Vanno, di, Andrea, a Sienese, his works from 1369 to 1413. _Della Valle._ i. 398.

---- Nello, a Pisan, a painter of the fourteenth century. _Morrona._ i. 56.

---- other Vanni, Pisans, i. 66, 67.

Vannini, Ottavio, a Florentine, b. 1585, d. 1643. _Baldinucci._ i. 291.

Vannucchi, _see_ Sarto.

Vannucci, _see_ Pietro Perugino.

Vante, a Florentine, (signed himself also Attavante) living in 1484.

_Vasari_, and _Lett. Pittor._, tom. iii. i. 100.

Vanvitelli, or Vanvitel, Gaspare, called Dagli Occhiali, b. at Utrecht, 1647, d. at Rome in 1736. _Dizionario Istorico._ ii. 338.

---- Luigi, his son, ii. 339.

Vaprio, Costantino, a Milanese, painted about 1460. _Lomazzo._ iv. 218.

---- Agostino, his painting of 1498. _MS._ _ib._

Varnetam, Francesco, b. at Hamburgh, 1658, d. 1724. _Pascoli._ ii. 334.

Varotari, Dario, a Veronese, b. 1539, d. 1596. _Ridolfi._ iii. 298.

---- Alessandro, his son, called, from his birth-place, Il Padovanino, d.

1650, aged 60. _Orlandi._ iii. 300.

---- Chiara, his sister, living in 1660. _Borghini._ iii. 299.

---- Dario, the younger, son of Alessandro, living in 1660. _Borghini._ iii. 304.

Vasari, Giorgio, of Arezzo, Cav., b. 1512, d. 1574. _Bottari._ i. 232, ii.

380, v. 52.

---- Another Giorgio, and Lazzaro, his ancestors, i. 232.

Vasconio, Giuseppe, a Roman, academician of St. Luke in 1657. _Orlandi._ ii. 234.

Vaselli, or Vasello Alessandro, a scholar of Brandi. _Orlandi_ and _Guida di Roma_. ii. 214.

Va.s.sallo, Antonmaria, a Genoese, scholar of Mal. _Soprani._ v. 423.

Va.s.silacchi, Antonio, called Aliense da Milo, b. 1556, d. 1629. _Ridolfi._ iii. 267.

Vaymer, Gio. Enrico, a Genoese, b. 1665, d. 1738. _Ratti._ v. 425.

Uberti, Pietro, a son of Domenico, a Venetian, flourished about 1733.

_Guida di Venezia dello Zanetti._ iii. 383.

Ubertini, Baccio, a Florentine, scholar of Pietro Perugino. _Vasari._ i.

101, 172.

---- Francesco, his brother, called Il Bachiacca, lived to the year 1557.

_Baldinucci._ i. 101.

---- Antonio, another brother, a worker on tapestry and embroidery.

_Vasari._ i. 215, iv. 281.

Uccello, Paolo, a Florentine, d. 1472, aged 83. _Bottari._ i. 71.

Udine, da, Girolamo, painted an altar-piece at Cividale in 1540.

_Renaldis._ iii. 133.

---- da, Giovanni Nanni, or Ricamatore, b. 1494, d. 1564. _Baldinucci._ But more likely b. 1489, d. 1561. _Renaldis._ Note, that in the _Carte Antiche_ of _Udine_, also signed by Giovanni, there is found only the family name _Ricamatore_; and perhaps _Nanni_ and _Nani_, which in some places in Italy stand for Giovanni, has by historians been taken for his surname. i. 213, ii. 46, 112, iii. 108, 247.

---- da Martino, _see_ Pellegrino.

Vecchi, de", Giovanni, di Borgo S. Sepolcro, d. 1614, aged 78. _Baglione._ i. 273, ii. 159.

Vecchia, Pietro, a Venetian, b. 1605, d. aged 73. _Orlandi_ and _Melchiori_. Or towards the close of the seventeenth century. _Zanetti._ In the _Guida di Rovigo_ it is stated he was of the Muttoni family. iii. 288.

Vecchietta, as he signs himself, Lorenzo, di Pietro, a Sienese, d. 1482, aged 58. _Vasari._ i. 403.

Vecchio, il, di S. Bernardo, _see_ Minzocchi, _see also_ Civerchio.

Vecellio, Tiziano, da Cadore, Cav., d. 1576, aged 99. _Ridolfi._ ii. 124, iii. 135, iv. 28, 178, v. 314., and throughout the work.

---- Orazio, his son, d. in his prime, 1576. _Ridolfi._ iii. 152.

---- Francesco, brother of t.i.tian, painted in 1531. _MS._ _ib._

---- Marco, a nephew of t.i.tian, d. 1611, aged 66. _Ridolfi._ _ib._

---- Tizianello, son of Marco, living in 1648. _Ridolfi._ iii. 153.

---- of another branch, Cesare, son of Ettore, d. towards 1600. _Renaldis._ iii. 154.

---- Fabrizio, brother of Cesare, d. in 1580. _Renaldis._ iii. 154.

---- Tommaso, a kinsman also of t.i.tian, d. 1620. _Renaldis._ iii. 207.

Veglia, Marco and Piero, Venetians, their paintings of 1508 and 1510.

_Zanetti._ iii. 56.

Velasquez, Diego, ii. 236.

Veli, Benedetto, a Florentine painter of the seventeenth century. _MS._ i.

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