TE"CHNICAL, _a._ belonging to the arts; not in common or popular use
TE"LESCOPE, _s._ a long gla.s.s by which distant objects are viewed
TEA"CHER, _s._ one who teaches; an instructor
TE"MPERANCE, _s._ moderation in meat and drink; free from ardent pa.s.sion
TE"MPERATE, _a._ moderate in meat and drink; free from ardent pa.s.sion; not excessive
TE"MPERATURE, _s._ const.i.tution of nature; degree of any qualities; moderation
TE"MPLE, _s._ a place appropriated to acts of religion; the upper part of the sides of the head
TE"MPORAL, _a._ measured by time secular; not spiritual
TEMPTA"TION, _s._ the act of tempting
TENA"CITY, _s._ adhesion of one part to another
TE"NDENCY, _s._ direction or course toward any place, object, inference, or result
TE"NDER, _a._ soft; sensible; delicate; gentle; mild; young; weak, as _tender_ age
TE"NDRIL, _s._ the clasp of a vine or other climbing plant
TE"NEMENT, _s._ anything held by a tenant
TENU"ITY, _s._ thinness; smallness; poverty
TE"RMINATE, _v.n._ have an end; be limited; end
TERMINA"TION, _s._ the end
TERRE"STRIAL, _a._ earthly
TE"RRIBLE, _a._ dreadful; formidable; causing fear
TE"RRIER, _s._ a kind of dog
TE"RRITORY, _s._ land; country
TE"RROR, _s._ fear communicated; fear received; the cause of fear
TE"XTURE, _s._ the act of weaving; a web; a thing woven; combination of parts
THE"REFORE, _ad._ for this reason; consequently
THOU"SAND, _a._ or _s._ the number of ten hundred
TIDE, _s._ time; alternate ebb and flow of the sea
TI"MID, _a._ fearful; wanting courage
TI"MOROUS, _a._ fearful; terrified; susceptible of fear; capable of being frightened
TI"TLE, _s._ a general head comprising particulars; an appellation of honour; claim of right; the first page of a book, telling its name, and generally its subject
TO"CSIN, _s._ an alarm-bell
TO"RPID, _a._ motionless; sluggish
TO"RTURE, _s._ torments judicially inflicted; pain by which guilt is punished, or confession extorted
TO"RTURE, _v.a._ punish with tortures; torment
TOUR, _s._ (p.r.o.nounced _toor_) a journey for pleasure
TOU"RIST, _s._ one who travels for pleasure
TO"WARD, _prep._ in a direction to; near to
TOW"ER, _s._ high building; fortress; an elevation
TRADI"TIONAL, _a._ delivered by tradition
TRA"GEDY, _s._ any mournful or dreadful event
TRA"GIC, _a._ mournful, calamitous
TRA"GI-CO"MEDY, _s._ a drama compounded of merry and serious things
TRAIN, _v.a._ draw along; entice; educate
TRA"NQUIL, _a._ quiet; peaceful
TRANQUI"LLITY, _a._ quietness; peace; freedom from trouble or annoyance
TRANSA"CT, _v.a._ manage; negotiate; perform
TRANSA"CTION, _s._ negotiation; management
TRA"NSIENT, _a._ short; momentary
TRANSI"TION, _s._ removal; pa.s.sage from one to another; change
TRANSMI"T, _v.a._ send from one place to another
TRANSPA"RENT, _a._ clear; translucent