The Immortal Lure

Chapter 14

[_In horror._

A demon enters into you and dupes you To strike her thus, a holy one. Restrain!

_Vishwamya._ No, tho I slay her!

_Rishyas._ Slay? O wickedness!

[_Seizes up wood of sacrifice._

Must I beat off your hands?--Touch her no more.

_Vishwamya._ Wild-vaunting boy! the drink and this vile girl Have maddened you. (_To Kol_) Away!

_Rishyas._ Call her not vile!

_Vishwamya._ Viler is she than sin!

[_Again strikes her._

_Rishyas_ (_uncontrollably_). You do a death-deed.

[_Falls on him with the weapon and fells him quickly to the ground--then recoils with a cry. The old man strives vainly to rise._

_Kol._ Oh, oh!--what have you done!

_Vishwamya_ (_mortally hurt_). Slain ... slain his father!

And lost enlightenment ... and peace ... forever!

[_After a struggle, terribly._

But not to gorge upon the fruit of sin!

[_Turning on KOL._

The curse of bitter karmas be upon you!

May you be born a worm and crawl in slime, A serpent thro ten score of lives, and slough Your skin in hideousness and hate and horror!

_Kol._ Oh, oh!

_Vishwamya._ At every death may you despair Of ever acquiring merit!

_Rishyas_ (_terrified_). Father!

_Vishwamya_ (_to him_). Aye!

[_His strength failing._

For love, blood guilty boy, the love which she Has slipped into your heart, is the curse of the world, The immortal lure of all the generations!

Your arms have ached with it about her body, But know that in the city whence she came All evil men feel in their hearts this ache.

And that you may escape from it, know this: Not your arms, yours alone, have been entwined About this poison-flower--but, perchance,

[_Sinking back._

The arms of many.

_Rishyas_ (_starting painedly_). What is it he means?

[_With emotions he does not understand._

Kol, what has he said?

_Kol._ O let me go!

_Rishyas._ The arms of many? that can not be true?

[_Tortured by half-born thoughts._

O, have I fallen into demon-snares?

Is beauty not the bloom of piety?


_Kol._ I would go!

_Rishyas._ Pain only darker pain!

_Kol_ (_at length overwhelmed_). I am not holy--nor am I pollution!

But only one sent hither--O, the G.o.ds Bid us to sin, then fell us with calamity!

[_Hurries weeping off with SUNANDI, who has stood in terror.

RISHYAS stands dazed, then comprehension dawns upon him and he falls by his father"s body in a storm of anguish._


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