---- Ottaviano, son of Pietro, flourished during the eighteenth century.

_Serie degl"Ill.u.s.tri Pittori, &c._ i. 341.

Dandolo, Cesare, a Venetian, lived in 1595. _Morigia._ iv. 287.

Danedi, called Montalto, Gio. Stefano da Trevilio in the Milanese, d. 1689, aged 81. _Orlandi._ iv. 318.

---- Gioseffo, his brother, d. aged 70. _Orlandi._ _ib._

Dante, Girolamo, otherwise Girol. di Tiziano, by whom he was educated.

_Ridolfi._ iii. 155.

Danti, Teodora, of Perugia, aunt of the three Danti who follow, d. 1573, aged 75. _Pascoli._ ii. 40.

---- P. Ign.a.z.io, of Perugia, a Dominican, b. 1537, d. 1586. _Pascoli._ ii.


---- Girolamo, his brother, b. 1547, d. 1580. _Pascoli._ ii. 146.

---- Vincenzio, another brother, b. 1530, d. 1576. _Pascoli._ _ib._

Dardani, Antonio, a Bolognese, b. 1677, d. 1735. _Zanotti._ v. 239.

Davanzo, Jacopo, a Paduan, painted about 1377. _Notizia publ. dal Morelli_, tom. iii. p. 12. _See_ Avanzi.

David, Lodovico Antonio, di Lugano, lived in 1718. _Orlandi._ iv. 309.

Dei, Matteo, a Florentine worker in niello of the fifteenth century. _Lett.

Pitt._, tom. ii. i. 112.

Delfino, Cav. Carlo, a Frenchman, painted at Turin in 1664. _MS._ v. 476.

Delfinone, Girolamo, a Milanese, lived about 1495. _Lomazzo._ iv. 281.

---- Scipione Delfinone, his son. _Lomazzo._ _ib._

---- Marcantonio, son of Scipione, lived in 1591. _Lomazzo._ _ib._

Deliberatore, Niccolo, da Foligno, his work in 1461. _Colucci._ ii. 26.

Dello, a Florentine, d. about 1421, aged 49. _Vasari._ i. 63.

Dentone, otherwise Girol. Curti, a Bolognese, d. 1631. _Malvasia._ Or died, 18th December, 1632, aged 56, and interred at S. Niccolo. _Oretti, Mem._ v.

80, 206.

Desani, Pietro, a Bolognese, b. 1595, d. 1647. _Malvasia._ iv. 63, v. 184.

Desiderio, Monsieur, a painter of perspective in the time of Corenzio.

_Dominici._ ii. 392.

Desubleo, or Sobleo, Michele, of Flanders, pupil to Guido. _Malvasia._ v.


Diamante, F., a Carmelite, da Prato, pupil of F. Filippo Lippi. _Vasari._ i. 79.

Diamantini, Cav. Gio., or rather Giuseppe da Fos...o...b..one. _Zanetti_, and _Colucci_, tom. x.x.xi. d. 1708. _Melchiori._ v. 201.

Diana, Benedetto, a Venetian, was compet.i.tor of the Bellini. _Ridolfi._ iii. 57.

---- Cristoforo, of S. Vito in the Friuli, pupil of Amalteo. _Cesarini._ iii. 132.

Dianti, Gio. Franc., a Ferrarese, b. 1576. _Baruffaldi._ v. 312.

Diatalevi, _see_ D"a.s.sisi.

Dielai, otherwise Gio. Francesco Surchi, a Ferrarese, d. about 1590.

_Baruffaldi._ v. 308.

Dimo, Giovanni, painted at Venice in 1660. _Boschini._ iii. 271.

Dinarelli, Giuliano, a Bolognese, pupil of Guido. _Malvasia._ d. 1671, aged 42. _Oretti, Mem._ v. 155.

Discepoli, Gio. Batista, called Lo Zoppo, of Lugano, d. 1660, aged 70.

_Orlandi._ iv. 311.

Diziani, Gaspero, of Belluno, d. 1667. _Catalogo Algarotti._ iii. 368.

Do, Giovanni, a Neapolitan, d. 1656. _Dominici._ ii. 418.

Dolci, Carlo, a Florentine, b. 1616, d. 1686. _Baldinucci._ i. 310.

---- Agnese, his daughter, lived beyond the year 1686. _Baldinucci._ i.


Dolce, Luzio, of Castel Durante, painted in 1536. _MS._ Lived in 1589.

_Terzi._ ii. 164.

---- Ottaviano, his father, and Bernardino, his grandfather. _ib._

Dolobella, Tommaso, of Belluno, a pupil of Aliense. _Ridolfi._ iii. 268.

Domenichino, or Menichino, _see_ Zampieri, _see_ Ambrogi.

Dominici, Franc., da Trevigi, flourished about 1530. _Guida di Trevigi._ d.

aged 35. _Ridolfi._ iii. 166.

---- de", Bernardo, a Neapolitan, published his history in 1742 and 1743, ii. 444.

Donatello, otherwise Donato, a Florentine, b. 1383, d. 1466. _Vasari._ i.

70, 225.

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