NE"CESSARY, _a._ needful

NECE"SSITY, _s._ compulsion; want; need; poverty

NEGO"TIATION, _s._ treaty of business

NEI"GHBOURHOOD, _s._ vicinity; place adjoining

NE"ITHER, _p.r.o.n._ not either; nor one nor other


NICHE, _s._ a hollow hi which a statue may be placed

NIDIFICA"TION, _s._ the act of building nests

NI"MBLY, _ad._ quickly; speedily; actively

NI"TROUS, _a._ impregnated with nitre

n.o.bI"LITY, _s._ high-mindedness; the highest cla.s.s of people in civilized life

NO"BLE, _a._ magnificent; great; ill.u.s.trious

NO"TICE, _s._ remark; heed; regard; information

NOTWITHSTA"NDING, _conj._ although; nevertheless

NO"XIOUS, _a._ hurtful; harmful; baneful; guilty

NU"MBER, _s._ many; more than one.

NU"MBERLESS, _a._ more than can be reckoned

NU"MEROUS, _a._ containing many; consisting of many

NU"TRIMENT, _s._ food

OBE"DIENCE, _s._ submission to authority

OBE"ISANCE, _s._ courtesy

O"BJECT, _s._ that about which any power or faculty is employed

OBJE"CTION, _s._ adverse argument; criminal charge; fault found; the act of opposing anything

OBLI"QUE, _a._ not direct; not parallel; not perpendicular

OBLI"VION, _s._ forgetfulness

OBNO"XIOUS, _a._ hateful; hurtful; injurious

OBSERVA"TION, _s._ the act of observing, noticing, or remarking; note; remark

OBSE"RVE, _v.a._ watch; regard attentively note; obey; follow

O"BSTINACY, _s._ stubbornness

OBSTRU"CT, _v.a._ block up; oppose; hinder

OCCA"SION, _s._ occurrence; casualty; incident; opportunity; convenience

OCCA"SION, _v.a._ cause; produce; influence

O"CCUPY, _v.a._ possess; keep; take up; employ; use

OFFE"NSIVE, _a._ displeasing; disgusting; injurious

O"FFER, _v.a._ present itself; be at hand; be present

O"FFER, _v.a._ propose; present; sacrifice

O"FFICE, _s._ a public charge or employment; agency; business

OLFA"CTORY, _a._ having the sense of smelling

O"LIVE, _s._ a plant producing oil; the fruit of the tree; the emblem of peace

O"MINOUS, _a._ exhibiting bad tokens of futurity

OMI"SSION, _s._ neglect of duty; neglect to do something

OMNI"POTENT, _s._ the Almighty

OMNIPRE"SENCE, _s._ unbounded presence

OMNI"SCIENCE, _s._ boundless knowledge; infinite wisdom

O"NSET, _s._ attack; storm; a.s.sault

O"PAL, _s._ a precious stone

O"PALINE, _a._ resembling opal

OPPORTU"NITY, _s._ convenience; suitableness of circ.u.mstances to any end

OPPRE"SS, _v.a._ crush by hardship or unreasonable severity; overpower; subdue

OPPRE"SSOR, _s._ one who others with unreasonable or unjust severity

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