""Tell me your name or you shall be locked up."


""And what else?"

""I haven"t any middle name."

""I mean your last name."


""How long have you been in the city?"

""Since I come to the counthry."

""How long is that?"

""Pat Hooligan can tell ye betther nor I can."

""What month was it?"

""The first Sunday in Lint."

""Where do you live?"

""Wid Biddy and the childer."

""Where do they live?"

""The second floor, back room, bad luck to the bugs that"s in it."

""I mean what street?"

""Mike Henessy"s store is on the first floor."

""Tell me what street the house is on?"

""Who the divil can tell whin they are changin" the names of the blackguard streets so much?"

""What was the street called before the name was changed?"

""Anthony street; they calls it by another name now."

""Worth street I suppose you mean?"

""I mane that the painter should have put it Worthless street."

""Whereabouts in Worth street?"

""Three doors from the corner."

""What corner?"

""The corner of the street."

""What street?"

""The street three doors above."

""Well what is its name?"

""Bad luck to you, why didn"t ye ax me that before?"

""Well, tell me the name."

""Faith I don"t know miself. It"s an alley."

""Well, what"s the number of the house?"

""The number on the door do you mane?"


""There isn"t anny."

""What is your trade?"

""Me father never "prenticed me.

""I mean what do you work at?"

""I don"t do any work."


""Because you"ve got me locked up in prison."

""Will you tell me what you work at when out of prison?"

""I"m a laborin" man, sir"

""At what were you employed?"

""Haird work."

""What kind of work?"

""In the sh.o.r.es" (sewers).

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