_Orlandi._ _ib._

Cinqui, Gio., b. in the Florentine state, 1667, d. 1743. _Roy. Gall. of Florence._ i. 342.

Ciocca, Cristof., a Milanese, pupil to Lomazzo. _Lomazzo._ iv. 275.

Cipriani, Gio. Batista, a native of Pistoia, d. in London, about 1790.

_MS._ i. 356.

Circignani, Niccol, dalle Pomarance, d. about 1588, aged 72. _Baglione._ This is not correct, as he was painting in 1591. _Guide of Volterra._ He signs himself _Nicolaus Circigna.n.u.s Volterra.n.u.s_. i. 275, ii. 145.

---- Antonio, his son, d. in the pontificate of Urban VIII., aged 60.

_Baglione._ i. 276, ii. 226.

Cirello, Giulio, a Paduan, flourished in 1697. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 308.

Citta di Castello, da, Francesco, pupil to Pietro Perugino, ii. 40.

Cittadella, Bartolom., a Venetian, living about 1690. _Guarienti._ iii.


Cittadini, Pierfranc., called the Milanese, d. 1681 at Bologna, aged 65.

_Crespi._ Or died, aged 68, in 1681. _Oretti, Registry of the Annunziata._ iv. 320, v. 160, 256.

---- Gio. Batista, his son, d. 1693, aged 36. _Oretti, Mem._ _ib._

---- Carlo, another son, d. 1744, aged 75. _Oretti, Mem._ _ib._

---- Angiol Michele, another son. _Crespi._ _ib._

---- Gaetano and Girolamo, sons of Carlo. _Crespi._ v. 265.

Civalli, Franc., of Perugia, b. 1660, d. 1703. _Pascoli._ ii. 300.

Civerchio, or Verchio, called the elder, Vincenzio, da Crema, painted at Milan about 1460. _Lomazzo._ But it seems he could scarcely then be so old, as there exist doc.u.ments at Crema shewing him to be living there in 1535.

_Zibaldone Cremasco_ for year 1795. In the _Notizia Morelli_ he is termed _Civerto el Forner_. iii. 31, iv. 222.

Civetta, or perhaps Enrico de Bles, a Bohemian, living about 1590.

_Lomazzo._ d. at Ferrara. iii. 337, 340.

Claret, Gio., of Flanders, painted in Piedmont about 1600. _Della Valle._ v. 470.

Claudio, Maestro, a French painter of gla.s.s, d. in the pontificate of Giulio II. _Vasari._ i. 227.

Clementone, _see_ Bocciardo.

Clovio, D. Giulio, of Croazia, d. 1578, aged 80. _Bottari._ i. 183, iv. 24.

Coccorante, Lionardo, a Neapolitan, painted in 1743. _Dominici._ ii. 444.

c.o.c.kier, or Cozier, Michele, di Malines, b. 1497, d. 1592. _Baldinucci._ ii. 121.

Coda, Benedetto, da Ferrara, d. about 1520. _Baruffaldi._ v. 41.

---- Bartolommeo, his son; he signs himself _Bartholomaeus Ariminensis_, and painted in 1543. _Oretti, Mem._ _ib._

Codagora, and Cadagora by _Dominici_, Viviano, called by mistake Il Viviani. Flourished about 1650. ii. 260, 421.

Codibue, Gio. Bat., a Modenese, painted in 1598. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 51.

Cola, di, Gennaro, a Neapolitan, b. about 1320, d. about 1370. _Dominici._ ii. 350.

Colantonio, di, Marzio, a Roman, d. at Turin in the pontif. of Paul V.

_Baglione._ ii. 171, v. 468.

Coli, Gio., a Lucchese, d. 1682, aged 47. _Orlandi._ i. 358.

Collaceroni, Agostino, a Bolognese, pupil to P. Pozzi. _Guida d"Ascoli_, ii. 288, 338.

Colle, dal, near Citta S. Sepolcro, Raffaellino, painted in 1546. _Vasari._ i. 220, ii. 116.

Colleoni, Girolamo, a Bergamese. His _Memor._ from 1532 up to 1555, or thereabouts. _See the annotations to Ta.s.si._ iii. 182.

Colli, Antonio, a pupil of P. Pozzo. _Guida di Roma._ ii. 338.

Colombano, Bernardin, painted at Pavia in 1515. _Pitture d"Italia._ iv.


Colombini, Gio., of Trevisi, d. 1774. _Federici._ iii. 387.

Colonna, Angiol Michele, b. 1600, in the diocese of Como in district of Revel, d. 1687 at Bologna. _Crespi._ i. 311, v. 211, 440.

---- Melchior, a supposed pupil of Tintoret. _Zanetti._ iii. 196.

---- Girolamo, _see_ Mengozzi.

Coloretti, Matteo, da Reggio, b. 1611. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 68.

Coltellini, Michele, a Ferrarese, lived in 1517. _Baruffaldi._ v. 298.

Comande, Franc., a Messinese, a pupil of Guinaccia. _Hakert._ ii. 376.

---- Gio. Simone, his brother, b. 1588, _ib._

Comendich, Lorenzo, b. at Verona, flourished in Milan about 1700.

_Guarienti._ iii. 340, iv. 328.

Comi, Girolamo, da Modena, flourished about 1550. _Tiraboschi._ At S.

Michele in Bosco he inscribed on one of his pictures the year 1563.

_Oretti, Memor._ iv. 69.

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