The Idol Group Pet Became A Final Boss!

Chapter 112 - You"re The One Pursuing That Young Girl?

Chapter 112 - You"re The One Pursuing That Young Girl?

"It"s written pretty well, interesting and imaginative." s.h.i.+ Sui commented with a sparkle in his eyes.

The most famous agent in the industry inhaled deeply and exhaled repeatedly before finally clenching his teeth and asking, "What the h.e.l.l are you thinking? Are you just playing around, or are you for real? I need to know, so I can arrange your next project."

Innocently, s.h.i.+ Sui said, "That will depend on her."

Si Chuanbai: ???

The man lost his usual calm demeanor and took off his "So the netizen"s speculations are real? You"re pursuing the young girl?"

"Not pursuing."

Si Chuanbai sighed in relief.

But the next second, he heard s.h.i.+ Sui say with a lazy tone, "It"s not the time yet."

"You must be familiar with her reputation in the industry; but if you are insistent, I have nothing more to say." Si Chuanbai grinded his teeth and exhorted like an old father. "Make sure to take appropriate measures, unless you plan to attend a certain daddy and child show in three years."

s.h.i.+ Sui feigned a smile, its meaning unclear.

Si Chuanbai knew that s.h.i.+ Sui always had his own opinion, so once his mind was set, n.o.body else could change it.

"As long as you know your boundaries. Next let"s discuss next month"s itinerary..."

Si Chuanbai was nimble and professional, and in thirty minutes, they had solved all their tasks.

"OK, I"m going to head off now. Call if you need anything." Si Chuanbai"s expression was stiff as he worked in a professional manner.

s.h.i.+ Sui filled another bowl of rice noodles for himself and looked up. "You really don"t want to have a bowl before you go?"

Si Chuanbai said condescendingly, "I"m not interested in Chinese-style breakfast."

In truth, he could have finalized all his work with s.h.i.+ Sui over the phone. He had only come in person to see Xiang Yi with his own eyes...

She didn"t even fill s.h.i.+ Sui"s bowl with rice noodles for him!

If that was all, it would have been okay; but s.h.i.+ Sui actually took the initiative to pour water for her, even going as far to ask her in a well-mannered way before pouring if she wanted it hot or lukewarm.

Si Chuanbai felt his heart become tight.

His eyes fell on Xiang Yi, who was busy packing small dishes and fruits while chattering with that colorful feather duster. "Do you want some numb and spicy beef? I have them vacuum-sealed so they can be kept for a long time. There"s also pickled radishes and cabbage, I"ll pack a bit more for you?"

"Darling, that"s more than enough."

Ah Nan glanced at Si Chuanbai with a guilty conscience. The man"s hair was combed back and greased with s.h.i.+ny wax. Ah Nan could tell his watch and cufflinks were expensive from the first glance, and his shoes were polished to an incredible brightness. His black briefcase seemed ordinary, but it was actually a custom piece from a very big name brand...

While here he was, wearing a 39.9 RMB-floral print s.h.i.+rt from Taobao and a 20 RMB-pair of loose shorts from a night market stall. The most expensive piece he was wearing was his 100 RMB-shoes from Adidas...

Ah Nan felt so embarra.s.sed that he couldn"t even lift his head. His attire would normally be quite pa.s.sable, but today he was on vacation and he had really let himself go, dressing like this and leeching breakfast at Xiang Yi"s home. Who knew he would run into Si Chuanbai...

Without comparison, there is no harm o(╥﹏╥)o

"Here, it"s packed well. It should last you a long time." Xiang Yi wrapped the bentos stacked half a meter high in a floral print cloth.

Ah Nan was moved. "Oh, oh honey, you are so kind. I will work hard once I return, and continue finding profitable endors.e.m.e.nt opportunities for you! The most chill ones, too!"

Si Chuanbai: "..."

There"s no issue here.

It was just too real.

Before he left, Si Chuanbai glanced at the packages in Ah Nan"s arms and felt inexplicably...


*Translator"s Note: An oral medication used to treat fever, dizziness, sweating, tinnitus, irritability, aches, insomnia and other symptoms of menopausal women with a yin deficiency or liver issues, supposed to calm the heart and the mind.

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