"Feed," Declan whispered gutturally, pulling out and sinking back home inside her rump.

Unable to resist, she struck, hearing Eli"s ragged cry when she bit him, when her fangs pierced his skin as his c.o.c.k pierced her p.u.s.s.y. None of them were truly aware of the lurking presence that had started to coalesce outside the windows of the house, though Declan and Eli had been expecting this. Her body and mind writhing under the pleasure, the call that had seized her the night before barely even touched her awareness, and had no effect.

But the malevolent force gathered and grew.

Tori lifted her mouth from Eli"s neck and stared down at him with a slumberous, heavy gaze as Declan pulled out of her body, his c.o.c.k still hard, wet and gleaming from lubricant.

Eli remained inside her, using his hands to lift her weight up and down on his c.o.c.k. Moments later, though, he pulled out and lifted her, standing beside the bed with her weight in his arms as Declan returned and lay down, reaching and pulling her body against him, cuddling her and stroking her gently, his eyes glowing and hot with adoration and need. She straddled him, grasping his c.o.c.k and holding it steady while she slid home, his longer length slicing through her already sensitized tissues with a sensation that bordered on pain. She felt Eli"s hand on her back once she had slid home, and he urged her forward, positioning her knees and hips so that he had access to her wet, gleaming rosette-using more lubricant, coating her a.n.u.s with it, and then his thick c.o.c.k before he took her hips in his hand and started to work the smooth, round thickness of his p.e.n.i.s inside.

Tori cried out, feeling stretched too tight, the burning sensation of that fat c.o.c.k parting her swollen flesh too much. She whimpered and bucked against their restraining hands, Declan"s whispered endearments and pleas falling on deaf ears.

She felt something, dark and evil, swirling in her mind, trying to take hold. Instinctively, she threw it off and struck out, catching Declan"s neck and piercing his skin-his hot, sweet blood filling her mouth before sliding down her throat to her belly and leaving fire in its wake, to spread and creep through her body until every vein seemed to fill with the hot liquid gold.

The dim light danced over their damp, gleaming bodies as Declan pushed upward inside her tight, swollen p.u.s.s.y, while Eli braced his hands low on her spine and surged deep into the firm clasp of her a.s.s, groaning under his breath.

Tori whimpered, unable to focus on anything beyond the pleasure and the hot liquid gold of Declan"s blood in her belly and veins. A warm, pulsing, magical sensation formed deep inside her chest as Declan whispered and crooned against her damp skin.

She shuddered as Eli spread the cheeks of her a.s.s and drove home, burying his thick c.o.c.k completely inside her a.s.s, before pulling out and working it back in against the clinging, resistant pull of her muscles.

Declan groaned as she contracted around them, her hot, tight body clenching and gripping his c.o.c.k with a velvet fist. He could feel how tightly stretched she was, could feel Eli"s movements picking up as her body started to open and relax and clamor for more. He felt it as her fangs slid from his flesh, her tongue laving over the neat holes, catching the tiny trickle of blood and swallowing it down. He reached up, and caught her face between his hands.

"Forever," he rasped before he shuddered and bowed underneath her, fighting the urge to shift, and throw her to the floor and rut on her like an animal. His teeth lengthened and he caught her head, brushing her hair aside before he sought and found and pierced the fading marks left from when Eli had fed.

The moment her blood flooded his mouth, she climaxed with a scream, m.u.f.fled against his chest, while Eli pounded into her a.s.s and Declan rolled his hips against hers, driving his c.o.c.k in to the b.a.l.l.s, lodging it against the mouth of her womb as he fed.

He understood, now, why Eli"s eyes started to go half mad the moment he had first tasted Tori"s blood. It was neither vampire, nor human, but something else, something exotic and hot, tasting of life and death, s.e.x and love, intoxicating and addicting.

Outside, a howl ripped the air.

Inside, Eli bellowed out as he shot the hot tight little hole that engulfed him full of creamy sperm, while Tori screamed-black explosions of light blocking her vision- and inside her mind, something that had been weak and withered to begin with, snapped and shriveled and faded away, taking with it the last lingering darkness that had plagued her mind since the night she"d had this change forced upon her.

There was a powerful force gathering inside her, as that darkness faded, something inexplicable, something beyond light, beyond strength, beyond the evil that had tried to claim her.

Declan flooded her v.a.g.i.n.a with hot pulsing jets of seed and growled against her throat, one hand cupping and molding her breast, while he jack-hammered his c.o.c.k inside her, riding his o.r.g.a.s.m to the very last drop.

Tori"s body seemed to dissolve and her soul exploded, hot darting lightning bolts of pleasure coursing through her before it all started to fade. As she collapsed, she felt two strong pairs of arms surround her, and a soft brushing stroke of her mind that felt and smelled of Declan.

With a sigh, she succ.u.mbed to the call of sleep, her mind, belly and heart full.

She lay cupped between their bodies, quivering, and unconscious.

Eli, still nestled snug in her bottom, murmured softly, "It"s been an age since I was able to f.u.c.k a woman into a stupor. I have to always take more care with my humans."

Declan stroked his hand over Tori"s flesh, feeling the rough touch of goose b.u.mps chilling her skin. Though Eli"s body was warm now, it would eventually cool, and it would leech away whatever heat Tori had.

Declan snagged a blanket and covered them before saying quietly, "Something inside her is gone. I"ve sensed it before, but I thought it was because of the change. But it was her sire. His hold on her is gone.

That taint is gone, I can"t smell it, or feel it, or sense it."

"I know. I recognized his touch, though it took me some time to place a face to that feel, I recognized his taint the moment she entered my territory," Eli said, resting one hand on her hip, stroking his thumb absently over her flesh. "That is why I forced that confrontation on Tori when she first came. Not for form, but because I needed to make certain she was not feral.

"I do not follow the rules that so many of my kind cling to. Unless, of course, those rules suit my purposes. Any may enter my territory, so long as they pose no threat to me or mine, so long as they follow my rules." He met Declan"s gaze, his golden gaze sad and lonely and sighed, saying, "He can not call her, can not claim her, can not control her. Her soul is her own again. Her heart, however, belongs to you.

"She is yours, now. G.o.d, how I envy you."

Declan"s lids slid down, shielding his eyes from his friend. He also still rested inside Tori, his semi-erect c.o.c.k twitching occasionally. He hadn"t intended to hurt Eli, but he realized it had happened. Declan had found something that Eli had been searching for centuries to attain. And not only had Declan found it, he had asked Eli to help him keep it, he had allowed Eli to take her body and taste her, taste them both.

But soon they would leave.

And the vampire would be alone, again.

Eli sighed and murmured, "

Do not do this to yourself, pup. She was always yours, and though I may yearn, she isn"t for me." With a soft laugh, he added, "But I hope, if she is willing, you may find it in yourself to share her again."

Rolling his head, Eli stared out the window into the night. "He has been here, his essence. I can feel it. Will you take the fight to him, or let him bring it here?"

"Tori"s call. Her fight, her call."

"Urge her to remain here. Though she is not in his thrall any more, he is centuries old and will not be easy to defeat. On my territory, I can offer defense to whom I will. And if she starts to falter, I will aid her." Eli snuggled closer to her and murmured, "I am weary. Do you know how long it has been since I"ve done this?"

Declan remained silent, his hand curved possessively over Tori"s hip.

He kept it silent, but he could feel Tori"s every heartbeat, like an echo in his chest. He had felt the o.r.g.a.s.m that had rocked her, the breaking of that insidious hold, and wondered if she would feel it as well.

Eli had caught the backlash of the bonding, Declan was certain. But he hoped it was something that would fade from him. While he may not have any problems sharing Tori from time to time with his friend, he had no intention of sharing her completely and indefinitely. "We will stay here," Declan said, shifting and moving until he could rest his head on Tori"s chest, feelin g her soft, shallow breaths. "He is near anyway."

Stupid b.i.t.c.h.

Foolish b.i.t.c.h.

Traitorous b.i.t.c.h.

Fleeing and hiding and surviving when she had been meant to die, slowly and painfully and alone. Worse, she had found a protector, a b.l.o.o.d.y shifter. One who had the look and smell of a hunter about him. And the English fop of a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Oh, Manuel hadn"t forgotten Eli, hadn"t forgotten slipping from the b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s grasp nearly two centuries past. Elijah Crawford, one who hunted and destroyed his own kind. Instead of bathing in blood and relishing the power of being immortal, the fool clung to the ways of his human life, spouting harm-no-one s.h.i.t and protecting the humans.

They were all going to die.

f.u.c.king in that bed, feeding off each other, using the body that he had thrown aside. She shouldn"t have lived. But since she had, she belonged to him. The shadow, an extension of himself, hovered by the window, watching with wide eyes that missed nothing. Manuel paced the confines of his resting place and plotted while the shadow watched. The shadow was supposed to lure the b.i.t.c.h out of Eli"s stronghold and seize her mind, holding her until Manuel could arrive.

Instead, she had thrown off his summons again, while she let the two men f.u.c.k her in unison.

The fact that watching them had aroused Manuel beyond all reason, beyond any hope of satisfaction, infuriated him even more.

Oh, they were all going to die.

The shifter first.

He"d seize the b.i.t.c.h first, and hold her, while he killed the shifter in front of her. Then Elijah Crawford. His human, a little less handsome now af ter several brutal beatings, wasn"t quite so human anymore. Manuel had lost control and fed too much, letting the man hover too near death, leaving Manuel with no immediate servant at hand. Manuel was left with no choice but to force a bond on him.

Now the man was a true slave, inhumanly strong, his mind receptive to Eli"s every whim, his will and mind all eradicated under the lash of Manuel"s power. He could feed off of blood, off of food, but mostly he would prefer flesh.

His slave would take care of the vampire, usin g the holy wate r soaked garlic first, and then, while Eli lay wounded, beheading him.

The woman would be last.

And she would pay for defying him, for refusing his summons.

Maybe he"d allow his slave some p.u.s.s.y, or a piece of a.s.s, before they killed her and fed. Between the two of them, they could feast on her blood while they f.u.c.ked her raw and ripped her apart.

But first, Manuel had to wait for his slave to return with dinner.

After fighting half the night to bring her to his side, Manuel"s reserves were wearing thin. Not that she was too strong for him. It was simply the distance. Yes, the distance. And the men that surrounded her would block much of his summons.

Once he was there, he was certain he would control her again.

Of course, his shadow was already there, had been there half the night.

And she still slept on, cuddled between the two men like she hadn"t a care in the world. Manuel snarled, his fangs gleaming like ivory in the darkened room. The shadow seemed to flinch from his wrath and when the door opened, the slave hesitated. Manuel stared at the pale blonde dancer and laughed. "My little dancer," he crooned before launching himself at her. She went down screaming.


Tori awoke at dawn, right as Eli was sliding into slumber. There was an eerie p.r.i.c.kling awareness of him in the back of her mind. She knew he was aware of her waking, and jealous of it. She knew he was aware of her, her scent, her warmth, the blood in her veins.

"What"s going on?" Tori asked quietly. So much of the past night was a blur. She remembered it vaguely, and that miffed her a bit. She wanted to remember in great detail. And she was tempted to kick Declan"s a.s.s for springing it on her. But, like that eerie p.r.i.c.kling awareness of Eli, she was aware that Declan hadn"t put her up for a three-way f.u.c.k just for doing so.

She could feel his words in her mind before he even replied. "We helped you break your sire"s hold," he murmured against her chest. The puff of air from him speaking caressed her skin and her nipples drew tight.

"What else? Why can I feel Eli in the back of my mind?

And why are you in mine? It feels like you are inside me, and I don"t mean your c.o.c.k," she said, pulling back and looking down at him.

He arched his neck, propping his chin between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and staring up at her. His eyes shone with love, l.u.s.t, adoration and need, sending hot little tingles of pleasure down her spine. "I"ve always loved you," he murmured. "Always."

Tori"s face heated slightly at that bald, unconditional exclamation. But she wasn"t surprised. She had always known, but hadn"t accepted it. Fool. What woman didn"t want to have all that focused solely on her? "I know that. I love you, too."

He smiled slowly, a pleased, smug, totally male smile as he rubbed his chin back and forth on her skin, caressing her roughly. "I know that. We belong together. You know that, don"t you, girl?"

The rough, husky words, with that lilt of Ireland, rolled around her, caressing her just as surely as his hands were starting to. Weakly, she replied, "I do." "We bonded last night," Declan rasped against her flesh, pulling her underneath him and spreading her thighs. "Bonded-body, mind and soul. I"ll know your every emotion, and you"ll know mine."

Tori gasped, her lids fluttered down as he reached down and trailed his fingers against her opening, wet with cream and him, but swollen and sore. "I know you"re sore. I feel it as well. But I want to make love to you, and I can feel that you want it, too."

Her eyes drifted toward Eli, who slept deeply, that awareness stretched thin and taut. But he was still dimly aware of them. And she felt his hunger for this as well. If this had happened yesterday, she couldn"t have.

No way could she have made love to Declan while somebody else was in the room, sleeping or not. But this wasn"t somebody, this was Eli. And he felt like he was a part of her now.

"He is. We"re linked, the three of us." Declan kissed his way down her body, nipping gently at one nipple, rolling the other between his fingers, before he continued to trail his mouth down her body. "Will you let him be with us again?"

"You want to share me with him?" she asked, her eyes clouded with l.u.s.t and confusion. His mouth was creeping ever lower and he was expecting her to carry on a conversation?

"Not share," he argued softly just before he spread the swollen lips of her s.e.x and blew a cool puff of air on her inflamed, sensitive flesh. "Be with. And not for always. You liked it, didn"t you?" Just then, he stroked her open, from bottom to top, with one wet swipe of his tongue.

Tori shuddered and whimpered, the words, "I can"t even lie to you about it. You know I liked it, why ask?"

"Enough to do it again?" he asked, nuzzling her c.l.i.t with his nose before catching it between his teeth, gently, and laving it with his tongue.

"h.e.l.l, yes." The two of them, inside her body at one time? Images swirled in her mind, her taking Declan in her mouth while Eli drank from her v.a.g.i.n.a. Declan"s tongue stroking in and out, like he was doing now, while Eli nipped and fondled her aching b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"We will do that," Declan whispered as he trailed one finger from her wet c.l.i.t to her bottom, pressing against the sensitive flesh of her a.n.u.s.

"Ohhhh," Tori whimpered as he repeatedly pressed against her rosette while he flicked his tongue against her c.l.i.t and suckled on it. "Just how...ah, how far inside...mmm, my head can you go?"

"Only as far as you want me to," he murmured. "You can feel me, too- inside your head-and you inside mine.

" He propped himself up, taking two fingers and sliding in and out of her wet pa.s.sage. "Close your eyes," he urged. "Concentrate on me."

"How can I not?" she asked wryly, her hips rising unconsciously to meet the strokes of his hand. But her eyes fluttered closed and she shuddered, that dim awareness of Declan in the back of her mind rushing to the forefront, and she could feel the way her own body felt to him-could taste the way her body tasted as he slid his tongue inside to gather more cream, could feel the tight, pulsing, pounding sensation that was his c.o.c.k-feel it as if she was actually inside his body.

She could feel his emotions, his fears, his wants.

She could feel him covering her body while he was wearing nothing but the pelt that covered him after he shifted, taking her like that, underneath the full moon, in the woods. She could feel the intense, insatiable need for s.e.x that rode his back and feel the hunger that he had focused solely on her from day one.

He left her dripping p.u.s.s.y with one last rough swipe of his tongue before he came up her body and spread her thighs; draping them across his while he remained upright on his haunches, pulling her pelvis lower until he could work his c.o.c.k inside her while they both watched. The fat, ruddy head of his p.e.n.i.s stretched her swollen opening and she flinched a little, Declan soothing her with gentle stroking caresses on her hips.

Her breath left her lungs in a shuddering rush when she lifted herself on her elbows to watch with him as his thick c.o.c.k sliced through her until he was buried inside her-the furred sac of his b.a.l.l.s swinging against her bottom with each deep, gentle stroke. She hooked her ankles together just atop his b.u.t.t, holding him deep inside her. Her body quaked as he used the flared tip of his c.o.c.k to stroke that tiny spot inside her body. She wanted to feel his body against hers but before she could move, or even voice the urge, he had grasped her around her waist and drew her up, catching a tightly beaded nipple in his mouth as he aligned their bodies, her sitting astride him and rocking her hips slowly.

Lifting his head, he stared up into her eyes as he took her bottom in his hands and lifted her weight, guiding her in a slow, easy rhythm. Declan groaned and muttered under his breath as her silken sheath contracted around him, tight, hot and wet-swollen from his and Eli"s rough usage of her the past night. "So f.u.c.king sweet," he murmured, nipping at her lip before kissing her gently, his tongue sliding inside to taste and seduce as one warm hand left her hip to cup her breast, his thumb stroking the nipple.

"Mmmm," she murmured, licking her lips after his left hers. "Tell me about it." His taste intoxicated her-salty, spicy, so totally male, but so uniquely him. "Want another taste," she murmured, seeking out his mouth.

His hand tightened on her a.s.s and he drove a little harder inside her. Tori cried out, squirming on his lap, rubbing herself against him. His hand left her breast to circle around her throbbing c.l.i.t and he went back to rocking slowly inside, stilling her attempts to drive herself down on his c.o.c.k. "You"re too sore," he rasped against her mouth.

"I want-"

"I know what you want," he said with a smile as his fingers gripped one a.s.s cheek and pulled, separating her crevice, exposing her puckered rosette to the gentle caress of air. "But you can"t have it right now. I want to love you right now. Love you, not f.u.c.k you. Ride me.

Just ride. Let me take you slowly, Tori. Let"s let it last a while."

His final words were whispered against her breast as he trailed his mouth down and closed over one nipple, raking his teeth gently against it before sucking and taking her flesh deep inside his mouth.

It built slowly this time, every time Tori sought to plunge and thrust, his hands restrained her. By the time the climax had built inside her, she was sweating and panting, tears flowing down her cheeks, her skin stretched tight and hot as though her entire body was going to explode the minute the climax rolled through her.

"Now," he whispered against her mouth, feeling the tight, clenching caresses of her sheath as her body tightened and prepared for o.r.g.a.s.m. She was hotter and wetter, straining and panting-pleading and crying out against him. He gripped her shoulders and forced her down, rocking inside her as she shattered against him, cream flooding from her body as her v.a.g.i.n.a vised down around his c.o.c.k. Tori sobbed as it rolled through her, each wave seeming to last longer than the last. His c.o.c.k pulsed inside her and she screamed weakly when she felt the hot jets of his sperm flood her. Another o.r.g.a.s.m wracked her body as her head fell back, her body going limp while he continued to thrust and rock inside her, riding his o.r.g.a.s.m until she had drained him dry.

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