--Const.i.tutional Phases of. _See_ Const.i.tutions.

--Conventions for. _See_ Conventions.

--Debates on. _See_ Congress.

--Decisions. _See_ Supreme Court Decisions.

--Democracy of. _See_ Democracy.

--Domestic, argument against wom. suff. losing force, x.x.xi; Reagan, of Texas, on this point, 31; John Quincy Adams on, 47; woman"s sphere, 48; would break up home 49; proper sphere, 53; position of woman in all countries, 52, 83; fear of quarrels, 92; sphere of two s.e.xes, 94; woman is queen, 95; would disrupt family, 99; harmony not disturbed, 103; embrace of female politician, 106-7-8, 117; woman"s sphere narrowed, 190; vote of husband and wife, 198; wives of great men, 206; wom. suff. and home, effect where women vote, 315; evolution of family life, 328; college wom. and home, 357-8; no relation between suff. and housekeeping, 362; modern home happiest, 371; domestic instincts eternal, 380; effect of wom. suff. on domestic life in Colorado, 283, 356, 1087; in Idaho, 595; in Utah, 319, 1088; in Wyoming, 117, 181, 302, 1089, 1091-2.

--Economics of, 308; woman as economic factor, 310; household economics, 357; basis of wom. suff., 377.

--Educated, const.i.tutional to require it, 246; argument against, 258; argument for, 292, 316; Gov"t. no right to educate women and refuse representation, 307; Mrs. Stanton on, 316; education must lead to suffrage, 356.

_See_ Education.

--Ethics of, 20, 43, 69, 80, 81, 116; influence of woman, 117; 119; Mrs. Stanton on, 134; Mrs. Wallace on, 170-1; 254-5; evolution of wom. suff., Mrs. Spencer on, 308.

--Expediency of, xxiv; 52; Sen. Vest on, 107; 167; 172; Phillips on, 381.

--Federal. _See_ Federal Suffrage.

--Illiterate. _See_ Illiteracy.

--Indifference of Women. _See_ Indifference.

--Justice of, 17, 74, 80, 82, 86, 102, 147, 162, 163, 167-8, 183; Lucy Stone on, 191; 199, 297, 305, 358, 378, 381, 413, 415; Curtis and h.o.a.r on, 428.

--Labor and. _See_ Labor.

--Legislative Action on. _See_ Legislatures.

--Liquor Dealers and. _See_ Liquor Dealers.

--Majority of women opposed. _See_ Majority.

--Military argument against. _See_ Military.

--Motherhood and. _See_ Motherhood.

--Ministers for and against. _See_ Ministers, Church and Sermons.

--Morality through, xxvi; 18, 22, 24, 39, 43, 67, 115, 120, 136, 308.

--Munic.i.p.al. _See_ Munic.i.p.al Suffrage.

--Nature and, limitations of, 53; Mrs. Stanton on balance of forces, 58; nature opposes, 94; can not reverse laws of, 100; can be trusted, 168; same, 247; severe lessons of, 209.

--Need of, 46, 69, 84, 88; Mrs. Wallace on, 119; 125, 134; to offset foreign vote, 148; 153; Senate Com. report, 156; by wives and mothers, 161; 168; 193; 244; by city and State, 306; by home, school and munic.i.p.ality, 379; by the Government, 429; 433.

--Negroes and. _See_ Negroes.

--Non-partisanship of demand, 38, 80, 81, 143, 173; debate at nat"l. conv. of "97, 280; 344; 409.

--Opposition to. _See_ Introduction; of church, State, home and society, Mrs. Stanton on, 177; ignorance of, 276; great obstacles, 371.

_See_ also Liquor Dealers, Remonstrants, Congressional Debates and Reports.

--Organization for. _See_ Organization.

--Pet.i.tions for. _See_ Pet.i.tions.

--Philosophy of, Mrs. Colby on, 254.

_See_ also Ethics.

--Pioneers of. _See_ Pioneers.

--Progress of. _See_ Progress of Wom. Suff. and Equal Rights.

--Protection of, 17; Mrs. Stanton on, 41; 44-6, 51, 59, 74, 99, 107, 122, 168, 245, 378, 413; Higginson on, 424; 426; 428.

--Qualifications for, Sen. Blair on, 87-91; physical, 51; 94 et seq.

_See_ also Military.

--Right of. _See_ Right, Suffrage a.

--School. _See_ School Suffrage.

--Science of, scientific aspect, by Mrs. Gage, 28.

--Sermons on. _See_ Sermons.

--South and. _See_ South.

--State"s Rights and. _See_ State"s Rights.

--Taxation and. _See_ Taxation and Taxpayers" Suffrage.

--Temperance through, xxvi; 18; Bishop Simpson on, 24; 43; Miss Willard"s plea, 141; res. against liquor selling at World"s Fair, 186; 196.

--in Territories. _See_ chapters on Territories.

--Testimony for. _See_ Testimony.

--Universal, approved, xxvii; Cong. Com. rep., 54; same, 82; Mrs. Hooker on, 115; 257; 258; 285; 369.

--War and. _See_ War.

SUFFRAGE, WOMAN, miscellaneous, full resume of, _see_ Introduction.

Amount now possessed and how obtained, xxvii, 34, 461.

_See_ also chapters of States and Territories under head of _Suffrage_.

Why denied to woman, xiv et seq.; effect on politics, xix; obstacles to, xx et seq.; future prospects, xxvi et seq.; where taken away, xxvii, 674, 968; attempt of women to vote under 14th Amend., 3 et seq.; capacity for, 13; evolution of, 18; Mrs. Spencer on, 308; scientific view of, 28, 90; practical experience, _see_ Testimony, chapters on States where women vote, also Sen. Palmer on, 68, Sen. Dolph on, 103; dangers of, Sen. Brown on, 96 et seq., Sen. Vest on, 105 et seq., 999 et seq.; danger of withholding, Mrs. Stanton on, 119, 139, Mrs. Wallace on, 172; unequal struggle for, Mrs. Stanton on, 139, 338; men"s indifference to, 187; peaceful effort for, 231, 245; industrial emancip. leads to, Carroll D. Wright on, 215; man improved by, 391; immense work of a few for, 449.

_See_ Vote, and Presidential, Suffrage; also chapter on Great Britain and her Colonies and Chap. LXXIV.

SUNDAY OBSERVANCE, Mrs. Stanton on, 166; 186; 217.

SUPREME COURT DECISIONS, U. S., Dred Scott case defining citizens, 4, 78; on Virginia L. Minor"s attempt to vote, 5; Slaughter House Cases, 5; Yarbrough on Federal Suff., 8; on 14th amend., 79; 144; 165; against right of women to practice law, 153; on woman"s right to vote, 153; recognizing slavery, 165; Justices of, favoring wom. suff., 1076.

--State, on attempt of Miss Anthony, Mrs. Virginia L. Minor and other wom.

to vote, 4 et seq.; on Federal Suffrage in Kellar case (Ills), 10; on property rights of women in Calif., 502; on wom. suff. in Calif., 504; on wom. suff. amend. in Ida., 272, 593; on woman"s right to vote, to practice law and to sell liquor in Ind., 621-2, 626; on Munic. Suff. in Mich., 765; on Sch. Suff. in N. J., 830; on Sch. Suff. in N. Y., 867; same in O., 883; women"s voting on const.i.tn. in Utah, 948; on wom. suff. in Wash., 968-9, 1096; in Wis., 990; Justices of, favoring wom. suff., Del., 565; Ida., 593, 1089; Kas., 433, 646; Wy., 1090-1-2.

TASMANIA, chapter on, 1033.

TAXATION, without representation, x.x.xi; in Ma.s.s., 34; 38; 65; 66; 97; 148; of women in N. Y., Ma.s.s. and Tenn., 240; in Ga., 242; in N. Y., 247, 313, 851; of women helps pay Legislators, 374; women should be relieved of until enfranch., 376; Chicago Teachers" Fed. compels taxation of corporations, 611; 763; in Phila., 900.

TAXPAYERS" SUFFRAGE, States where possessed by women, 461.

_See_ chapters for those States under _Suffrage_.

--in La., 681; in Miss., 787; in Mont., 799; in N. Y., 869.

_See_ also Iowa, 635.

TEACHERS, _see_ Education, Public Schools and Universities.

TERRITORIES, demand for wom. suff. in, 417; appeals to Const.i.t"l. Convs. of Dak., Wash., Mont. and Idaho, 439; Mr. Blackwell visits them in interest of wom. suff., 433; have a right to control suff., 1003.

_See_ Territorial chapters.

TESTIMONY, in favor of wom. suff., from Colorado, 239, 268, 283, 302-3, 338, 356, 383; Kansas, 191; Utah, 261, 283; U. S. Sen. Cannon on, 304; St. Sen. Martha Hughes Cannon on, 319; Washington, U. S. Sen. Palmer on, 68; U. S. Sen. Dolph on, 103, 421, 1096-8; in Wyoming, U. S. Sen. Palmer on, 68, U. S. Sen. Carey on, 117, 181, 200, debate on admission to Statehood, 998 et seq.

_See_ Statistics, also _Testimony from Wom. Suff. States_, beginning p. 1085, State chapters for Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Utah and Wyoming and pp. 1027-28.

UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES, large number of women in, xxii; women on faculties, 355; Emma Willard"s school, geometry in, 355; Mt. Holyoke, Latin in, 355; first Boston High School, 355; President Eliot on girls in Boston Latin School and Radcliffe, 355; Johns Hopkins Medical, 700; Wellesley students for wom. suff., 714; teachers for, 716; same, 726; Smith, same, 716; Girton and Newnham (Eng.), same, 1015; woman suffrage in, 709; Radcliffe, 355, 749; Columbia, 871; Rochester, 871; Brown, 918-20; Oberlin, 884; Antioch, 885; State, closed to wom., 966; open to women in Gr. Brit., 1024; in other countries, 1038 et seq.; presidents of, favoring wom. suff., 1079.

_See_ also Education.

UTAH, adopts wom. suff., xxi; 252; visit of Miss Anthony and Miss Shaw in "95, 253; welcomed by Nat"l. a.s.s"n., 260; organiz"n for wom. suff., 262; gift to Miss Anthony, 390.

_See_ State chapter, also Statistics and Testimony.

VICTORIA, chapter on, 1031.

VOICES, of women, 240; 334-5.

VOTE, woman"s, political complexion of, xviii, not wanted by politicians and others, xix; best women would not vote, 50; they would, 97; they would not, 98; women do vote, 93, 117, 181; first voted in N. J., 19, 830; future woman will be urged to vote, 211.

_See_ Statistics, Suffrage, Testimony, and chapters for Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Australia and New Zealand.

--of nat"l. conv. on carrying wom. suff. into church, 77; on Woman"s Bible, 263; in U. S. Senate on amend. for wom. suff., 112.

WAGES, _see_ Labor and Statistics.

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