The Hudson

Chapter 33

_Nyack_, west bank, opposite Tarrytown.

_J. D. Rockefeller"s New Home_ on Kykuit or Kake-out Mt. back of Tarrytown.

_Tappan Zee_, reaching from Dobb"s Ferry to Croton Point, is about three miles wide at Tarrytown.

_Sleepy Hollow_, east bank, north of Tarrytown; burial place of Washington Irving. The tall shaft visible from steamer, erected by the Delavan family, is near his grave.

_Kingsland Point_, east bank, above lighthouse.

_Rockwood_, home of William Rockefeller. One of the most imposing residences on the river.

_Mrs. Elliot F. Shepard"s Residence_, on east bank.

_Ramapo Mountains_, on west side above Nyack, known as "Point No Point."

_Ossining_, on east bank, six miles north of Tarrytown. Prison buildings are near the river below the village.

_Rockland Lake_, opposite Sing Sing, between two hills; source of the Hackensack River.

_Croton River_, on east bank, meets the Hudson one mile above Sing Sing; crossed by drawbridge of the Hudson River Railroad.

_Teller"s Point._ That part of Croton Point which juts into the Hudson.

This point separates Tappan Zee from Haverstraw Bay.

O Tappan Zee! with peaceful hills, And slumbrous sky and drowsy air, Thy calm and restful spirit stills The heart weighed down with weary care.

_Wallace Bruce_.

_Haverstraw Bay_, widest part of the river; over four miles in width.

_West Sh.o.r.e R. R. Tunnel_ under mountain.

_West Sh.o.r.e Railroad_, west bank, meets the Hudson south of Haverstraw.

_Haverstraw_, on west bank, with two miles of brickyards.

_Treason Hill_, where Arnold and Andre met at the house of Joshua Hett Smith, northwest of Haverstraw.

_Stony Point_, west bank. Lighthouse built on site and from the material of old fort captured from British by Anthony Wayne in 1778.

_Verplank"s Point_, on east sh.o.r.e, full of brickyards. It was here Baron Steuben drilled the soldiers of "76.

_Tompkin"s Cove_, on west bank. Lime kilns and quarries.

_Peekskill_, east bank, pleasantly located on Peekskill Bay.

_New York State Encampment_, on bluff north of Peekskill Creek.

_Kidd"s Point_, on west bank, where steamer enters Highlands almost at a right angle.

_Dunderberg Mountain_, west bank, forming with Manito Mountain on the east southern portal of Highlands.

_Iona Island_, former pleasure resort for excursions, now converted to Government use.

_The Race._ The river channel is so termed by navigators, between Iona Island and the east bank.

_Anthony"s Nose_, east bank, with railroad tunnel.

_Montgomery Creek_, on west side, empties into the Hudson about opposite the point of Anthony"s Nose. _Fort Clinton_ was on the south side of this creek, and _Fort Montgomery_ on the north side.

_J. Pierpont Morgan"s Residence_, on west bank.

_Sugar-Loaf_, east bank, resembling an old "sugar-loaf" to one looking north from Anthony"s Nose.

From Stony Point to Bemis Height, From Saratoga to the sea, We trace the lines, now dark, now bright, From seventy-six to eighty-three.

_Wallace Bruce._

_Beverley Dock_, at foot of Sugar-Loaf, from which point Arnold fled to the "Vulture."

_Lady-Cliff Academy_, (west side) on bluff.

_Hamilton Fish"s Residence_, on hill, east side.

_William H. Osborne"s Residence_, on east bank; house with pointed tower north of Sugar-Loaf.

_Sam Sloan"s_ lookout tower, east side, on top of mountain. Residence on hillside below.

_b.u.t.termilk Falls_, on west bank.

_West Point_, 50 miles from New York, Academy Buildings and Parade Grounds.

_Memorial Hall_, building on bluff above landing.

_Kosciusko"s Garden_ with monument and spring below Memorial.

_Garrison_, opposite West Point on east bank.

_Fort Putnam_ (596 feet), above the Hudson on west.

_West Point Hotel_, west bank, wide outlook to the north.

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