In response, he screwed two fingers deep inside her, settling his mouth back on her c.l.i.t, taking the entire bud inside and sucking on it until the words died on a strangled gasp and her s.e.xy, lush body arched up in the air and she screamed breathlessly. Slick, wet walls closed tightly over his fingers and he shuddered as he imagined how tightly they would close over his c.o.c.k.

"Poor thing," he crooned into her mind as her tight mental s.h.i.+elds shattered, letting him inside, letting him feel her amazed, shocked pleasure, her embarra.s.sment, her need. "Hasn"t anybody ever gone down on you before?"

"Huh? What?"

Eli laughed against her, delighted. He wanted more.

But he needed to be inside her and he needed to sate the hunger that was growing ravenous in his gut.

Crawling up her body he mounted her, taking his c.o.c.k in his hand and easing inside her. Her wet, slick pa.s.sage was tight around the head of his c.o.c.k, squeezing him, driving him mad.

Crooning to her as she tensed, he knew her tissues were still sensitive from o.r.g.a.s.m.

He thought.

"Um, Eli...I probably oughta tell you something," she muttered as he was lowering his head to her neck, ready to feed and f.u.c.k. Such a sweet little gift, he was thinking. He hadn"t expected this.

Especially not from Sarel. And never so soon.

"Hmm?" he murmured as he licked her neck. He could almost taste her blood in his mouth, feel the sweet break of her skin as his fangs slid home, feel the sweet, wet clasp of her p.u.s.s.y on his c.o.c.k as he drove inside.

"I"ve never had s.e.x before."

Elijah froze, two inches of his c.o.c.k wrapped in satiny wet p.u.s.s.y, his mouth pressed against her sweet, warm neck. A rough breath shuddered out of him and he groaned. Part of him, the more n.o.ble part-the part that still remained from the English lord he had been three hundred years ago insisted he stop. The other part knew that Sarel wanted to be here. She wasn"t doing this out of pity or guilt or obligation. Some women maybe.

But Sarel would not. He propped his weight on his elbows and stared down at her, resting his forehead on hers, rocking his hips just slightly, letting her sheath acclimate to him. "I feel like I should make sure you want to continue then," he murmured as her body shuddered. Moving so that he could roll and pinch her nipple teasingly, lowering his head to suck the sweet bud deep into his mouth, he let her feel just the edge of his fangs before lifting his head and staring into her eyes.

"If I didn"t want to be here, I"d still have my clothes on,"

she said, panting, her eyes glazed. Slid her hands down, she grasped his firm, muscled a.s.s in her hands and tried to pull him deeper.

Obliging, Eli slid an extra three inches in and she gasped, arching up, her head falling back, neck exposed. "If you are certain," he murmured, eyes locking on the vein throbbing in her neck, so sweetly exposed.

h.e.l.l, he was just a vampire, he could only stand so much. Sinking his fangs deep, Eli drove his c.o.c.k through her snug, wet, untried body, shuddering as she clasped him wet and tight, the sweet virginal resistance driving him mad as her blood spilled into him mouth. A moan vibrated against his mouth as his jaws worked at her neck. A weak whimper rose from her mouth, and he reached out with a gentle mental touch, unwilling to draw away from the sweet flow at her neck. "Shh, I know it hurts. It will not last, I promise," he crooned as he buried himself to the b.a.l.l.s, feeling his c.o.c.k lodge at the mouth of her womb.

Cupping one rounded, firm breast in his hand and rolling the nipple, he pinched it lightly when she shuddered. The other hand he slid down her side until he palmed her hip, then her thigh, drawing it up, opening her body more. She stiffened in automatic protest and he calmed her with an absent mental brush.

"Trust me, Sarel," he purred, dropping the s.h.i.+elds he held on his call, the subtle s.e.xual beckoning all vampires exuded. Malachi had once likened them to animals in heat-but it was the humans who could sense it and it drove them mad, even though they didn"t realize what it was. A vampire learned to suppress it with time. It wasn"t always necessary to do it-right now, definitely not necessary.

Many witches had a natural immunity to it as long as they weren"t touching the vampire in question.

Sarel was touching, a lot of touching and her response was instantaneous.

Shuddering, she stiffened, her nostrils flaring and eyes glazing, the muscles in her tight, wet p.u.s.s.y clamping down on his c.o.c.k like nothing Eli had ever felt in all his life. "b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l," he gasped, pulling from her neck, belly pleasantly full, the blood l.u.s.t sated, but his c.o.c.k so hard he ached. He pulled away and sank back into her, his long, lean body shaking with the pure bliss of it, as her satiny wet sheath caressed him. Her head fell back, eyes half closed as she stared up at him, lips parted, damp and swollen.

Two neat puncture marks marred her golden neck.

Hard nipples stabbed hotly into his chest. With a growl, he lowered his head to catch one in his mouth. Crying out, she buried her fingers in his hair, her legs coming up to wrap around his waist.

Sarel was dying.

n.o.body could feel this kind of pleasure and live. It just wasn"t possible. Eli"s thick c.o.c.k inside her shouldn"t feel this good. It hadn"t, not at first. She had thought the burning, driving pain would split her in two until she felt some creeping, hair raising sort of magic roll over her and fill her belly. The pain died, the magic left with it and the l.u.s.t was all that was left.

Never, from the first time she had seen him, had she been able to look at Eli without wanting him. Staring down at him now, his golden head lowered, his hot mouth feeding ravenously at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he sucked one of her nipples deep into his mouth, his thick, hard c.o.c.k driving up into her, she felt something rip open inside, something that was even more magical than what she had been born with.

A hot ball of fire grew inside her belly, filling her mind, her heart, her very soul. He hovered outside the edges of her soul, and she knew if she allowed it, he would come in. And maybe never leave.

She wouldn"t allow it. Sarel doubted she could stop it.

Driving back in, pa.s.sing over the hot bundle of nerves inside her, Eli made her scream and arch as he licked, then bit her nipple. Tracing his finger up the crevice between the cheeks of her a.s.s, she shuddered. His long, pale body hovered over hers, gleaming in the faint light, his eyes golden and hot, his hair falling into his face, his sculpted mouth swollen. The muscles in his chest gleamed with a fine sheen of sweat, his pectorals, biceps and triceps quivering as he moved over her supine body, driving so deeply inside her she wondered if she could ever let him leave.

Sarel couldn"t breathe with it.

She started to shove him away.

"Do not fight it," Eli murmured, rising from her nipples to catch her hands. Pinning them by her head, he stared down at her, compelling her to look up at him. Doing so, she watched his gold eyes and pulled her legs down, trying to close herself off.

"Can"t have that, now can we?" he purred, shaking his head, his English accent thick and heavy with need and reluctant amus.e.m.e.nt. Releasing her hands he moved so quickly she had no time to do anything. Before she realized it, he had caught her behind the knees and lifted her legs high, using them to pin her down and open her body-exposing her wet folds and swollen c.l.i.t to his eyes. Staring down at her, he drove in. Slowly.

Watching her. Ah, what a picture she made, Eli mused, her legs shoved high, opening her sweet, pretty little s.e.x, the tight, silky little red curls that guarded her catching his eye. Looking down to watch, he pulled out and pushed back inside her swollen sheath again. The lips of her s.e.x were stretched taut around him, his c.o.c.k gleaming wet with her cream. Her narrow waist and ribs shuddered with her rapid breaths as she fought for control. Eli felt a smile tug at his mouth. A useless fight, sweet, he thought to himself. I"m going to drive you insane with need.

Bending low over her, he caught one plump, red nipple in his mouth as he continued to f.u.c.k her helpless body slow and deep, his shoulders and torso holding her pinned so that he could use his hands in other places.

He caught her swollen c.l.i.t between thumb and forefinger, pinching and stroking until she was mewling and begging and sobbing once more.

Releasing her legs and hooking his arms under her shoulders Eli started to f.u.c.k her hard and rough, setting his mouth on hers, driving his tongue deep inside, taking more of her taste, a taste he hadn"t even known he was craving.

Only when she was shuddering and screaming into his mouth as she came did he let himself come, flooding her spasming sheath with his seed.

Sarel sighed wearily as Eli wrapped her in his coat, stroking her hair, bussing her cheek. She was tired from the feeding, the f.u.c.king-both she a.s.sumed. Was he always this...considerate, she wondered?

Probably so.

Even though, logically, she knew she would make a good partner to him once she was trained, she doubted he would ever care for her. Not the way she cared for him.

Not after what she did.

So he must just be a naturally considerate lover. She read romances. Some men did like to cuddle. Or was that a fairy tale? Maybe three hundred years ago, men were different. Or maybe Eli was different.

"If you keep thinking so hard," Eli mused, stroking the tiny furrow on her brow, "you will give yourself a headache." After he finished tugging his clothes on, he settled back on the seat-sending a silent command to the driver to head for Byron"s house outside Chicago- then he s.h.i.+fted her on his lap, spilling his coat open so that her back and legs were covered, but her front was bare and pressed to his naked chest. "You have the sweetest t.i.ts I have ever seen," he murmured, cupping one in his hand and stroking his thumb over the nipple.

She flushed and he chuckled, watching as the blood started to rise-started at those sweet mounds and rose until her face was that charming shade of pink-her eyes darting everywhere in order to avoid meeting his. He caught her cheek and made her look at him as he lowered his mouth to hers, taking her gently, the way he had not been able to earlier. Gentle was not something a vampire could manage when he hungered.

And Eli had hungered for Sarel like he had hungered for no other.

Sliding his tongue past her lips, he tasted her, finding her sweet, tangy and wild-much like the taste of her blood and s.e.x, like her magic had been five years ago.

Their tongues tangled and he sucked hers into his mouth, drawing her into the kiss and she moved, straddling his lap and cupping his face in her hands, that glorious auburn hair falling around them like a cloak, the coat falling from her shoulders to the floor.

Eli"s hand went down to cup her a.s.s, one finger sliding down to find her cleft wet and slick with her cream and his come. She broke off the kiss with a gasp, her head falling back. Moving to her neck, he kissed and licked his way down to her shoulder. Over the smooth, softly rounded flesh, he saw the eyes of the driver in the mirror, fastened on Sarel"s sweet naked b.u.t.t. Eli"s eyes glowed, his fangs flashed and he snarled in anger.

The man"s eyes glazed, his gaze snapped back to the road and Eli buried both hands in Sarel"s hair, arching her back so that her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were thrust up to his mouth and gaze. He jumped slightly when he felt invisible little fingers on his belt buckle, but then he laughed, glancing at up at Sarel and saying, "Clever little witch." Grinning, she sighed, "I try," before tugging him down to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and letting her magic free him from the confines of his pants. His c.o.c.k sprang free and she rubbed herself against him, still sore and achy, but hungry for him. She had been hungry for him since the first time he had fed from her. Before that even. The fat head of his c.o.c.k settled on her c.l.i.t and he rubbed it, slowly, deliberately as he bit gently down on her nipple. Whimpering and s.h.i.+vering, she wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to draw him inside.

Eli wanted to slow down, but he knew they"d be at Byron"s in less than twenty minutes. So when Sarel"s heels dug into his a.s.s again, he let her pull him inside, sinking into the slick, wet confines of her tight little sheath, groaning at the resistance and watching her face. Eyes closed, head back, her hair fell around her naked shoulders and b.r.e.a.s.t.s, damp with perspiration, curling just slightly, her skin glowing, nipples hard and nearly blood red from her arousal. The muscles in her belly s.h.i.+fted and played as she rode him, her tissues stretched incredibly tight around him.

Cupping her a.s.s and sliding one hand down, Eli coated his fingers with her cream before sliding slowly up the crevice to caress the pucker of her a.n.u.s. Letting his head fall back against the seat, he watched her through slitted eyes to judge her reaction.

She s.h.i.+vered and her back arched, lifting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s higher.

She moaned and slammed her hips harder down on him.

Eli pressed a little harder. Her heavy lids lifted, revealing eyes with pupils so dilated they appeared nearly black. With a voice thick and ho t, she gasped, "What are you doing?"

"I like f.u.c.king a woman here," he replied, pressing even harder until just the tip of his finger entered her.

She arched and cried out, and the muscles in her p.u.s.s.y squeezed down on him while her entire body shuddered.

"" she squeaked.

Eli chucked, withdrawing his hand and sliding down to gather more cream. "No, sweet. You"re not ready for that, I would hurt you. But I like it. Does this feel good?" he asked as he slid the tip of his smallest finger into her bottom to the first joint.

In response, she bucked against him and came in a geyser, screaming.

Groaning and withdrawing his hand, gripping her hips and pus.h.i.+ng up into her with hard furious digs of his c.o.c.k, he let her rhythmic contractions milk his own climax from him. When she collapsed against his chest moments later, he murmured weakly, "So was that a yes?"

Chapter Seven.

Sarel didn"t have the strength to argue with him when he just wrapped her in his coat when they arrived at his friend"s house. She certainly didn"t have a vampire"s sense of smell and there was no denying they had been f.u.c.king. Eli didn"t even bother pulling on anything besides his pants, a flowing black pair of trousers with a wide leather belt that looked like nothing out of this century. Or actually, any century she could recall. He managed to hold her in his arms as he climbed from the car, as though she were a child.

Curling sleepily against his chest she stroked the smooth skin there. Sarel didn"t like chest hair. Period. A ribbon of golden hair running down from his navel to widen just around his c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s was fine with her, though. Eli"s chest was wide, muscled to perfection, and gloriously smooth. Unable to resist, she leaned forward, kissing his chest, licking it, tasting salty sweat, warm male.

Glancing down at her, he lifted a golden brow before looking back to the porch where his friend waited. She felt something in the air and suspected they were speaking mind to mind. When they reached the porch the man greeted her as though she was wearing a Donna Karan formal as he guided them into a large, secluded old home. She spotted, unless she was mistaken, three werewolves, and one Inherent s.h.i.+fter, a woman.

There were also two lesser vampires and another witch besides herself. Not as strong, but a witch and one of the warrior kind-like herself.

A stronghold.

Eli would be safe here.

Odd, that being the first thing on her mind.

She looked at her host and blinked slowly, sleepily. His hair was black, cut short on the sides, longer on the top so that it fell in his eyes. Sarel imagined it drove his ladies insane. A human was at his side, hovering, waiting. Smiling patiently down at the human he said, "We won"t be needing anything. Unless, Eli-"

"A bath," he supplied easily.

Sarel was too tired to even blush as the human looked at her. There was nothing in her eyes, but normally, Sarel would have been embarra.s.sed at least. Footsteps sounded unusually loud on the stairs and moments later, Sarel"s sharp hearing heard water running. "I"ve rooms-"

"One room," Eli said. "Change of plans."

"Fine by me," Byron said. "The room is central, close to mine, actually. Micah will be around while you sleep, should you need anything. I"m fairly tired myself."

Sarel"s nostril"s flared and unless she was mistaken, she smelled blood, violence, anger.

Eli glanced down at her, and she saw acknowledgment in his eyes. "All is well?" is all he asked.

Byron sighed wearily, Sarel thought, as he pressed a hand to his eyes. A flowing sleeve, a poet"s s.h.i.+rt-how appropriate-nearly obscured his strong, masculine hands and Byron muttered, "b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, Eli. All is not well. But it will be. That is what matters, in the long run, right? The f.u.c.king long run." A snarl darkened his face and his fangs flashed, his eyes glowing, making her think of a violent thunderstorm. "The f.u.c.king long run."

Unlike Declan and Eli, even Malachi, Byron sounded pure American. But he had an aged feel to him, and unless she was mistaken, he was at least a hundred years old. And he had not had an easy night.

Sarel s.h.i.+fted, and said, "I can go get cleaned up, if ya"ll need to talk."

Byron smiled down at her and she fought the need to gasp. Oh, my. He was hot. And he had sad eyes, full of pain and sorrow. What was it with these vampires? Did any of them not have issues?

"You"re a sweet one, aren"t you?" he murmured, shaking his head. "Talking does not help. I"ll take a bath. I"ll feed, and then I"ll find a woman to take to bed with me. That will help." His startling gray eyes, lighter gray rimmed by dark, roamed over her face and unkempt hair, and a spark of mischief lightened them for just a moment.

That odd feeling again, where she suspected words she couldn"t hear were being spoken and then Eli"s arms tightened and he actually snarled, his fangs flas.h.i.+ng.

Byron laughed. "Maybe next time," he said, and then he turned and walked away, moving silently and swiftly, the Inherent wolf trailing silently in his wake, her eyes wide and watchful.

Eli found Sarel already asleep in bed. Falling into bed his body was heavy with exhaustion and his mind befuddled. The sun was already on the horizon. There were no windows in this room but he could feel it. He had checked everything, force of habit. He trusted Byron, but he trusted himself more.

Settling behind her, he wrapped one arm around her, the other under his head and he was gone.

Vampires did dream while they slept, and it was sleep.

He did not die when the sun rose-his heart still beat, only a few times a minute, but it still beat. And he breathed, irregular and erratic, but breathing all the same.

Eli could think and dream.

They had almost bonded that first time. The soul-bond, like Declan and Tori shared, one that transcended time and mortal coils. A bond that would allow Sarel to be as long lived Eli. Nothing short of a mortal kill would kill either of them, if that happened. Would she hate him for that?

This woman was truly the one he had been waiting for. In his heart, he had already known that.

The moment he sent her away he had ached for her, even though he knew that wild magic could not go untaught. It was too dangerous.

Ah, the dilemma.

The bond had to be forged in lovemaking.

Every time they were together, they would grow closer and closer, until the bond just snapped into place. Once in place, nothing could break it, except death. And not even that, truly. If one died, eventually the other would follow. Rarely did one bond-mate survive more than a few months past the death of their beloved.

And as perverse as Eli was, he was basically an honest creature.

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