OREGON, xxi; xxix; three cla.s.ses of opponents, 249; Amer. Suff. a.s.s"n. aids, 408.

_See_ State chapter.

ORGANIZATION for wom. suff., plan of, 26; inadequacy of, 248; nat"l. com. established, 250; Mrs. Catt"s work, 254; her report, 256; work of Utah women, 262; necessity of, 273; report of "97, obstacles to, 289; report of "99, 365; in various States, 451.

_See_ also State chapters, beginning p. 465.


--a.s.s"n for Adv"mt of Wom., 1050.

--Coll. Alum., a.s.s"n of, 1048.

--Colonial Dames of Amer., 1066.

--Col"d Wom., Nat"l a.s.s"n of, 1051.

--Council of Women, Int"l, 1044.

--Council of Women, Nat"l, 1044-5.

--Daughters of Amer. Rev., 1065.

--Daughters of the Rev., 1066.

--Daught. of Vets., Nat"l All., 1064.

--Daught. of Confed., United, 1067.

--Daught. of 1812, Nat. Soc, 1067.

--Daughters of Rebekah, 1069.

--Eastern Star, Order of, 1068.

--Fed. of Clubs, General, 1050.

--G. A. R., Ladies of, 1064.

--Household Econ., Nat"l As., 1056.

--Indian a.s.s"n. Wom. Nat"l., 1053.

--Jewish Wom., Nat. Coun. of, 1053.

--Keeley Rescue League, 1056.

--Kindergarten Union, Nat"l., 1055.

--Loc. Eng"rs, Ladies" Aux., 1069.

--Maccabees of World, Sup. Hive, Ladies of, 1067.

--Missionary Societies, 1057-1062.

--Mothers, Nat"l. Cong. of, 1051.

--Mt. Vernon Ladies" a.s.s"n., 1065.

--Music. Clubs, Nat"l. Fed. of, 1056.

--Needlework Guild of Am., 1057.

--Prison a.s.s"n., Woman"s, 1055.

--Railroad Cond., Ladies" Aux., 1069.

--Rathbone Sisters of World, Sup. Temple, 1068.

--Red Cross Soc., Am. Nat"l., 1048.

--Relief Corps, Woman"s, 1064.

--Relief Soc., Nat"l. Wom., 1052.

--Sabbath Alliance, Wom., 1063.

--Social Purity, Christian League for, 1054.

--Sunshine Soc., Internat"l., 1052.

--Wom. Chr. Temp. Union, 1045.

--Women Workers, Nat"l., 1054.

--Young Ladies" Mutual Improvement a.s.s"n., 1055.

--Y"ng Wom. Chr. a.s.s"n., 1063.

--Miscellaneous, 1069.

--of Men and Women, 1070.

--in Great Britain, Liberal Federation, Primrose League and Nat"l.

Suff. Society, 1013-14.

--general comment on, majority would not have consented to, xxii; great power of, xxv; value of anti-suff., xxix; working toward suff., x.x.x; suff. organizations, rank first, 188; vast increase, 396; first on record and evolution of, 1042-3; first temperance organ"zs., 1042; during Civil War, 1043; dignity of convs., 1044; great scope of objects but few for suff., 1070-1; all leading to it, 1071; value in develop, of women, 1072; number enrolled, 1072; future power, 1073; Gov"t. must have their help, 1073.

PARTIES, _see_ alphabetical list and also Conventions.

So-called Third, xviii; their general att.i.tude, 143; 425; 438-9; 441; 479; 492; 522-3-4; 554-6; 591; 600; 617; 647; 755-6; 760; 809; 963; 971-2; 974.

PEACE, Conf. at Hague, Nat"l. Suff. a.s.s"n. expresses sympathy, 336; res. for Peace services, 337; 344.

_See_ War.

PERSECUTION, of early workers, xxviii; not ended, x.x.xii; of s.e.x causes moral chaos, 42; fate of reformers, 132.

PEt.i.tION, woman"s right to, 32; have exercised it many years, 33; Congress must not deny, 93.

PEt.i.tIONS, for wom. suff., great number, 33; for many years, 36; in Ills., 39; in O., 46; 110; national enrollment, 137; million signatures, 184; size of, 268; Fed. of Labor for wom. suff., 334; in Wy., 448; in N. Y., 850.

_See_ Chap. XXIII and State chapters under _Legislative Action_.

In Great Brit., 1015, 1017, 1020; in N. Z., 1026; in Victoria, 1032.

--against wom. suff., 107; in Ills., 602; in Ma.s.s., 723, 736 et al.; in N. Y., 850; in R. I., 911.

PHILIPPINES, Nat"l. Suff. a.s.s"n. demands rights for their women, 325; Mrs. Spencer on our duty to the women of our new possessions, 328 et seq.; discussion, 331 et seq.; no hope for their women, 347; testimony in favor before Senate Com., 348.

_See_ Chap. XIX for full statement.

PHARMACY, in Ky., 676.

PHYSICAL ABILITY, woman lacks, 99, 100, 108.

_See_ Military.

PIONEERS, first work for wom. suff., xiii; early conditions of women, 1; at Int"l. Council, 136; in the West, 148; struggles of, 154; work of, 188; appeal for their children, 195; tributes to by Miss Anthony and Fred. Dougla.s.s, 204; trib. of Dougla.s.s to, 227; in Utah, 261; grat.i.tude to, 290; young women should continue their work, 292; mem. services for, 293; at conv. of "98, 298-9; of "99, 336.

PLAN OF WORK, adopted by nat"l. suff. conv. of "84, 26, 62; by conv. of "87, 122; suggestions for suff. clubs, 248; of Amer. Suff. a.s.s"n. in "84, 410.

POLICE MATRONS, _see_ _Office-Holding_ in State chapters, beginning p. 465.

POLITICS, effect of women in, xix; crowding in, x.x.x; too hard for women, 94; in "88, 150; wom. suff. in polit. meetings, 257; should advocates suff. take part in? 280 et seq.; in Utah, 319; in N. Y., 872; anti-suffragists in, _see_ Remonstrants.

POLITICIANS, object to wom. suff., xix; xx; xxi; women as, 99.

For Politics and Politicians, _see_ chapters for States where women vote and in which wom. suff. campaigns have been held; also Parties, Conventions, Republicans, etc.

POPULISTS, 444; in Calif., 488, 491-3; in Col., xviii, 511, "13, "16, "18, "20, "23; in Ida., 590, "92, "94; in Kas., 642-7, 652-5, 657; in Mont., 800; in Wash., 971-2.

_See_ Conventions and Parties.

PORTO RICO, Nat"l. a.s.s"n. demands rights for women in, 325; appeals to Cong. for same, in 1900, 446.

POSTMASTERS, women, 462.

PRAYERS, Mrs. McLaren on, 22; Mrs. Gougar on, 37; Mrs. Crooker on, 43; Miss Shaw on, 134.

_See_ Church.

PRESIDENTS, of Nat"l. Suff. a.s.s"n., Mrs. Stanton, in "84, 15; of united a.s.sn"s. in "90, 174; resigns and made hon. pres., 186; Lucy Stone made hon. pres., 186; Miss Anthony elected pres. in "92, 186; resigns in 1900, 385; Mrs. Chapman Catt elected, 387; Miss A. made hon. pres., 389.

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