The trio walked through the street heading towards a shopping mall, not far from the family restaurant they were just in.

The streets seemed almost desolate as hardly anyone was out after dark, it seems the recent murders have scared the majority of the population.

Acheron walked the streets calmly and fearlessly with his hands behind his back, the girls walked just a couple of steps behind him whispering to each other.

"So cool~," they both said simultaneously as they watched Acheron.

They glared at each other for a second before turning away with a "Humph!".

Violet with a guilty look on her face, turned towards Rose,

"Hey, Rose?"

"What?" Rose whispered,

"I"m sorry! …. It was my misunderstanding that ruined our friends.h.i.+p!" Violet said with sincerity,

Rose stared at her for a minute before sighing, she shook her head at her words.

"It is not all your fault, back then I wasn"t in the right mind and I didn"t bother explaining what had occurred… I"m sorry, I let you think Lord Acheron was dead all this time, I knew you had feelings for him back then, but I didn"t care or understood what that meant since I was only 14… I"m sure you had it bad" Rose said,

"Yeah, if you would have told me I wouldn"t have hated you all these years thinking that you were the reason Big Bro Ash was dead… but I think there is something wrong with what you said…" said Violet,

"What is it?" asked Rose,

"I still have feelings for him I love him even more now than I did back then, his death had me thinking of him every day for the last 10 years and now that I know he is alive, I won"t miss this chance! I"ll make Big Bro Ash mine!" Violet said that with such conviction there was no choice but to believe her.


Rose froze on the spot, it seemed Violet words still had registered in her mind.

"What did she say? Make Lord Acheron hers?.... OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!" Rose thought.

"You b.i.t.c.h! There"s no way Lord Acheron would love you! He already has me!" Rose exclaimed.

"HUH?! Don"t tell me! You already d-d-did "that" with Big Bro?!" Violet blushed as she said that.

Being almost 27 years old and being of royal blood, Violet had never had a boyfriend before, much less kissed a man, it"s not like she didn"t try but every man she met couldn"t meet the standards that she had set up for herself that were modeled after Acheron, her white knight.

Even the Her Majesty has asked her to find a man and even set her up on blind dates with young men from other n.o.ble houses, all to no avail, as the moment they gentlemen went to touch her, she almost killed them out of disgust.

"W-w-w-what are you saying, Corpse breath?!? It"s too soon! We only had our first date today!... but I wouldn"t mind if Lord Acheron invited me to his bed…" that last part was said in a mosquito-like voice that Violet wasn"t able to catch.

"Wait? First date?... 7 years since we last met and only now you have your first date?! Fufufufufu! That means I still have a chance!" Violet covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed at Rose.

Rose couldn"t help but turn red from embarra.s.sment,
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"It"s not my fault! There are rules and I was too shy to say anything…. That doesn"t matter! No way I will let another potential rival come between me and Lord Acheron!"

Out of nowhere, Rose sent a knife flying towards Violet"s face.


Violet exclaimed as she easily caught the knife between her fingers.

"You were truly trying to kill me just then!"

Violet sent the knife flying back towards Rose in which she easily caught it and threw it again.

Acheron chuckled at the antics of the two girls behind him who was playing the world"s most dangerous game of catch.

The girl"s nice and quiet conversation quickly turned loud and hectic just like how it was in the past.

Acheron couldn"t help but thank the Vamps" murders for the deserted streets since it would be hard to explain the events going on behind him to regular onlookers.

As the girls continued to bicker, they noticed that Acheron had suddenly stopped. Something was wrong in the air, they felt some sort of disgusting danger, even if they couldn"t detect what it was.

"Lord Acheron?"

"Big Bro Ash?"

It was obvious to the girls that Acheron had sensed something they didn"t. They didn"t know what was happening as they looked upon the back of the man they loved.

Acheron"s eyes had changed, from the usual black and purple to a glowing sky blue. There was a huge grin on his face as his teeth elongated to match those similar to that of a wolf"s. His black hair started to turn just a tad lighter.

"Finally! Someone has come out to play!" Acheron said, his voice filled with excitement.

The girls didn"t notice the changes on his face, only the hair but by the time Acheron turned around everything was back to normal.

"Sorry girls but the hunt has started… hold on to this as a form of apology for cutting short our night together" Acheron said to the girls as he handed the legendary black bank card to the girls.

"You girls can go ahead and continue to make up as you shop, everything is on me, no need to hold back"

Acheron walked up to both girls before kissing them on their forehead, causing both to blush uncontrollably.

"It was good seeing you Little Vee, please visit me more often…I"m off then"

Acheron walked into an alleyway before jumping on to the roof by jumping off the walls. When he got on the roof he headed towards the direction he knew his prey was at.

He moved faster and faster as his body morphed into his werewolf form.

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