DRAW"INGROOM, _s._ a room to which company withdraw--originally withdrawing-room

DRE"ADFUL, _a._ terrible; frightful

DRE"ARINESS, _s._ gloominess; sorrowfulness

DRE"ARY, _a._ sorrowful; gloomy; dismal; horrid

DU"CAT, _s._ a coin struck by Dukes; in silver valued at about four shillings and sixpence, in gold at nine shillings and sixpence

DURA"TION, _s._ power of continuance; length of continuance

DU"RING, _prep._ for the time of the continuance

EA"RLY, _ad._ soon; betimes

EA"RTHQUAKE, _s._ tremour or convulsion of the earth

EA"STERN, _a._ belonging to the east; lying to the east; oriental

EA"SY, _a._ not difficult; ready; contented; at rest

ECLI"PSE, _s._ an obscuration of the heavenly luminaries; darkness; obscuration

ECO"NOMY, _s._ frugality; discretion of expense; system of matter

E"DIFICE, _s._ a fabric; a building

EDI"TION, _s._ publication of anything, particularly of a book

EDUCA"TION, _s._ formation of manners in youth

EFFE"CT, _s._ that which is produced by an operating cause; success; purpose; meaning; consequence

EFFE"CTUAL, _a._ productive of effects; expressive of facts

EFFE"MINACY, _s._ softness; unmanly delicacy

E"FFLUENCE, _s._ what issues from some other principle

E"FFULGENCE, _s._ l.u.s.tre; brightness; splendour

EFFU"SE, _v.a._ to pour out; to spill, to shed

EJA"CULATION, _s._ an exclamation

ELA"BORATE, _a._ finished with care

ELE"CTRIC, _a._ relating to electricity

ELE"CTRO-MA"GNETISM, _s._ a branch of electrical science

E"LEGANCE, _s._ beauty, rather soothing than striking; beauty without grandeur

E"LEGY, _s._ a mournful song; short poem without points or turns

E"LEPHANT, _s._ a large quadruped

E"LEVA"TED, _a._ exalted; raised up; progressed in rank

ELEVA"TION, _s._ the act of raising up aloft; exaltation

ELOCU"TION, _s._ the power of fluent speech; the power of expression; eloquence; flow of language

E"LOQUENCE, _s._ the power or speaking with fluency and elegance

ELU"DE, _v.a._ to mock by unexpected escape

E"MANATE, _v.a._ to issue; to flow from something else

EMBA"LM, _v.a._ impregnate a body with aromatics, that it may resist putrefaction

EMBA"RK, _v.n._ to go on board a ship; to engage in any affair

EMBROI"DERY, _s._ variegated work; figures raised upon a ground

E"MERALD, _s._ a precious stone of a green colour

EME"RGE, _v.n._ to issue; to proceed; to rise

EME"RGENCY, _s._ the act of rising into view; any sudden occasion; pressing necessity

E"MINENCE, _s._ loftiness; height; summit; distinction

E"MINENT, _a._ celebrated; renowned

EMI"T, _v.a._ to send forth; to let fly; to dart

EMO"LUMENT, _s._ profit; advantage

E"MPEROR, _s._ a monarch of t.i.tle and dignity superior to a king

EMPLO"Y, _v.a._ busy; keep at work; use as materials; trust with the management of any affairs; use as means

E"MULATE, _v.a._ to vie

EMULA"TION, _s._ rivalry; desire of superiority

ENA"BLE, _v.a._ make able; confer power

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