SOU"THERN, _a._ belonging to the south

SO"VEREIGN, _s._ supreme lord.

SPA"NGLE, _s._ any little thing sparkling and shining

SPA"NIEL, _s._ a dog used for sport in the field, remarkable for tenacity and obedience

SPEA"KER, _s._ one that speaks; the prolocutor of the Commons

SPE"CIES, _s._ a sort; cla.s.s of nature; show

SPECIMEN, _s._ sample; a part of any thing exhibited, that the rest may be known

SPE"CTACLE, _s._ a show; sight

SPECTA"TOR, _s._ a looker-on; a beholder

SPECULA"TION, _s._ examination by the eye; view; spy

SPHE"RICAL, _a._ round; globular

SPI"CULA, _s. plur._ little spikes

SPI"CY, _a._ producing spice; aromatic

SPI"DER, _s._ the animal that spins a web for flies

SPI"RAL, _a._ curved; winding; circularly involved

SPI"RIT, _s._ breath; soul of man; apparition; temper

SPI"RITUAL, _a._ that which regards divinity; that which regards the soul; not temporal

SPLE"NDID, _a._ showy; magnificent; pompous

STABI"LITY, _s._ steadiness; strength to stand

STA"GNANT, _a._ motionless; still

STA"GNATE, _v.a._ lie motionless; have no stream

STA"NDARD, _s._ an ensign in war; a settled rate

STA"RLING, _s._ a bird that may be taught to whistle, and articulate words

STA"TESMAN, _s._ a politician; one employed in public affairs

STA"TION, _v.a._ place in a certain post or place

STA"TUE, _s._ an image; solid representation of any living being

STA"TURE, _s._ the height of any animal

STE"RIL, _a._ barren; unfruitful

STO"IC, _s._ an ancient philosopher of a particular sect, that met under the _Stoa_ or portico of the temple

STO"ICAL, _a._ pertaining to the Stoics

STRA"TAGEM, _s._ an artifice in war; a trick by which some advantage is gained

STRU"CTURE, _s._ building; form

STRU"GGLE, _v.n._ labour; strive; contend

STU"DENT, _s._ a bookish man; a scholar

STUPE"NDOUS, _a._ wonderful; amazing; astonishing

STU"PIFY, _v.a._ make stupid; deprive of sensibility

SUB-DIVI"DE, _v.a._ to divide a part into more parts

SUBDIVI"SION, _s._ the act of subdividing; the parts distinguished by a second division

SUBDU"E, _v.a._ crush; oppress; conquer; tame

SUB"JECT, _s._ one who lives under the dominion of another; that on which any operation is performed

SUBME"RGE, _v.a._ to put under water; to drown

SUBMI"SSIVE, _a._ humble

SU"BSEQUENT, _a._ following in train

SUBSI"STENCE, _s._ competence; means of supporting life; inherence in something else

SU"BSTANCE, _s._ something real, not imaginary; wealth; means of life

S"UBSt.i.tUTE, _s._ one placed by another to act with delegated power

SUBTERRA"NEOUS, _a._ living under the earth

SUBVE"RSION, _s._ overthrow; ruin

SU"CCEED, _v.a._ follow; prosper

SUCCE"SSFUL, _a._ prosperous; happy; fortunate

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