring because she thought that there was no way he wouldn’t have done a surprise proposal, or proposed properly.

Without asking questions, Meixu brought her left hand forward. And it was only when he took her hand in his, that he brought out the ring.

Meixu was so shocked that she immediately tries to s.n.a.t.c.h her hand back, but it looks like s.h.i.+ Qiao knew she would do that, so held her hand tightly.

Before Meixu could recover from the shock of seeing the diamond ring that appeared out of nowhere, s.h.i.+ Qiao had already slid the ring onto her finger.

Seeing that it fitted perfectly, s.h.i.+ Qiao sighed in relief withing him, and a smile slowly appeared on his face. “Do you like it?” He asked with a gentle gaze on her.

”And if I don’t like it, will you take it back?” Meixu blurted out without thinking. She was still shocked and had no time to think over her response before saying it out.

s.h.i.+ Qiao chuckled softly and replied, “If you don’t like it, then I will ask the Cartier store to bring over all the rings they have this minute.”

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