Veruzio, _Vasari_, probably Francesco Verlo, called in Vicenza, his country perhaps, Verluzo or Verluccio, living in 1512. _P. Faccioli._ iii. 77.

Verzelli, Tiburzio, da Recanati, d. about 1700. _MS._ ii. 338.

Vetraro, il, _see_ Bembo.

Uggione, or Uglone, or Da Oggione, Marco, a Milanese, in the Registry called Marco da Ogionno, (a district of the Milanese,) d. 1530. _MS._ iv.


Viadana, da, Andrea, a scholar of Bernardino Campi. _Lamo._ iv. 288.

Viani, Antonmaria, a Cremonese, called Il Vianino, living in 1582. _Zaist._ iv. 26.

---- Giovanni, a Bolognese, b. 1636, d. 1700. _Crespi._ v. 237.

---- Domenico, his son, b. 1668, d. at Pistoia in 1711. _Zanotti._ _ib._

Vicentini, Antonio, a Venetian, d. 1782, aged 94. _MS._ iii. 388.

Vicentino, Francesco, a Milanese, flourished in the sixteenth century.

_Lomazzo._ iv. 279.

---- Andrea, a Venetian, d. 1614, aged 75. _Ridolfi._ A date to be corrected on the authority of a doc.u.ment edited by P. Federici, in which, while painting at Trevigi in 1590, he is termed M. Andrea Micheli Visentino. _Federici._ iii. 265.

Vicentino, Marco, his son. _Zanetti._ iii. 266.

Vicinelli, Odoardo, a scholar of Morandi. _Pascoli._ d. 1755, aged 71.

_Galletti Inscrip. Rom._, tom. ii. ii. 296.

Vicino, a Pisan, flourished about 1321. _Da Morrona._ i. 66.

Vicolungo, di Vercelli, lived in the seventeenth century. _MS._ iv. 278.

Vighi, Giacomo, da Medicina, (in the Bolognese,) lived at Turin about 1567.

_Orlandi._ v. 454.

Vignali, Jacopo, b. in the Casentino, 1592, d. 1664. _R. Gall. of Flor._ i.


Vignerio, Jacopo, a Messinese, painted in 1552. _Hakert._ ii. 377.

Vignola, da, Girolamo, a Modenese painter of the sixteenth century.

_Tiraboschi._ iv. 45.

---- Giacomo, _see_ Barocci.

Vigri, B. Caterina, or B. Caterina da Bologna, b. there (her father a Ferrarese,) in 1413, d. 1463. _Piacenza._ v. 19.

Vimercati, Carlo, a Milanese, Latuada calls him Donelli, by others called il Vimercati, d. 1715, aged about 55. _Orlandi._ iv. 307.

Vinci, da, Lionardo, b. 1452, d. 1519. _Amoretti Memor. Storiche._ i. 150, iv. 238, and often throughout the work.

---- Gaudenzio, a Novarese. His altar-piece with his name and the year 1511. _MS._ iv. 257.

Vini, Sebastiano, a Veronese, flourished in the sixteenth century. _MS._ i.


Viola, Domenico, a Neapolitan, d. old about 1696. _Dominici._ ii. 418.

---- Gio. Batista, a Bolognese, d. 1622, aged 46. _Malvasia._ ii. 241, v.


Visacci, so called in the _Pitture di Pesaro_, or Antonio Cimatore di Urbino, called Il Visacci, a scholar of Barocci. _Lazzari._ ii. 190.

Visentini, _see_ Vicentini.

Visino, il, a scholar of Albertinelli. _Vasari._ d. in Hungary about 1512.

_MS._ i. 193.

Vitali, Alessandro, di Urbino, d. 1630, aged 50. _Lazzari._ ii. 188.

---- Candido, a Bolognese, b. 1680, d. 1753. _Crespi._ v. 267.

Vite, Antonio, a Pistoiese, living in 1463. _Vasari._ i. 64.

---- or della Vite, Timoteo, da Urbino, d. 1524, aged 54. _Vasari._ ii.


---- Pietro, da Urbino, his brother. _MS._ Perhaps the priest of Urbino mentioned by Baldinucci in the Decennale, iii. sec. 4. ii. 117.

Viterbo, da, F. Mariotto, painted in 1444. _Della Valle._ ii. 16.

---- Tarquinio, d. in the pontificate of Paul V. _Baglione._ ii. 170.

Vito, Nicola, a Neapolitan, scholar of Zingaro. ii. 362.

Vitrulio, a name inscribed on several pictures at Venice. This painter seems to have lived in the time of Bonifazio, and to have been his compet.i.tor. _See Guida di Venezia._ iii. 242.

Vivarini, Antonio, da Murano. _Zanetti._ His notices up to 1451. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 21.

---- Bartolommeo, his brother and companion, painted in 1498. _Zanetti._ Or 1499. _N. Guida di Venezia._ iii. 24.

---- Giovanni, supposed of the same family. _Zanetti._ _See_ Gio. Tedesco.

iii. 21.

---- Luigi, supposed the elder, flourished in 1414. _Zanetti._ iii. 21.

---- Luigi, supposed the younger, in the _Notizia_ called _Zuanluisi da Muran_, painted in 1490. _Zanetti._ iii. 24.

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