Cortese, P. Giacomo, called Il Borgognone, a Jesuit, b. 1621, d. 1676.

_Baldinucci._ i. 311, 330, 450, ii. 253.

---- Guglielmo, called Il Borgognone, brother of the preceding, b. 1628, d.

1679. _Pascoli._ ii. 269.

Cortona, da, Pietro, _see_ Berrettini.

---- Urbano, painted in 1481. _Della Valle._ i. 429.

Corvi, Domenico, of Viterbi, d. 1803, aged about 80. _MS._ ii. 325.

Cosattini, Canon. Giuseppe, an Udinese, painted in 1672; was still living in 1734. _Renaldis._ iii. 364.

Cosci, _see_ Balducci. P. Cosimo, _see_ Piazza.

Cosimo, di (Rosselli) Piero, a Florentine, b. 1441, d. 1521. _Baldinucci._ i. 96, 214.

Cosmati, Adeodato di Cosimo, a Roman, worker in mosaic, i. 8.

Cosme, _see_ Tura.

Cossa, Franc., a Ferrarese, living in 1474. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 293.

Cossale, Grazio, a Brescian, or rather Cozzale, living in 1605. _Zamb._, p.

114. iii. 327.

Costa, Andrea, a Bolognese, a pupil of Caracci. _Malvasia._ v. 193.

---- Franc., a Genoese, b. 1672, d. 1740. _Ratti._ v. 440.

---- Ippolito, a Mantuan, flourished in 1538. _Lamo._ iv. 21.

Costa, Lorenzo, a Ferrarese, painted in 1488, d. about 1530. _Baruffaldi._ v. 30, 292.

---- Another Lorenzo, lived about 1560. _Vasari._ _ib._

---- Luigi and Girolamo, his brothers. _Volta._ iv. 22.

---- Tommaso, of Sa.s.suolo, b. 1690. _Tiraboschi._ Aged about 56. _Orlandi_, and _Cart. Oretti_, iv. 62.

Costanzi, Placido, a Roman, a.s.sociated to the academy of St. Luke, 1741, d.

1759, aged 71. _MS._ ii. 273.

Cotignola, da, Francesco, (Marchesi or Zaganelli) painted at Parma in 1518.

_Aff._ v. 38.

---- Bernardino, a younger brother, lived in 1509. _Crespi, in his Addenda to Baruffaldi._ v. 39.

---- Girolamo Marchesi, d. aged 69, in the pontif. of Paul III. _Vasari._ Or 1550, aged 70. _Baruffaldi._ v. 32.

Cozza, Franc., b. at Istilo in the Calabrese, 1605, d. 1682. _Pascoli._ ii.

208, 409.

---- Gio. Batista, a Milanese, d. at Ferrara in 1742, aged 66.

_Cittadella._ v. 346.

Crastona, (_Pitture d"Italia_) or Cristona, _Orlandi._

---- Gioseffo, a Pavese, b. 1664, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ iv. 325.

Creara, Santo, a Veronese, pupil to Felice Brusasorci. His works with the year 1603. _Oretti, Mem._ iii. 316.

Credi, di, Lorenzo Sciarpelloni, a Florentine, d. aged 78, after 1531.

_Bottari._ i. 158.

Cremona, da, Niccolo, lived in 1518. _Masini._ iv. 160.

Cremonese, Lattanzio, lived in the fifteenth century. _Zaist._ _ib._

---- Simone, perhaps the same as M. Simone da Napoli, iv. 150.

---- Il, da Paesi, _see_, _see_ Caletti.

Cremonini, Gio. Batista, da Cento, d. 1610. _Malvasia._ v. 79.

Crescenzi, Gio. Batista, a Roman, d. at Madrid, aged about 63. _Baglione._ Or aged 65, in 1660. _Palomino._ ii. 227.

---- del, Bartolommeo Cavarozzi, da Viterbo, d. young in 1625. _Baglione._ _ib._

Crescione, Giovanni, a Neapolitan, painted in 1568. _Vasari._ ii. 375.

Crespi, Benedetto, of Coma, and Anton Maria, his son, called I Bustini, lived, as it appears, in the seventeenth century. _Orlandi._ iv. 319.

---- Gio. Batista, called Il Cerano, from a district in the Novarese, d.

1633, aged 76. _Orlandi._ iv. 300.

---- Gio. Pietro, called also De"Castoldi, grandfather of the preceding, painted about 1535. _MS._ _ib._

---- Raffaello, of the same family, painted about 1542. _MS._ _ib._

---- Daniele, a Milanese, d. 1630, aged about 40. _Orlandi._ iv. 302.

---- Cav. Giuseppe, a Bolognese, called Lo Spagnuolo, b. 1665, d. 1747.

_Crespi._ iii. 359, v. 248.

---- Antonio, his son, d. 1781. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 251.

---- Don Luigi, Canonico, another son, d. 1779. _Guida di Bologna._ _ib._

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