The Iceberg Express

Chapter 10

"Good luck," said Mr. Merry Laugh as he opened the castle door.

"Good-by and good luck. Drop in the next time you"re in town, and don"t forget Castle Merry Laugh, Forest City, U.S.A."

"Thank you," answered Mary Louise.

Just then down flew the beautiful Dream Bird.

"I"ll take you home," he said. "Climb up between my wings!"


Then away he went through the air so softly that maybe the little girl fell asleep, for when she woke up, there she was on the beach where she had first met the little Mermaid Princess.

"Oh, oh," yawned Mary Louise, "am I really here?" But n.o.body answered, so she jumped to her feet and ran home to her mother.

Well, well, have we come to the end of the story, you and I, little reader? I"m sorry I"ve nothing more to tell you in this book, but listen--lean over to me and listen--I"ve written another book for the "Little Journeys to Happyland" series--it is called "The Wind Wagon."

Isn"t that a strange t.i.tle? But I know you"ll like it--yes, I"m sure you will.

So don"t forget. It will be published next year.

Yours for a story,

David Cory.

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