He couldn"t put Sarel into such a situation without her being willing.

Which meant, to his disgust, he couldn"t f.u.c.k her again unless she knew what she was getting into.

Sarel awoke an hour before dusk.

Working her way down Eli"s sleeping body she kissed his flat, pink nipples and licked his navel, before taking the head of his c.o.c.k into her mouth. She hummed with surprised pleasure as he grew hard and firm and filled her mouth. She knew the moment he woke-his body stiffened, his hands tangled in her hair, and he stifled a groan.

Lifting his hips he drove his c.o.c.k further into her throat, bringing tears to her eyes as she fought the instinct to gag. Forcing her throat to relax she took him deeper than she would have thought possible. Slowly, she moved her head up and down, wrapping one hand around the base of his c.o.c.k as she found a rhythm and settled into it, listening to the ragged groans as they fell helplessly from him.

Sarel pulled away and swabbed the head of his c.o.c.k with her tongue, laughing as he rasped out, "b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, woman," and slammed his head into the pillow, gritting his teeth when she moved lower and licked delicately at his furred sac before taking his c.o.c.k back into her mouth.

The pale, carved lines of his body called her eyes and she stared up the length of him as she slid her mouth back down until she could take no more, relis.h.i.+ng the warm, salty taste of his skin, the smoothness of him, the slow, steady pulse she could feel in the distended vein that stood out on the underside of his shaft.

Pulling away, she cupped him in her hands and pumped his c.o.c.k slowly while she studied him, fondling his b.a.l.l.s, leaning down to lick the head of his c.o.c.k before lifting back up and just watching the play of her hands on him. Eli laughed and groaned at the same time. "Are you trying to drive me mad? Studying for anatomy? What?"

With a cheeky grin, she lay back down and took him inside her mouth, sucking at him until her jaws ached with it, feeing his hands fist in her hair and shudder as he bellowed and started to pump his hips up to meet her mouth.

Thick creamy jets of sperm pulsed from him and she swallowed, pulling away, licking her lips and smiling down at him.

Staring up at her with sleepy eyes, a slow smile curved his mouth. Before she realized what he was doing he had her on her back, her thighs spread and open and he was drinking from her s.e.x like he was starving.

Shrieking when he drove two fingers inside her, he f.u.c.ked her ruthlessly to climax while he sucked on her c.l.i.t. Crying out as he gently bit her c.l.i.t, she quivered in antic.i.p.ation when he urged her onto her knees. But all he did was spread the cheeks of her a.s.s and lick her there while she squirmed to get away. Smacking her b.u.t.t he ordered, "Be still," as he gathered some cream from her dripping s.e.x and started to ease his index finger inside her a.s.s.

s.h.i.+vering, feeling oddly cold and hot at the time, her skin feeling entirely too tight for her body, he invaded her. "Push down," he said roughly. Obeying him, she did, and he slid his finger completely inside, causing her to scream. The scream came again as he started to f.u.c.k her a.s.s with his finger, slowly, carefully, bringing her to climax with just that while she stayed there on her hands and knees, him kneeling behind her quivering upthrust b.u.t.t. "I am dying to put my c.o.c.k inside you," he murmured, watching as he speared the tender little hole, working her a little closer to the edge, her hot, wet sheath clinging to him tightly.


"Play with your c.l.i.t, Sarel," he told her. "Touch it. Or would you like me to call Byron? He could come in here and go down on you while I do this."

Her back stiffened. "What?"

He laughed. "You did not say no," he murmured, filing that away. "Shall I call him? He will want to f.u.c.k you when he"s done." Eli had to lash down the uneasy feeling that caused, but he could feel the excitement in Sarel. She wanted to have what Declan and Eli gave Tori. He could feel it. And he sensed she wanted it with Declan and Eli. Not gonna happen. No way he"d allow Tori to be hurt like that, even if Declan would go along with it.

And the Irishman would never do it. He was more likely to sprout another head or turn into a vampire.

But he could let her have the pleasure of it.

Though she was no where near ready for a three-some this could get her closer to that, and maybe it would wear her out enough, tire her enough that she wouldn"t wonder why Eli didn"t mount her himself.

The door opened.

Byron walked in, his eyes already hot and hungry, his black silk s.h.i.+rt hanging open over a broad chest. A fine vee of silky black hair between his nipples arrowed down his torso, over his belly and disappeared into his trousers. Eli communicated silently with him, warning him of Sarel"s inexperience, and Byron chided him, "Give me some credit. I"m no fool. I won"t scare her off.

I can tell what she is to you."

Sarel"s body went taut as a bowstring and Eli stroked his free hand down her side, soothing her as Byron dropped to his knees in front of her, smiling crookedly at her. "The things a host must do to make his guests feel at home," he teased gently, taking her face in his hands and kissing her slowly, carefully, sliding his tongue inside her mouth, humming in appreciation at her taste.

When she didn"t freeze, Byron slowly lifted her kneeling body up and Eli stilled, cuddled his aching c.o.c.k against her b.u.t.t, giving Byron a few minutes, as the dark haired vampire worked Sarel back against Eli, pinning her body between them.

"d.a.m.n it," she whispered on a shuddering sigh as Eli rocked his c.o.c.k against her a.s.s. Byron was working his way down her neck, her shoulders, catching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s together and plumping them up, burying his face in her cleavage before taking one nipple then the other in his mouth, suckling deep.

Sarel"s head was spinning.

It was her fantasy. It had been for five years, since that last day at Eli"s, the day she had heard him with Tori and Declan. That was the reason she hated Tori. And while Byron wasn"t Declan, he was gorgeous and he was here, sucking on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and whispering against her skin, and sliding one hand down to cup her crotch before driving two fingers deep inside her dripping p.u.s.s.y.

She was living a fantasy.

Twenty four hours ago, she had still been a virgin. Of course, that was because subconsciously, she had been waiting for Eli. Byron turned and s.h.i.+fted, moving onto his back, with his head between her thighs. Starting by licking her, he then began driving his tongue deep inside, carefully, his fangs never once touching her, even when he began to nibble and suck on her c.l.i.t.

Eli went back to finger-f.u.c.king her a.s.s and she cried out, unable to hold back. She screamed and rocked her hips, hungry for more. "Eli, please," she whimpered, pus.h.i.+ng back against him. Byron"s hands held her hips still though, and she could only move so much. Two thick fingers invaded her cleft and she bucked, rocking against them, riding them and the mouth that had settled on her c.l.i.t, but it wasn"t enough.

She wanted more.


Groaning against her hair, he thrust his c.o.c.k hard against her hip. Need grew, hot and urgent in her belly and she grabbed for him, but he stayed just out of her reach. Insane l.u.s.t drove her and she dug her nails into his arm, demanding and begging. She shuddered in satisfaction as they moved around her, one of them crouching behind her, the other in front. When she looked up, Eli was kneeling in front of her, staring down at her with gleaming eyes, while Byron gripped her hips and drove deep inside her with one quick thrust.

Sarel felt like the whole thing was unreal-staring up into Eli"s face over the plane of his muscled chest, his lean belly, his thick c.o.c.k only inches in front of her mouth-while a man she barely knew f.u.c.ked her from behind. Byron"s hand reached around her and his fingers played tauntingly with her c.l.i.t, pressing, pinching and teasing her into o.r.g.a.s.m as Eli slid his c.o.c.k between her lips and inside her mouth and she swallowed the head down as far as she could take it.

Over her head, she heard the growl that rumbled out of his chest and it sent a thrill of power through her. Eli buried his hands in her hair just as Byron slid one finger down to press against her a.n.u.s.

"She"s more ready for this than you think, Eli," he said roughly as the tiny little pucker opened easily for him.

She shuddered, caught between pain and pleasure as he worked his finger inside while he continued to f.u.c.k her.

Eli snarled and sank his fangs into his own lip, watching while another man f.u.c.ked his woman. Sarel"s mouth felt like heaven, and it was...erotic, certainly, to watch another man bring her to climax while she went down on him. His hands tightened to the point of pain as his b.a.l.l.s went on red alert with impending climax just as Byron brought her over. When she screamed and came, he spurted his come down her throat, groaning raggedly while Byron gripped her hips and shoved her a.s.s a little lower, riding her hard and deep as her head fell away from Eli, a weak moan falling from her lips as she whimpered and came.


He rolled her away from Byron and the three of them lay there for long minutes, the little witch unaware of his frustration as she sat up, shoving her sweaty hair out of her face, staring down at him with a smile and glowing eyes. "When can we do that again?"

Chapter Eight.

Eli swore in hot, furious frustration.

Sheila was hurt.

She had been out training, and hadn"t listened, silly woman, to Jonathon. A vamp pit had been set on his land-a deep hole, lined with stakes-had been dug and she had been out, scenting human. Jon had smelled the wood and swore hotly, told her to back off.

Had she listened? No.

What in the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l was going on? "Newsflash," Jonathon said, sarcastically, mimicking some of the younger enclave"s speech. "You"ve got a new friend inviting you to come and play."

And Sheila had gotten hurt for it. It didn"t matter that her inexperience, and her not listening, had led to it.

And it did not matter that Jonathon had gotten her out and she would be fine. She had been hurt, on his watch, on his lands. He had failed her.

b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l.

Sarel stared at the deep pit, dug unevenly into the earth, studded with spikes of cedar. She could smell the wood a few hundred feet away. How the vampire, newly turned or not, hadn"t noticed it, she didn"t know.

"A vamp pit?" she guessed sarcastically, lifting a brow, casually moving forward and placing her shoulder a little in front of Eli"s body. If he stumbled, or was pushed, she"d feel it and have time to act- She didn"t realize that Eli caught the movement and smiled a slow smile, pleased at the protective act, or that all the others were studying her with disgust. A smattering of applause clued her in on the disgust when she lifted her eyes and saw the weres surrounded her, and Eli was looking at her with grim distrust or outright dislike. One bold individual said, "I bet you pa.s.sed How to Kill a Vampire 101 with flying colors."

Nausea rolled hot and thick through her gut and she looked away, feeling her face flush red. Eli moved around the edges of the pit carelessly, moving toward the man who had spoken, going nose to nose with him.

"I imagine, Brent, that she"s mastered how to make a wolf slink away from the full moon with his tail between his legs as well. And so have I. Shall I show you?"

Brent c.o.c.ked a brow arrogantly. "I haven"t forgotten what she did, Crawford." A s.h.a.ggy black brow lifted and he slid his eyes to Sarel slowly. "I smell her on your skin, and you on hers. You are my Master. I serve and respect you with grat.i.tude, with pride. But you brought her back here, f.u.c.ked her, and now all is forgiven? Was she that good? Can"t be...It doesn"t change what she did."

"No...no, it doesn"t. You are quite right. But you"ve no right to judge me for my actions, or anybody else, Brent. The Council took pity on you, a long time ago, remember? You are no longer on sufferance, but you were once. As were many weres who were left alone and had no idea how to control their changes, their rages, their hungers." Eli smiled sharply, revealing glistening fangs and a hard glint in his eyes. Anger rolled from his body like a wave of water as he looked from one pair of eyes to another-until their eyes fell away in deference. When he looked back at Brent, the wolf was still staring at him head on, his jaw clenched, his face going ruddy with anger. "And for your astuteness, until you can figure out why the council sent her here, you can have the pleasure of filling the pit...all by your lonesome, while I figure out who set it in the first place. Have fun with it. I imagine it took a good day and three or four people to dig it."

Sarel felt a distant, forgotten shame coming from the were as he stared at Eli before turning away and staring into the pit. The other wolves melted into the forest, leaving Sarel and Eli. She turned and followed him slowly back to the house more than three miles away.

Once they were out of hearing range of the werewolf, more than a mile away, she said quietly, "Your people hate me."

"The Council is testing you. You did not truly think it would be easy, did you, Sarel?" He moved over the uneven ground in silence, his feet pa.s.sing over the ground lightly, easily, the moon reflecting off the white linen of his s.h.i.+rt, the gold of his hair. Pausing, Eli looked back at her and a small smile curled his lips.

"You are not with those who understand though. All know Lori already, and all understand that she is what you were trying to avenge. You were mistaken, you were wrong. But it was not an evil thing you were trying to do. Just a mistaken one. It"s the wolves you will have trouble convincing, but they will come around sooner than you think."

The churning in her gut was making her feel slightly ill. "If I had managed to convince myself, then it might be easier to convince others." Her voice was low, soft, full of self blame. Folding her arms around her waist, she rocked back and forth on her heels and stared up at the sky through the veil of branches. "I haven"t fully forgiven myself."

Eli moved closer, sliding his hands around her waist, down to cup her bottom, lifting her up against him as he slanted his mouth across hers. Pus.h.i.+ng his tongue into her mouth, he backed her up against a tree, bracing her there before rocking against her and shuddering as her thighs fell apart in welcome and she sucked his tongue into the wet cave of her mouth. Pulling his mouth from hers, he kissed his way to her ear and murmured, "Forgive yourself, Sarel. Let it go. I forgave it the moment I looked into your eyes as you sat in my office that day, maybe before than. Let it go, and be with me."

He s.h.i.+fted them around, bracing his back against the tree and turning her back to his chest as he grasped the fastening of her jeans. Sliding his hands inside, past the barrier of her skimpy panties he combed through the fine little ruff of curls and stroked his finger over the hardening bud of her c.l.i.t. "Be with me..." he cajoled sweetly. "See how wet you already are? How hot, how sweet."

Plunging his fin gers deep into the cream slicked well of her p.u.s.s.y, Eli groaned and cuddled his c.o.c.k against her a.s.s, licking her neck, pumping his finger in and out of the silken sheath, smelling her arousal on her skin, perfuming the air.

She arched up against his hand, rocking there, riding his hand as her arms reached back behind her neck and head, twining around his, holding him tightly against her. "Mine." His voice was a rough, sultry purr in her ear, elegant, a silken rasp as he pushed a second finger into the convulsing entrance of her v.a.g.i.n.a. "All mine...

never touched, never f.u.c.ked by another man. Come for me, let me feel that sweet syrup again, let me smell it, and taste it on the air."

Sarel came with a long weak moan as he whispered seductively into her ear, her knees going weak, her nails biting into the skin of his shoulders and neck, holding onto him, as he stood behind her, the hard length of his c.o.c.k burning into her through their clothing.

"Be with me..."

Chapter Nine.

Sarel stared at Eli, her whole body cold.

"You are nuts." "No, my lady, I am not," he replied, settling down in his chair. His lady. His. The question was-would he be able to keep her.

Elijah had waited for this discussion to take place until they had gotten home. Byron had given him a commiserating glance on the way out the door, but he hadn"t truly understood. He had enjoyed f.u.c.king Sarel too much. Why would Eli give up a chance to have that always? The soul-bond was fated.

Even fate shouldn"t be forced on a person. Especially not forever.

Eli knew about it.

Sarel did not.

Well, she did now.

"You are telling me that you and I will have what Tori and Declan Reilly have." The words felt as though they were coming through her throat like gla.s.s over raw flesh-abrasive, painful, and sharp. He was mocking her. The bonds the hybrid vampire and the Inherent shared were rare, they were taught this fact at Excelsior. For she and Eli to share one was too unlikely.

And he didn"t really seem to like her.

Attracted to her, yes.

But like her?

"If we continue what we were been doing that last day, then yes. The bond is forged through s.e.x and closeness.

Mainly s.e.x. I was drawn to you, but I did not suspected a bond was possible until I saw you at the airport," Eli said evenly, watching her still, pale face.

"So if I don"t f.u.c.k you any more it won"t happen," she said stiffly.

Almost soundlessly, he replied, "No."

"What happens with this bond?"

"Our souls merge. Our-life forces, you could say. I will not have your magic. You will not have any vampiric gifts, but you will live as long as I. The only thing that will kill us is a mortal wound. And what kills one, will most likely kill the other, in time. I"ve known bonded mates whose heart"s even beat the same-they share thoughts, memories, everything."

Sarel laughed bitterly. "You don"t want that with me,"

she said, shaking her head.

Eli said quietly, "Do not tell me what I want, Sarel. You do not know me."

"But didn"t you just tell me we are bonded?" she mocked, arrogantly.

"Not yet," he said, growing frustrated, shoving his hand through his golden hair. Golden eyes snapping and gleaming he rose from his chair to pace. Usually he could sit and stare, like a lion waiting for his prey, but now he moved restlessly. "d.a.m.n it, woman. You could drive me to drink."

Nastily, she said, "You can"t drink anything but blood."

Emitting a loud bark of laughter, Eli stalked to a cleverly concealed cabinet and opened it, revealing an a.s.sortment of liquor bottles. Brandis.h.i.+ng a bottle of brandy and a snifter, he poured a very full gla.s.s and downed half of it, far too quickly to appreciate the fine taste. It had taken a century to tolerate alcohol, but tolerate it he could. "Don"t know much about us, do you, pet?"

Blus.h.i.+ng furiously, she felt like a fool.

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