Zanchi, Antonio, da Este, b. 1639. _Zanetti._ d. 1722. _Melchiori._ iii.


---- Filippo and Francesco, of Bergamo. Their notices from 1544 to 1567. iii. 182.

Zanella, Francesco, a Paduan. His notices until 1717. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 308.

Zanetti, Co. Antonio Maria, _quondam_ Girolamo, a Venetian, thus called to distinguish him from _Antonio Maria Zanetti, quondam Alessandro_, mentioned in the Index that follows:--the first was eminent for engraving on various sorts of wood, in 1728. _Lett. Pitt._, tom ii. p. 152. He was in advanced age in 1765. _Lett. Pitt._, tom. v. p. 304. Pref. x. The other d. 3rd November, 1778, aged 62.

Zanimberti, or Zaniberti, Filippo, a Brescian, b. 1585, d. 1636. _Ridolfi._ iii. 326, 267.

Zanna, Gio. a Roman, called Il Pizzica, painted with Tarquinio da Viterbo.

_Baglione._ ii. 170., Prospero, of Reggio, b. 1698, d. 1772. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 70.

Zan.o.brio, di Ca, _see_ Carlevaris.

Zanotti Cavazzoni, Gio. Pietro, a Bolognese, b. 1674, d. 1765. _Crespi._ v.


Zappi, another surname of Lavinia Fontana, v. 65.

Zarato, _see_ Luzzo.

Zei, b. at Citta S. Sepolcro, a supposed scholar of Cortona. _MS._ i. 352.

Zelotti, Batista, a Veronese, d. aged 60. _Ridolfi._ About 1592. _Pozzo._ iii. 171, 239.

Zenale, _see_ Da Trevilio.

Zevio, da, in the Veronese, Alticherio, or Altichieri; _in a MS. Doc.u.ment of the n.o.ble house of Dondi Orologio_, Aldighieri; living in 1382. iii. 12.

---- Stefano, _see_ Da Verona.

Zifrondi, or Cifrondi, Antonio, b. in the territory of Bergamo, 1657, d.

1730. iii. 369.

Zinani, Francesco, of Reggio, flourished in 1755. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 70.

Zingaro, lo, _see_ Solario.

Zoboli, Jacopo, a Modenese, d. 1767. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 66.

Zocchi, Giuseppe, of the Florentine territory, d. 1767, aged 56. _MS._ i.


Zola, or Zolla, Giuseppe, di Brescia, d. 1743, aged 68. _Crespi nelle Giunte al Baruffaldi._ v. 349.

Zompini, Gaetano, a Venetian, d. 1778, aged 76. _MS._ iii. 354.

Zoppo, Marco, da Bologna. His work of 1471. _MS._ And of 1498, in the Colonna Facade. _Oretti, Memor._ iii. 36, 73, v. 23.

Zoppo, Paolo, a Brescian, d. about 1515. _Ridolfi._ Or 1530. _MS._ iii. 83.

---- Rocco, a Florentine, scholar of Pietro Perugino. _Vasari._ i. 101.

---- lo, di Gangi, living in the eighteenth century. _MS._ ii. 420.

---- di Genova, _see_ Micone.

---- di Lugano, _see_ Discepoli.

---- di Vicenza, _see_ De"Pieri.

Zuannino, _see_ Da Capugnano.

Zuccari, Federigo, flourished in the sixteenth century, iv. 297.

Zuccaro, (so named in his epitaph, and the books of Federigo,) in _Vasari_ and elsewhere, Zuccheri, or Zuccari, Taddeo. He was born at S. Angelo in Vado, 1529, d. 1566. _Vasari._ ii. 126, 129, 133.

---- Federigo, his brother, painted about 1560. _Vasari._ aged 18. _Bottari in his Addenda to the Notes._ d. 1609, _Bellori, in his Life of Caravaggio._ ii. 136, iii. 245, v. 466.

---- Ottaviano, their father. ii. 133.

Zuccati, Sebastiano, di Trevigi, living about 1490. _Zanetti._ Father Federici a.s.signs to this family a different country, namely, Ponte, a place in the Valteline. iii. 136, 251.

---- Valerio and Francesco, his sons, lived in 1573. _Zanetti._ iii. 137.

---- Arminio, son of Valerio, flourished about 1585. _Zanetti._ iii. 137.

Zuccherelli, Francesco, b. in the Florentine state about 1702, d. 1788.

_MS._ i. 364, iii. 385.

Zucchi, or Della Zucca, Jacopo, a Florentine, b. about 1541. _Vasari._ d.

in the pontificate of Sixtus V. _Baglione._ i. 237.

---- Francesco, his brother. _Baglione._ _ib._

Zucco, Francesco, a Bergamese, d. 1627. iii. 334.

Zugni, Francesco, a Brescian, d. 1636, aged 62. _Ridolfi._ More correctly d. 1621. _Zamboni_, p. 15. iii. 327.

Zupelli, or Cappellini, Gio. Batista, of Cremona, flourished at the close of the fifteenth century. _Zaist._ iv. 160.

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