AMMUNI"TION, _s._ military stores, applied to artillery

AMPHITHE"ATRE, _s._ a building in a circular or oval form, having its area encompa.s.sed with rows of seats one above another

AMPU"LLA, _s._ (p.r.o.nounced _am-poo-la_) a vessel of pure gold, used for containing the holy oil at coronations

AMU"SE, _v.a._ entertain with tranquillity; draw on from time to time

ANA"LOGY, _s._ resemblance between things with regard to some circ.u.mstances or effects

ANATO"MICAL, _a._ relating or belonging to anatomy

ANA"TOMY, _s._ the art of dissecting the body; the doctrine of the structure of the body

A"NCESTOR, _s._ one from whom a person descends

A"NCIENT, _a._ old; past; former

A"NECDOTE, _s._ something yet unpublished; biographical history; personal history

ANEMO"METER, _s._ an instrument to measure the force of the wind

ANGE"LIC, _a._ resembling angels; belonging to angels

A"NIMAL, _s._ a living creature

ANIMA"LCULE, _s._ a small animal, generally applied to those which cannot be seen without a microscope

ANIMO"SITY, _s._ vehemence of hatred; pa.s.sionate malignity

ANNIHILATE, _v.a._ reduce to nothing; destroy

ANNO"Y, _v.a._ incommode; vex; tease; molest

A"NNUAL, _a._ that comes yearly

A"NTELOPE, _s._ a goat with curled or wreathed horns

ANTHROPO"PHAGI, _s._ man-eaters; cannibals

ANTI"c.i.p.aTE, _v.a._ take an impression of something which is not yet as if it really was

A"NTIQUARY, _s._ a man studious of antiquity

ANTI"QUE, _a._ ancient; old; odd; of old fashion

ANTI"QUITY, _s._ old times; remains of old times

A"NTRE, _s._ a cavern

ANXI"ETY, _s._ perplexity; lowness of spirits

ANXIOUS, _a._ disturbed about some uncertain event

A"PATHY, _s._ exemption from feeling or pa.s.sion

APO"CALYPSE, _s._ the Book of Revelations

APO"LOGY, _s._ defence; excuse

APO"STLE, _s._ a person sent with commands, particularly applied to those whom our Saviour deputed to preach the Gospel

APOSTO"LIC, _a._ delivered or taught by the Apostles

APPARA"TUS, _s._ tools; furniture; show; instruments

APPE"AR, _v.n._ be visible; in sight

APPEARANCE, _s._ the act of coming into sight; phenomenon; apparition; presence

APPE"NDAGE, _s._ something added to another thing without being necessary to its essence

A"PPEt.i.tE _s._ hunger; violent longing

APPLA"USE _s._ approbation loudly expressed; praise

APPLICATION, _s._ close study; intenseness of thought; attention; the act of applying; the act of applying anything to another.

APPORTIONMENT, _s._ dividing into portions

APPRECIATE, _v.a._ set a price on anything; esteem

APPRO"ACH, _v n._ draw near; somewhat resemble

APPROBATION, _s._ the act of approving, or expressing himself pleased, or satisfied; support

APPRO"PRIATENESS, _s._ a fitness to be appropriated

APPROPRIATION, _s._ the application of something to a certain purpose

AQUA"TIC, _a._ that inhabits the water; that grows in the water

A"QUEDUCT, _s._ a conveyance, tunnel, or way made for carrying water

ARA"TOO, _s._ a bird of the parrot kind

AR"BALIST, _s._ a naturalist who make trees his study

A"RBITRABY, _o._ despotic; absolute; depending on no rule

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