Blue, who has kept quite through the whole discussion, finally spoke up,

"Do you really believe that this boy is a successor to some myth I never even heard of?"

"I don"t really expect you to believe it, but the evidence is right in front of you… same style of cloak, unparalleled skill with the bow and unmatched talent, if he isn"t the next myth, then who is?" Yellow said to Blue.

"Anyways, this legend is mostly known by those that follow the path of archery, he is a role model all archers aspire to be like and has been deemed the Archery G.o.d by us" Yellow said.

"The Archery G.o.d? You"re not serious, are you?" asked Black

"Deadly serious…. what I just showed you on the projector was, but the tip of the iceberg, stories and written accounts of his feats have been pa.s.sed down through time" Yellow said, "even if he doesn"t really exist, we give respect for his skill"

"So, what should we do now?" asked Red,

"First, we will approve the record, and have it shown officially on the records list, then I think we should make contact with the boy, maybe he would like to work with us?" said Pink
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"You would want this child to work with us?! Impossible!!" exclaimed Blue.

"Oh, Boo Hoo! Is the great and prideful Blue, offended by the fact that a child has surpa.s.sed you?" said Black with a s.h.i.+t eating grin.

Blue stood up from his chair holding his spear as if ready to fight Black,

"What did you say?! I"m gonna shove my spear so far up your !"

"Enough!!" shouted Red, "We will approve the record and we will first keep an eye on him, Valentina has already mentioned to me that this boy has challenged the whole school to a fight,

it will take place Friday, we will watch the boy fight and decide from then on what to do with him… Agreed?"

"Agreed," they said.

"Bzz- Bzz"

"I just got an alert on my phone, Acheron Belau has entered the facility and reserved an individual archery lane on the 4th floor" Yellow said

Yellow turned to his secret disciple, she had been sitting in corner just listening to their conversation,

"Amazoness, there is no doubt that this boy you in every way when it comes to archery and I also know of your treatment of your fellow male students, but I want you to go and meet him, maybe you will learn from him a lot more than from me"

Though her usual self is untamed and aggressive, she knows she must show restraint in front of these grand masters,

"Yes, master" she says

She gets up and leaves, heading straight for where Acheron is but now with a face full of excitement,

"The way the grand masters were talking about him, he seems to be an unbeatable opponent…. will I finally find what I have been looking for?" she thought.

Back in the meeting room.

"Let"s pull him up on the projector and watch his training" said Red

"we should put this video up on the internet and show the world hi-"

Before Yellow could finish his sentence, the computer monitors in the meeting room shut down and something else appeared on them.

It was a black dragon with purple lightning wrapping around its body, it moved around the screen without any specific pattern.

"What"s going on?!" Yellow exclaimed

"It appears we are being hacked right now" said Pink

The dragon stopped radically moving around on the screen and began moving in a circular fas.h.i.+on, it bit his own tail before gradually coming to a stop.

Just a couple seconds after the dragon came to a stop, words started to appear on the screen,

The five just stared at the screen, wanting to know more of why someone would hack them

The five were shocked to find out they were being hacked over this, Yellow had barely said anything when they hijacked the whole system, that means they were listening in on them since the beginning….

They watched in horror as they witness all their computers self-destruct without them not being able to do anything.

"d.a.m.n it!! They didn"t even spare our phones!" Blue said as he saw his phone on the table commit suicide and smoke started to come out of it.

"Who in the world is this boy?" asked Red, he just stood there looking at all the equipment that just became heaps of junk.

Acheron had just left his dressing room and was once again wearing his Grim Reaper cloak, he had chosen to use the individual lanes today, he wanted to try them out and see if he preferred the forest over these indoor lanes.

His arrival at his lane gathered up attention, someone dressed in black cloak and moving like a ghost would catch anyone attention.

Acheron didn"t have his hood on yet so some where able to recognize him immediately.

"Oi! That"s Acheron Belau! He is the one that beat Amazoness"s record and is going to fight all those people on Friday"

"Really? Wow! Let"s go check it out!"

Acheron didn"t pay attention to the crowd forming behind him, instead he focused on the terminal near his lane where he will set up his training.

Each lane is 10 meters wide and long as half a football field, targets pop up at random intervals depending on the level of difficulty that it has been set on.

A bucket near the archer"s feet will be constantly fed with arrows, making sure that you never run out of them.

In higher difficulties you can even set the wind speed, so that it will make it harder for archers to hit their targets, winds speeds can reach hurricane wind speeds if so they desire, but no one has ever tried it, if they have they have never even hit a target for winds can hit up to 120 kph.

Acheron was going over the difficulties and finally chose one, he chose it because it seemed like so much fun. Behind him, the crowd looked on to see the person that set an impossible score in the forest, and how he did on the lane.

They wondered which difficulty setting he was going to choose, most thought it was going to be "high mode" since he is supposed to be so good with the bow.

As they looked on, the monitor right above his head turned on, and it read,

"Student: Acheron Belau, Difficulty: …. "Welcome to h.e.l.l""

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