Acheron continued to defeat the students one by one, those that took the fight seriously were 1-hit KOed while those that showed up on the ring with half-a.s.sed intentions weren"t so lucky…

One unfortunate student arrived on the ring just before We Will Rock You by Queen came on, the students in the Colosseum stomped their feet and clapped their hands to the beat, while down below Acheron was beating his a.s.s to the beat.

Punch! Punch! Slap! … Punch! Punch! Slap!

That student"s world, in no truer words, was "Rocked".

"… you got blood on your face! you big disgrace! waving your banner all over the place!"

The crowd was eating it up, they cheered loudly after every win, after every KO.

Of course, as Acheron was a true believer of gender equality, didn"t hold back when his opponent was female.

Imagine the first female"s, who was also the last, reaction when she realized Acheron wasn"t going to hold back against her and was also slapped into unconsciousness.

More and more people stopped going up to fight, though they were a little scare of Acheron, no one really wanted to get their a.s.s beat to a soundtrack.

Finally, a person that people thought will give Acheron a run for his money showed up.

The electricity in the air multiplied as the saw who had arrived at the ring, it was Saegusa Sora.

Sora had a katana, the one he always carried, in his hand. Until now, no matter who was in the ring or what weapon they wielded, it didn"t matter, the match either ended in one blow or Acheron dodged their attacks before beating them along with the music.

No one had landed a single hit on Acheron, they enjoyed the show, but they came here to see blood-boiling fights, not a one-sided ma.s.sacre.

Acheron moved first; he threw a slap, but Sora was able to dodge it with just leaning back a little.

"I appreciate it if you didn"t treat me like I"m some weakling, like the kind you have fought until now" said Sora

Everyone knew, though Sora is usually the humble and nice kind of person, its only when he is fighting that his arrogance comes out.

"Hoh~ I knew it was going to be fun playing with you, little boy" Acheron said,

Acheron moved faster than before, hitting Sora right in the jaw sending him flying 5 meters.

Sora re-positioned himself in the air and landed perfectly fine, he got in a sword-drawing stance, and in the blink of an eye he was right before Acheron sending a slash towards his chest.

Acheron just took a step back barely dodging the attack, his track suit was cut and there was a slash right on his chest, but still he didn"t draw any blood.

Sora continued to attack, cutting up his suit but never harming him, not in the least.

Acheron retaliated with a punch here and there, not really putting much strength behind his blows, which annoyed Sora.

Everyone in the audience was cheering for either Acheron or for Sora, well, everyone except for 3 girls looking worried, and 1 woman looking stoic.

"See? My brother is strong, how can Acheron be the strongest if he can barely dodge those attacks?" Sakura said,

When Rose said that Acheron was the strongest, they didn"t really believe her, and their proof was the fight that was going on right before their eyes,
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"Poor little girl, you have no idea have big the world is… Acheron is just judging and playing with your brother" Rose said with a smirk on his face,

"Judging? Judging him for what?" Akeno asked

Rose looked at them with a smirk,

"To see if he is worthy enough to be taught some lessons…. Rejoice! For Acheron has deemed him worthy… look!" Rose said as she pointed to the arena,

Down at the arena, Acheron had dodge all of Sora"s attacks and had disarmed him of his sword.

Sora didn"t know what to do, he just stood there frozen, he was lost without his sword.

"You know what your problem is?... you have no idea what to do when you lose your sword, a real swordsman would continue to fight even without his sword" Acheron said as he held his sword in his hand looking at it,

"Good sword! I can tell you have killed people with this one, but they were weaker than you, weren"t they? If they were stronger you would already be dead which such a huge glaring weakness… do you even know anything other than sword arts?" Acheron said,

Sora just shook his head, his father had told him of this before, but he just wanted to focus on sword arts, and here he is being lectured by someone his age, he didn"t know how to feel about it.

"Your last couple of attacks were killing blows, you know? …" Acheron said, he looked at Sora but instead of being angry, his smile only grew bigger.

"Since you have treated me with such respect, I"ll show you the highest form of respect a warrior can show to another… don"t worry I wont kill you but this will surely hurt and then maybe you would had learned something" Acheron said as he took a couple steps back, before tossing Sora back his sword.

Now that people had the chance to look better since Acheron wasn"t moving so fast, you could notice a metallic s.h.i.+ne coming from the cuts on his track suit.

"This isn"t even my final form!" Acheron exclaimed as he ripped his track suit jacket and pants off.


The crowd couldn"t believe that they were seeing, it wasn"t that Acheron"s body was horribly disfigured or anything, but there were things on his body that caught everyone"s attention.

Wrapped around his slight tanned body that seemed to be forged from steel by the G.o.ds, was a contraption of some sort that bonded some of his limbs to other parts down with springs, it looked like some sort of training device.

Acheron tapped a b.u.t.ton on his chest and the clasps binding his body unraveled and formed in to ball from all the spring finally able to go back in to their original form.

Now, you were able to see a perfectly built body covered with tattoos, his arms and legs were covered in letters, some looked like runes and hieroglyphics, while most couldn"t be recognized as any language anyone knew, at least in this day and age.

While those in the audience from the criminal world, stood up from their seats at the sight of the tattoos on his torso area.

They were covered in symbols from the world"s most notorious organizations, of course they would recognize them, they were part of those organizations.

The Triad symbol, Italian Mafia, Russian Mafia, Dark and Demonic Sects, there was even a symbol that most would affiliate with the Illuminati, they were all there tattooed on his chest and stomach.

Some children bowed, and kneeled while others saluted in his direction, they recognized those tattoos as those of the highest of ranks in their organization, they knew any disrespect could get them killed.

But what mostly caught the eyes of those watching on were the tattoos on his back, 2 tattoos to be exact.

The first on was of a box, a jewel-covered box, that seemed to s.h.i.+ne with all kinds of golds and silvers, it was an exquisite design that was engraved in what seemed to be Greek words, but the words seemed more ancient.

Circling around the box, was an eastern, black dragon bathed in purple lightning with glowing red eyes, it seemed be biting his own tail, forever going in a circle.

Of course, Acheron body would never let any foreign substance, like ink, to remain in his body, no matter what he did.

So, Acheron and the bois down at Pandora"s lab, came up with bio-metal specifically tuned to Acheron"s DNA and grafted it onto his skin.

Once the bio-metal was done, Acheron spent a week handcrafting every tattoo now seen on his body and grafted them to his skin.

Rose and Akeno could be seen in the audience covering their noses as they took pictures, while sending death glares to each other.

Akeno"s pictures were not saved for long in her phone before a dragon, like the one on Acheron"s back, appeared on her screen and wiped them from her phone without her noticing it.

Only Rose"s phone remained untouched.



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