The Highest Bounty

Chapter 47

"Turn on the s.h.i.+elding system!" Gu Ding gave instructions to Neptune as he stared intently at the giant beasts approaching them.

The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p"s internal force field s.h.i.+eld turned on immediately. Instantly, every single bit of air in the cabin was isolated from the outside. 

In the beginning, this sort s.h.i.+eld function was used to smuggle living things. When the s.h.i.+eld was turned on, the security scanner in the starport would see an empty cargo hold and they could easily pa.s.s through. However, when the defense s.h.i.+eld system slowly became commercialized, they were normally used to transport trade secret goods to avoid compet.i.tors knowing about them.

Therefore, most commercial s.h.i.+ps had a defense s.h.i.+eld system. Of course, the Federal Government subsequently made new regulations with regards to the new function. When s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps pa.s.sed the security in the starport, the s.h.i.+elding function must be turned off. Otherwise, any cargo found would be immediately detained.

Gu Ding and Liliath"s breathing were completely isolated from the outside world. However, they could see everything that was happening around them. The cabin section of the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p was roughly ten meters above the ground, so they had a good view of the area. Luxury cargo s.p.a.cecraft were generally designed this way, with the cargo compartment below the pa.s.senger cabin.

As the giant beasts gradually approached, they looked left and right while their huge nostrils sniffed hard. After shaking and hitting the s.p.a.cecraft for more than ten minutes, the giant beasts decided that there was nothing of interest and returned to their previous locations. Obviously, they were not allowed to leave their initial position for too long.

Gu Ding and Liliath finally let themselves breathe easy. Although they were able to beat the beast earlier, it would have been a hard task to beat multiple giant beasts. The beast that Liliath killed just now less than half the size of the giant beasts here. They were roughly 20 meters tall and had scale-like armor all over their bodies.

Moreover, if they made even a bit more sound, the other four giant beasts would have noticed and the two of them surely would have been dead men walking.

At that moment, the sky outside the window was finally dark.

"The defense s.h.i.+eld system of the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p was turned on. Those guys that were so close by couldn"t even tell we were inside. This means it should be safe to hide here," Gu Ding sat on the bed to the left.

The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p was not a luxury pa.s.senger s.p.a.cecraft per se but more of a cargo s.p.a.cecraft. The cabins were for the crew"s own use, and there were two beds in each cabin. Moreover, the two beds in this s.p.a.cecraft were more upscaled, as most s.h.i.+ps of this type had bunk beds that housed four people in each cabin. It was fortunate that this cabin was so s.p.a.cious.

"I"ll go straight to bed after I wash up. My spirit will be fully restored by tomorrow morning. If there are no emergencies, try not to wake me up," Liliath said and went to the lavatory.

In that single cabin, they had everything. Besides the lavatory, it even had a kitchen.

Gu Ding laid on a bed. The big plush mattress released all his pent-up lethargy all at once. He took off his shoes with his eyes closed and rolled over the blanket to wrap himself. Immediately, Gu Ding fell into a deep sleep.

A mere ten hours on that planet had exhausted Gu Ding greatly. He was constantly either running or fighting. When he was able to catch a quick nap near the volcano, he did it on hard rocks that caused him to have a bad sleep. The fact that he was finally allowed to relax caused him to fall asleep quickly.

About half an hour later, Liliath finally came out of the bathroom in a pajama dress. When she was that Gu Ding was fast asleep, she lightened her footsteps and sneakily crept up to her own bed. She was about to go to sleep but noticed Gu Ding"s left hand exposed outside the blanket. Suddenly, she thought of something and took a tube of medicine from the Inventory.

Neptune watched her every move, but after he realized it was a tube of medicine in her hand, he relaxed. The tube of medicine was the Cell Restorer she previously wanted to give Gu Ding. 

Liliath crept beside Gu Ding and held up his wrist. She had no problem finding a vein and proceeded to inject the tube of Cell Restorer into him.

After putting the empty tube into the Inventory, Liliath slipped back into her bed.

The night was long and calm.

Both Gu Ding and Liliath slept until daylight.

Gu Ding, who was full of spirit, stretched his body. He felt much better than when he had first arrived at the planet, which surprised him a little.

"I have good news for you. Firstly, your injuries are completely healed. Your skeletal cells have completely recovered, and all internal injuries have been cleared," Neptune"s voice came right after he woke up.

"How did it happen so fast?" Gu Ding knew his recovery ability was amazing, but it was generally impossible for fractures to heal within three days.

"That little girl injected you with the Cell Restorer while you were asleep last night. With more than thirty hours of sleep, your body had maximized its reparative ability. Not only are all your injuries healed, but your Cell Index has also been increased to 20 points," Neptune told him the second bit of good news.

"How"s your body? Do you expect it to be completely healed by tomorrow?" Liliath was full of energy after more than thirty hours of sleep.

"It"s completely healed," Gu Ding grinned.

"That fast?" Liliath was surprised.

"I told you my body was special. I am able to recover fast, and with so much sleep, it"s not a surprise that I got better this quickly," Gu Ding omitted the fact that he knew Liliath had secretly injected him with the Cell Restorer.

"Oh, that"s good," Liliath felt relieved.

"How"re you doing? I see that you"re in good spirits today. Has your spirit regenerated completely?" Gu Ding asked.

"Yeah. It"s completely regenerated. I feel a little stronger now, to be honest," Liliath said as she gazed at the giant beasts wandering around outside the window. "I think I can wipe those fellows out one by one."

"People with Pupillary Abilities generally have extremely good fighting skills. Her spirit is flowing 60% more than yesterday. This means that her spirit strength is at least 60% stronger too," Neptune explained.

"How am I supposed to use the Energy Crystal Nucleus?" Gu Ding desperately wanted to improve his strength. Even if his Cell Index increased to 20 points, he could not beat the giant beast from yesterday, let alone the five bigger guys that were wandering outside at the moment.

"Usually, it"s ground into pieces and mixed with other ingredients to be refined into medicine," Neptune explained. "However, the Crystal Nucleus from the carca.s.s of a Rank 3 Gene beast can only be ground by a Rank 4 powerhouse. Additionally, you don"t have the appropriate medicinal ingredients to refine it into a usable medicine."

"Are you saying that I"ll have to wait until we leave this planet? I can"t wait that long!" Gu Ding desperately needed to get stronger.

"There"s another way, but it"s very risky," Neptune was silent for a moment. He could understand Gu Ding"s urge to become stronger in this situation. Thus, he only brought it up because he had considered the method thoroughly. Even though there might be some risks a.s.sociated with it, the method could be successful if it was done within a controlled environment.

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