CONTA"IN, _v.a._ hold; comprehend; restrain
CONTE"MPLATE, _v.a._ study; meditate; muse; think studiously with long attention
CONTEMPLA"TION, _s._ meditation; studious thought
CONTE"MPLATIVE, _a._ given to thought or study
CONTE"MPORARY, _s._ one who lives at the same time with another
CONTE"MPTIBLE, _a._ worthy of contempt, of scorn; neglected; despicable
CO"NTEST, _s._ dispute; difference; debate
CONTE"ST, _v.a._ to strive; to vie; to contend
CONTI"GUOUS, _a._ meeting so as to touch
CO"NTINENT, _s._ land not disjoined by the sea from other lands; that which contains anything; one of the quarters of the globe
CONTI"NGENCY, _s._ accidental possibility
CONTI"NUE, _v.n._ remain in the same state; last; persevere
CONTRA"CT, _v.a._ to shrink up; to grow short; to bargain
CO"NTRARY, _a._ opposite; contradictory; adverse
CONTRI"VANCE, _s._ the act of contriving; scheme; plan; plot
CONVE"NIENCE, _s._ fitness; ease; cause of ease
CONVE"NIENT, _a._ fit; suitable; proper; well adapted
CO"NVENT, _s._ an a.s.sembly of religious persons; a monastery; a nunnery
CO"NVERSE, _s._ conversation; acquaintance; familiarity
CONVE"RSION, _s._ change from one state to another
CONVE"RT, _v.a._ change into another substance; change from one religion to another; turn from a bad to a good life; apply to any use
CONVE"Y, _v.a._ carry; transport from one place to another; bring; transfer
CONVU"LSIVE, _a._ that gives twitches or spasms
CO"PIOUS, _a._ plentiful; abundant
CO"PPICE, _s._ a low wood; a place overrun with brushwood
CO"RDIAL, _a._ reviving; hearty; sincere
CORONA"TION, _s._ the act of crowning a King
CORPORA"TION, _s._ a body politic, const.i.tuted by Royal charter
CORPO"REAL, _a._ having a body; material; not spiritual
CORRE"CT, _v.a._ punish; discipline; remark faults; take away fault
CORRESPONDENCE, _s._ intercourse; relation; friendship
CO"UNCILLOR, _s._ one that gives counsel
COU"NTENANCE, _s._ the form of the face; air; look; calmness of look; patronage
CO"UNTRY, _s._ a tract of land; a region; rural parts
CO"URAGE, _s._ bravery; boldness
CO"VERING, _s._ dress; anything spread over another
CRA"FTY, _a._ cunning; knowing; scheming; politic
CRA"TER, _s._ the bowl, opening, or funnel of a volcano
CREA"TION, _s._ the act of creating; universe
CREA"TOR, _s._ the Divine Being that created all things
CRE"ATURE, _s._ a being created; a general term for man
CRE"VICE, _s._ a crack; a cleft; a narrow opening
CRI"MINAL, _s._ a man accused; a man guilty of a crime
CRI"MINA"LITY, _s._ the act of being guilty of a crime
CRI"TIC, _s._ a judge; otherwise a censurer
CRI"TICAL, _a._ relating to criticism
CRO"CODILE, _s._ an amphibious voracious animal, in shape like a lizard
CROO"KED, _a._ bent; winding; perverse
CRU"ELTY, _s._ inhumanity; savageness; act of intentional affliction
CRU"SADE, _s._ an expedition against the infidels; a holy war