IOWA, reasons for refusing suff. amd"t., xxi; nat"l. conv. in Des Moines, 270; noted speakers before Legis., 279.

_See_ State chapter.

IRELAND, wom. suff. in, 343; wom. on school and poor law bds., 368.

_See_ chapter on Great Britain.

ISLE OF MAN, wom. suff. in, 1025.

JOURNALISM, xxv; wom. in, 154; early women writers, 295; women in at Paris expos., 343; first, 695.

JURIES, women should serve on, 38; 45; 51; in Wy., 68; men"s obligations, 94; Senators discuss, 104, 106; need of women on, 182; women and jury duty in Ida., 596; in Utah, 955, 1089; in Wash., 422, 968, 1008, 1091; in Wy., 1008.

KANSAS, grants Suff. to women, xv; xxi; xxix; treatment of women, 199; suff. work of Nat"l. a.s.s"n. in, 220; descript. of nat"l. delegates, 221-2; first const.i.t"n. recognizes rights of women, 407; Amer. a.s.s"n. meets in Topeka, 417; early work in, 418, 419; Mrs. Howe"s plea for suff. in, 419.

_See_ State chapter and Statistics.

LABOR, disabilities of women, 41; relation of wom. suff. to, 70; same, 79; suff. has no influence on price of, 98; wage-earning women should marry, 98; need of ballot for working women, 115; same, 122; Knights of Labor indorse wom. suff., 123; dignifies woman, 162; immoral women come from domestic life, 162; husband does not "support" wife, 171, 208, 311; man"s material achievements, 171; not woman"s curse, 171; degradation of woman"s labor, 177; organizations favor wom. suff., 184; indust. emancip. of women, by Carroll D. Wright, have not taken men"s work, new economic factor, leads to suff., 213; suff. demanded for working women, 216; women stenographers, 228; women wage-earners in Fla., 240; Florence Kelley on labor unions and working woman"s need of ballot, 311; disfranch. women an injury to labor unions, 312; Fed. of Labor greets Nat"l. Suff. a.s.s"n., let. from Pres. Gompers, equal pay for wom., 334; a.s.s"n. returns thanks, 344; entrance of women into unions and effect on suff., 349; appeal of Nat"l. Fed. for wom. suff. in "99, 359; Miss Laughlin on statistics of wage-earning women, need of ballot, 360; ancient opp. to, 361; working woman"s great disadvantage, 377; wages of men and wom., 379; 425; Nat"l. Fed. pet.i.t. for wom. suff. in 1900 after appeal from Miss Anthony. Nat"l. Bldg. and Trades Council, same, Int"l.

Bricklayers" and Masons", same, 446; organizations for wom. suff., 448; K. of L. declare for, 568.

_See_ Statistics.


_See_ above, also in Col., 514-16; in S. D., 556; in Ills., 602-4; 652; in Ma.s.s., 711-14-33; in Minn., 782; in N. J., 821; in N. Y., 850; in Ore., 893; in R. I., 917; in Wash., 974.

LAW, first woman admitted to practice before U. S. Sup. Ct., 33; second, 57; contest of Mrs. Bradwell in Ills. and U. S. Sup. Ct., 152; contest in Cal., 507; in Ind., 626; in Md., 700; in Mich. to be pros. atty., 770; in N. J., 833; in Penn., 904; Woman"s Coll. of, 574; first woman to apply to practice, 609; first coll. to graduate a woman, 610.

_See_ also State chapters under _Occupations_.

--women in, send trib. to Miss Anthony on 80th birthday, 398.

--Common, 33; 49; 159; resume of and changes made, 454-8; 464; in N. Y., 865.

--Const.i.tutional, bar to wom. suff., xiv, xv; 371.

LAWS FOR WOMEN, resume of, 453-8.

--Property, for women, secured by a few, xxiii; in Ky., 15; wife is moneyless, 40; inevitably one-sided, 198; nine-tenths relate to property, 200; uncertain for women, 255; in Ills., 276; women could secure good laws with suffrage, 424; present status, far from just to women, 456-8; Dower and Curtesy, 457; Guardianship of Children, and liability of "head of family"

for support, 458; Divorce, and the various causes for, 459; Age of Protection, 460.

_See_ each State chapter under head of _Legislative Action and Laws_. For Great Britain, 1021.

LEGACIES, Mrs. Eddy"s to Miss Anthony, v; to Nat"l. a.s.s"n., 207; 259; 275; 286; 289; 366; 900; 909.

LEGISLATURES, action on bills and resolutions for full and limited suffrage and other measures, under head of _Legislative Action_, in each State chapter, beginning 465; power to grant limited suff., xv; have granted much to women, 43; Congress should submit wom. suff. amdt. to, 43, 64, 113; work of women members in Col., 525-6; work of women members in Utah, 953 et seq.

LETTERS, telegrams, greetings, etc., to American suff. convs., _see_ Chap. XXII; to natn"l. suff. conv. of "84, 15 et seq., from noted English, 21-2, Bishop Simpson, 24; of "85, 61; of "86, 75; of "87, from Mrs. Stanton, 113, U. S. Treas. Spinner et al., 123; of "89, from Mrs. Stanton, 145; of "91, 179; of "93, last from Lucy Stone, 213, from Bishop Hurst, 220; of "94, from Gov. Waite, Mrs. Sewall, 232; of "96, 254; of "97, from Miss Reed, 285; of "98, from Abigail Bush, Lucinda H. Stone and others, 300-1; of "99, from Samuel Gompers, 334, Mrs. Stanton, 337, 342-3; of 1900, 359, 366.

--to Int"l. Council of "88, 135.

--to Miss Anthony on 70th birthday, 164; on 80th, 403.

--to various Conventions, 447.

--to Governors of States and Territories, 212.

--to members of Congress, 35, 217, 218, 247, 287, 346.

--to political delegates and conventions, 440 et seq.

--to State const.i.tutional conventions, 433.


LIQUOR DEALERS, control in politics, xix; att.i.tude toward wom. suff., xix; influence in Iowa, xxi; in Neb., 80; allied with women remonstrants, 327; opposed to wom. suff., 373; at Nat"l. Brewers" Convention, 447; in Calif., 273, 486, 491-3, 499, 500; in Idaho, 284; in Ariz., 472; in Col., 512, 517; in S. D., 556; in Kas., 650, 660; in Ok., 888.

LONGEVITY and vitality of women, 29.

LOUISIANA, Miss Anthony on women taxpayers" suff., 360.

_See_ State chapter.

MAGAZINES. _See_ Newspapers.

MAJORITY, opposed to any reform, xxii; same, xxiii; same, xxvi; must ask for wom. suff. no argument, x.x.xi; x.x.xii; never asked for anything, 38; Miss Anthony on, 42; wom. suff. should not wait for, 84; must demand wom. suff., 92; never granted anything, 275; oppose every advance, Mrs. Catt on, 369-71.

MARRIAGE, suff. has no relation to, 90; Sen. Brown"s idea of, 94 et seq.; in wom. suff. States, 103; Sen. Vest on, 106 et seq.; position of woman in, regulations made by men, obstacles to happiness, Mrs. Colby on, 151; meaning of, narrowness of wives a detriment to men, Mrs. Stanton on, 161; interdependence of husband and wife, Mrs. Wallace on, 171; Mr. Hinckley on, 180; each supports the other, 171, 208, 311; of Mr. Blackwell and Lucy Stone, 226; wife need not give up name, 226; individuality of wife, Miss Shaw on, 230; what wives want, 245.

_See_ Domestic.

Ma.s.sACHUSETTS, sentiment for wom. suff. in, 36; Lucy Stone on treatment of women by its Legis., 192; early education of women, 192; women taxpayers, 240.

_See_ State chapter.

MATRIARCHATE, Mrs. Spencer on evolution of family life, 328 et seq.; 1041.

MEDICINE, early struggles of women to study, 296; letter from Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, 301; efforts of wom. in, 275, 355; statistics of women physicians, 275, 355, 370; first woman to graduate, 355; 463; 574; first to practice, 748; only woman dean of mixed college, 610; Johns Hopkins Medical, 700; medical societies in N. J., 833; first woman"s med. coll., 904; tribute of women in, on Miss Anthony"s 80th birthday, 394.

_See_ also State chapters under _Occupations_, and for physicians in inst.i.tutions under _Office Holding_.

MICHIGAN, Munic. Suff. Bill vetoed, xv; vote on suff. amend., 35; Nat"l. a.s.s"n. meets, 322.

See State chapter.

MILITARY, argument against wom. suff., nearly obsolete, x.x.xi; Sen. Palmer on, 64; military questions must give way to economic, 69; ability to bear arms not a voting test, 82; Sen. Blair on military service no connection with suff., 87; same on women can fight, 90; Sen. Brown on women and military service, 94, 96, 100; woman"s record, 101, 113; nation"s debt to her, 115; brute force pa.s.sing away, 121; woman"s part in war, 161-2, 195; fighting qualities necessary in women, 183; women first to see advantage of peace, 208; Miss Clay on the military argument before Senate Com., 309; Miss Shaw on, 337; how women would have managed Span. Am. War, 339.

MINISTERS, early women, 59, 260; Rev. Anna Howard Shaw on women ministers, 206; tribute from, on Miss Anthony"s 80th birthday, 397; 464; ministers in favor of wom. suff., 1079. _See_ Sermons.

MINNESOTA, difficulty of carrying wom. suff. amend., xvi; Amer. Suff. a.s.s"n. meets in Minneapolis, 411.

_See_ State chapter.

MOTHERHOOD, x.x.xi; needed in politics, 40; not a limitation, 58; Mrs. Stanton on ancient idea of, 60; Sen. Blair on maternity and suff., 91; Sen. Brown on, 94 et seq.; Sen. Dolph on, 103; Sen. Eustis on, 104; Sen. Vest on, 106; Miss Willard asks suff. for mothers, 142; mothers should be honored equally with fathers, 194; mothers should be exempt from wage-earning, 211; child dearer than all else, 226; Mrs. Stetson on, 266; not broad enough, 277; Mrs. Spencer on motherhood among primitive peoples, 328-333; suff. and, 283, 303-4, 357; fits women for suff., 309; all wom. not fitted for, 362; Congress of Mothers, 1051.

_See_ also Testimony from Wom. Suff. States, beginning 1085, and State chapters for Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming.

MUNIc.i.p.aL SUFFRAGE, in Kas., xv; bill vetoed in Mich., xv; 123; effect in Kas., 199; Australia first country to grant, 224; cities need woman"s vote, 278, 420, 422; in Ireland, 343; how gained in Kas., 649 et seq.; in Kas., 652, 664; in Great Brit., 1012, 1022; in New Zealand, 1025; in Australia, 1027 et seq.; in Canada, 1035 et seq.; in other countries, 1038 et seq.

NATIONAL SUFFRAGE a.s.sOCIATION, membership and finance, x.x.x; contests for right to vote under 14th amend., 4; abandons attempt, 6; same for Federal suff., 10; begins efforts for 16th amend., 11; work in the States, 11; work before Congress, 11; effect on the franchise, 13; founded in "69, 14; conventions held, 14; work in Washington, 15; finances in "84, 27; conv. of "88, 137; finances in "89, 154; union with American a.s.s"n., 164; Miss Anthony declares for free platform, 169; finances in "92, 185; last app. of Mrs. Stanton and Lucy Stone, 186; at Columb. Expos., 217; freedom of platform, 224; mem. serv. for Lucy Stone, 225; finances in "95, org. com. established, 250; finances in "96, 256; headqrs. established, 257; welcomes Utah, 260; breadth of platf., 264; finances of "97, Miss Anthony"s contrib., 287; reports on course of study and finance, 289; demands equal rights for women in every depart., 291; finances in "99, 342; Washt"n _Post_ compliments, 349; advantage of meeting in capital, 351; finances in 1900, 364; holds Bazar, 365; rec"d by Pres. McKinley in 1900, Mrs. McKinley sends flowers, 384; Miss Anthony resigns presidency, action of conv., her speeches, etc., 385 et seq.; her farewell, 393; Mrs. Chapman Catt elected pres., 387; introd. by Miss Anthony, sp. of accept., 388; notices of new pres., 389; love for Miss Shaw, 389; celebrates Miss Anthony"s 80th birthday, 349 et seq.; appeals to political convs. and delegates in 1900, 440-3; nat"l and State work, 450; work for rights of women in our new possessions, Chap. XIX; synopsis of, officers, committees, life members and delegates, 1098 et seq.

For general work, _see_ Chaps. II-XXII.

NEBRASKA, difficulty of carrying amend., xvi; suff. amend, campn., 80.

_See_ State chapter.

NEED, of man and woman in law and politics, 179; in the home, everywhere, 180; of each for other, 266; same, 284; of both in Gov"t, 310.

NEGROES, how enfranch., xvii; why disfranch., xviii; placed above women, 2; right to suff., 6; nat"l. amend. necessary, 42; women should not have suff., 105-6; 311; deprived of suff. in South, compared to white women, 325; women in smoking cars, 343; if denied suff. should not be counted in basis of represent., 376; trib. of wom. to Miss Anthony on 80th birthday, 398; her sympathy for, 403; Nat"l. a.s.s"n. of Colored Women, 1051.

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