Acheron walked out of King"s College, only to be met with man leaning on a limousine. The man looked to be in his late 20"s, early 30"s, his hair was slicked back, and he wore a fancy white suit with a black tie.

He wore a constant smirk on his face, giving off the feeling he was some rich playboy, or some might even confuse him for a mafioso.

"I"m glad you showed up, Leon" Acheron said,

"How could I not Papa? You threatened me with "The Hole", you couldn"t have picked a worse time to visit too, I was so close to getting a threesome with some twins when I got the call from little Rose" Leon said sadly,

"Que te dije sobre llamandome Papa en partes publicas?" (what did I say about calling me "Dad" in public areas?) Acheron said in Spanish,

"Perdon Senor, se me olvido" (Im sorry sir, I forgot) Leon responded,

The man Acheron is talking is one of his "older brothers", Leon Belau.

He was born in Barcelona, Spain. Orphaned after his parents were killed by Acheron during a bank robbery at the age of 5.

Surprisingly, his parents were the bank robbers and they were killed in a shootout against the police after something went wrong during the heist, that is the official story at least.

Leon was present during the robbery since they were using him for his powers. You see, Leon is able to see through objects, people and metals alike.

His parents were using him to see through the lock on vaults and having him identify areas or things to look for, lowering the time in which they need to break in into these vaults.

What really happened was that when they police arrived, Leon"s parent starting using him as a human s.h.i.+eld and hostage, clearly not giving a rat"s a.s.s about Leon"s life.

Acheron just happened to be in the bank taking some cash out when all this happened, seeing that the trio were related, and had no love for their child in their eyes as the threatened to kill the 5 year old, Acheron pierced their head with his finger, making it look like a bullet hole.

Acheron had picked up the child, who at this point was crying hysterically, calmed him down and took him away.

In the present day, Leon had picked up some of his master"s playboy quirks, so sometimes he uses his powers to look through girl"s clothes in his free time. While most of the time as CEO, he uses his powers to monitor people"s heartbeat during business deals, to see if their lying or not.

A skill which is indispensable in the business world and why he was chosen to be CEO. Another use is to check if someone is armed or not, seeing if maybe they have hidden weapons that security may had missed.

Like most mutants, Leon ages relatively slowly, though their life span is almost no different than a regular person, most mutants still look younger than what they really are.

A good example of this is Leon, though he looks like someone just entering their 30"s, he actually is well into their his 40"s. As a running joke, Rose likes to call him an old man, which really irritates Leon since he knows he knows he can continue being a playboy well into his 50"s since he will still be looking relatively young.

"We are going to go to some clubs tonight, in search of vampires, use your powers to search for men or women that appear to have no heartbeat" Acheron said,

"Got it sir, but its barely noon now, what do you want to do till night fall?" Leon said.

"You are going to show me around, I want to see how things have changed in the last 3 decades." Acheron responded,

"Okay, by the way, can we look for female vampires tonight, instead of males? They are really beautiful" Leon said,

Acheron stopped halfway as he was getting into the limo.

"Oh really?" Acheron said with interest,
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"Tell me more"

Leon had no idea he was walking into a trap; Acheron had forbidden the family from meeting with any mutants in London, it seems Leon"s l.u.s.t had blinded him of that small fact.

"When I first arrived here, I obviously went to night clubs to meet women, there was just something about them that just attracted to you to them… well, next thing you know I was waking up in my hotel room with dried blood on my neck, you can imagine my panic as I…."

Leon"s voice trailed off as he realized what he was saying,

*Creak* *Crunch*

The metal roof of the limo was crushed underneath Acheron"s grip, leaving finger indentation on the car.

"I shouldn"t have said that... it was a secret…" Leon said, he knew how overprotective Acheron can be towards his family,

"It seems I"m going to have to wipe another race out of existence… and you!" Acheron said as he stared coldly at Leon,

"A week in "The Hole"!"

"Por Favor Papa, No! Not "The Hole"!" Leon pleaded,

"Get in the f.u.c.king car, you misbehaving child! Your going to tell me who else knew and didn"t report it to me and they are going to join you for the week, if you don"t tell me and I find out on my own, ill triple the time for all of you!" Acheron said as he slammed the door closed after he got in the limo,

Leon looked a little pale, he could stare down Presidents and Generals from all over the world with no fear and he was ironically trained to be Master Thief, but the fear of his adopted father and "The Hole" was incomparable to any of that.

In a split second, he had already decided to rat out his brother and sister to their father, a week is better than 3 in that h.e.l.l hole.

Leon looked slumped down like a child that just got grounded and got in the car.

Leon had his driver drive all over London, showing all the sights, of course, there were some that he had seen built but things like the London Eye were new to Acheron.

Hours pa.s.sed and it was finally getting dark out.

Acheron was looking at the window staring at the new but familiar city, while Leon just sat there in silence,

"Let"s go to the most popular club in town and try our luck there" Acheron said,

"That would be Club Bookers, they are really popular now a days, but…" Leon said,

"But what?" Acheron asked,

"The club is a front and is operated by the Bratva" Leon said,

"Oh? So old friends huh?" Acheron said with a slight smile,

"There"s no worries then"

Leon nodded at his words, pressed the intercom to talk to his driver and told him where to go.

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