INTO"XICATE, _v.a._ to inebriate; to make drunk

I"NTRICATE, _a._ entangled; perplexed; obscure

INTRI"GUER, _s._ one that intrigues

INTRI"NSIC, _a._ inward; real; true

INTRODU"CTION, _s._ the act of bringing anything into notice or practice; the preface or part of a book containing previous matter


INTRU"DER, _s._ one who forces himself into company or affairs without right or welcome

INUNDA"TION, _s._ the overflow of waters; the flood; a confluence of any kind

INVA"LUABLE, _a._ precious above estimation

INVA"RIABLE, _a._ unchangeable; constant

INVESTIGATION, _s._ the act of investigating; the state of being investigated

INVI"NCIBLE, _a._ not capable of being conquered

INVI"SIBLE, _a._ not to be seen

I"RIS, _s._ the rainbow; the circle round the pupil of the eye

IRRA"DIATE, _v.a._ brighten; animate by heat or light; illuminate

IRRE"GULAR, _a._ deviating from rule, custom, or nature

I"RRIGATE, _v.a._ wet; moisten; water

I"RRITATE, _v.a._ provoke; tease; agitate

IRRITA"TION, _s._ provocation; stimulation

I"SLAND, _s._ a tract of land surrounded by water

I"SSUE, _v.a._ send forth

ITA"LIC, _s._ a letter in the Italian character

JA"VELIN, _s._ a spear; a dart; an implement of war

JE"ALOUSY, _s._ suspicion in love; suspicious fear; suspicious caution

JE"WEL, _s._ a precious stone; a teem

JO"CUND, _a._ merry; gay; lively

JO"URNEY, _s._ the travel of a day; pa.s.sage from place to place

JO"YOUS, _a._ glad; gay; merry; giving joy

JUDI"CIOUS, _a._ prudent; wise; skilful

JU"GGLER, _s._ one who practises sleight of hand

JU"NCTION, _s._ union; coalition

JU"STIFY, _v.a._ clear from imputed guilt; maintain

KANGARO"O, _s._ an animal found in Australia

KE"RNEL, _s._ anything included in a husk; the seeds of pulpy fruits

KI"NGDOM, _s._ the territories subject to a monarch; a different cla.s.s or order of beings, as the mineral kingdom; a region

KNI"GHTHOOD, _s._ the character or dignity of a knight

KNO"WLEDGE, _s._ information

KNU"CKLE, _s._ joints of the fingers, protuberant when the fingers close

LABU"RNUM, _s._ a kind of tree

LA"MENTABLE, _a._ deplorable

LAMENTA"TION, _s._ expression of sorrow; audible grief

LA"NCEOLATE, _a._ in a lance-like form

LA"NDSCAPE, _s._ the prospect of a country; a picture of the prospect of a country

LA"NGUAGE, _s._ human speech; style; manner of expression

LA"NGUOR, _s._ faintness; softness; inattention

LA"RVA, _s._ an insect in the caterpillar state

LA"TENT, _a._ concealed; invisible

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