Modena. _The Paintings and Sculpture of Modena, drawn up by the Dott.

Gian Filiberto Pagani._ _ib._ 1770, 8vo. There is inserted the _Description of the Ducal Gallery_; printed also separately in 1792, 8vo.

iv. 39.

Montalboddo. _Description of the Paintings and Sculpture of the City of Montalboddo, in the March of Ancona; and Historical Notices of the same City, by Agostino Rossi._ _See_ Colucci. _Antichita Picene_, tom.


Murano, _see_ Moschini, &c.

Napoli. _Strangers" Guide for the R. City of Naples, by the Ab. Pompeo Sarnelli._ _ib._ 1685, 8vo. iv. 150.

---- _Account of the Beautiful, the Antique, and the Curious, &c., by the Cav. Celano._ iv. 150.

---- _New Guide for Strangers, &c., by Antonio Parrino, augmented by his Son Niccolo._ Naples, 1725, 12mo. ii. 382.

---- _Brief Description of Naples and its Vicinity, by the Advocate Giuseppe Galanti._ _ib._ 1792, 8vo. and in Index I.

Padua. _Description of the Paintings, Sculpture, and Architecture of Padua, with some Observations, &c., by Gio. Batista Rossetti._ _ib._ 1780, 12mo. iii. 4, 26, 308, 368.

---- The same, _newly described, by Pietro Brandolese, with brief Notices respecting the Artists mentioned in the Work_. 1795, 8vo. iii. 4, and wherever _Guida di Padova_ is mentioned.

Parma. _Guide and exact Notice for Foreigners of the most valuable Paintings in many Churches of the City, formerly drawn up by Clementi Ruta, revised, &c._ Milan, 1780. iv. 140.

---- _Il Parmigiano Servitor di Piazza, &c._ _See_ Aff.

Perugia. _Paintings and Sculpture of the City of Perugia, by Gio.

Francesco Morelli._ _ib._, 1683, 16mo. ii. 379.

---- _Guide for the Stranger through the n.o.ble City of Perugia, by Balda.s.sare Orsini._ _ib._ 1784, 8vo. ii. 7, 46.

---- _Description of the Church of S. Francesco, of the P. P. Minori Conventuali of Perugia._ _ib._ 1787, 8vo. ii. 8.

Pesaro. _Catalogue of the Paintings preserved in the Churches of Pesaro, by Antonio Becci._ _ib._ 1783, 8vo. There is annexed an account of the Pesarese professors, written about 1670. ii. 7, v. 5, 161.

Pescia. _Description of the Paintings, Sculpture, and Architecture of the City and Suburbs of Pescia, in Tuscany, by Innocenzio Ansaldi._ Bologna, 1772, 8vo. It was published by the Canon Crespi; but the author a.s.sured me that the typography was extremely incorrect. ii. 277.

---- _Catalogue of the best Paintings, &c., of the Valdinievole._ It is inserted in the History of Pescia of P. O. B. It was drawn up by the same author. _ib._

Piacenza. _The public Paintings of Piacenza, by Count Proposto Carlo Carasi_. _ib._ 1780, 8vo. Some very useful annotations are annexed. iv.


Pisa. _Guide for the dilettante Tourist, in Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, for the City of Pisa; drawn up by the Cav. Pandolfo t.i.ti, &c._ Lucca, 1751, 8vo. i. 149.

---- _Pisa Ill.u.s.trata, &c._, _see_ Da Morrona.

Ravenna. _Researches in Ravenna, by Girolamo Fabri._ Bologna, 1678, 8vo.

v. 88.

---- _The Stranger directed through the City of Ravenna and its Suburbs, by the Ab. Frances...o...b..ltrami._ _ib._ 1783, 8vo. v. 5, and other parts of the same book.

Rimino. _Paintings of the Churches of Rimino, described by Sig. Carlo Francesco Marcheselli, with new additions by Gio. Batista Costa._ _ib._ 1754, 8vo. v. 5.

Rome. _Description of the Paintings, Sculpture, and Architecture, publicly exhibited in Rome; a work commenced by the Ab. Filippo t.i.ti of Citta di Castello, with the addition of whatever new has since been done, up to the present year._ Rome, 1763, 8vo. i. 117, and throughout the Roman school. Corrected, i. 382.

Rovigo. _The Paintings, Sculpture, and Architecture of the City of Rovigo, with indexes and ill.u.s.trations, by Frances...o...b..rtoli._ Venice, 1793, 8vo. iii. 4, and other parts of the work.

Siena. _Abstract of the most remarkable objects in the City of Siena, for the Use of Foreigners, revised and augmented by Cav. Gio. Antonio Pecci._ Siena, 1759 and 1761, 12mo. i. 149, 394, 448.

Trevigi. _Description of the most celebrated Paintings of the City, published by D. Ambrogio Rigamonti._ _ib._ 1776. iii. 4.

Turin. _New Guide through the City, by Onorato Derossi._ _ib._ 1781, 12mo. v. 449.

Venice. _The rich Mines of Painting; compendious Information respecting the Paintings of Venice, by Boschini._ _ib._ 1664, 12mo. iii. 2, 24.

_Description of the public Paintings of the City of Venice and the adjacent Islands; or Revival of the rich Mines of Marco Boschini._ Venice, 1733, 8vo. I have made use of this edition, now very rare, in pointing out the pictures of Venice. It was written by Antonio Zannetti, _quondam_ Alessandro.

_Verona Ill.u.s.trated, an Abridgment for the Use of Foreigners._ 1771, 2 vols. 8vo. iii. 4.

Vicenza. _Picturesque Jewels of the City of Vicenza, by Marco Boschini._ Venice, 1676, 12mo. iii. 314.

_Description of the Architecture, Paintings, and Sculpture of Vicenza, with some observations, edited by Francesco Vendramini Mosca, with the learned reflections of a person of quality_, namely Count Eneas Arnaldi.

Vicenza, 1779, 2 vols. 8vo. iii. 4, 34.

Vienna. _Freddy. Description of the City, Suburbs, and Vicinity of Vienna, in three parts, with annotations, cla.s.sical and historical._ Vienna, 1800, 3 vols. 8vo. Cited in Index I.

Volterra. _Ab. Antonfilippo Giachi. Historical Essay on the ancient and modern State of Volterra._ Siena, 2 vols. 1786, 1796, 4to. _See_ tom. 2, p. 194. _Altar-pieces of the Churches_, i. 149, 188, 304, v. and in Index I.

Urbino. _Pictures exhibited in public_, a MS. work displaying great industry, by Arcangeli; there communicated to me by the worthy author; with many anecdotes of the school of Barocci. It is cited in the first Index.

Guidalotti, Franchini Gioseffo. _Life of Domenico M. Viani, a painter._ Bologna, 1716, 8vo. v. 238.


Hakert, Filippo. _Memoirs of the Messinese Painters, written by Sig.

Gaetano Grano._ Naples, 1792, 4to. ii. 440.

---- The same. _Letter on the Use of the various kinds of Varnish_; and Answers to it. iv. 247.

Harms, Antoine Frederic. _Tables historiques et chronologiques des plus fameux Peintres, anciens et modernes._ Brunswick, 1742, fol. with additions. _See_ De Murr, _Bibliotheque de Peinture_, p. 34. iii. 62, and in Index I.

Heinecken, d", Baron. _Idee generale d"une collection complete d"Estampes._ Vienna, 1771, 8vo. i. 100.

Huber, M. and C. C. H. Rost. _Manuel des Amateurs de l"Art._ Zurich, 1797, _et seq._, 8 vols. 8vo., iv. 55.

Hugford, _Life of Anton Domenico Gabbiani._ Florence, 1762, folio.

i. 343.


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