"How was your meeting with Dean Charles, Lord Acheron?"

Acheron looked at the 2 girls sitting on the couch, they must have stayed up waiting for him.

He gave them a small smile,

"Everything ends and that is always sad, but the story continues…"

"Will you be okay, Big Bro?" Asked Violet.

"Yes, of course, Little Vee" Acheron answered,

"Rose, did you pack your stuff?" Acheron said towards Rose,

"Yes, Lord Acheron, everything is ready for our departure" Said Rose,

"That"s good, diligent as always, as expected of my Rose" Acheron smiled at Rose,

Acheron"s compliment caused Rose to blush and Violet to pout, she probably wanted to be praised too.

"We will leave first thing in the morning… Athena?"

Athena appeared in front of Acheron wearing a pair of s.e.xy silk pajamas, her holographic nipples visible through the top.

Behind her, Rose and Violet stood up gritting their teeth in anger. They also wanted to wear s.e.xy clothes to welcome Acheron home, but they were too embarra.s.sed to follow through with their plan.

As an AI, Athena doesn"t have a sense of shame when it came to pleasing Acheron, she had overheard the girls" plans and thought it was a wonderful idea.

"Yes, Darling? How can I help you?" Athena said in a sultry tone, her intent to seduce Acheron was obvious.

Acheron scanned Athena"s body not missing a single inch.

"Please arrange our flight back to j.a.pan in the morning," Acheron said as he walked through her.

Athena pouted and slumped her shoulders in defeat.

"You"re beautiful Athena, but instead of blue you should have gone with black, it matches you better… too bad you don"t have a body…" Acheron said as he headed towards his room.

Athena"s eyes regained their spirit as hearts could be seen instead of her normal pupils, a foolish smile covering her face.

Acheron smiled towards the girls, only to find them gritting their teeth as they took notes on a small notepad. He laughed at the girls before saying goodnight.

"Goodnight girls, don"t stay up too late"

"Goodnight, Lord Acheron (Big Bro)" they said,

Athena still stood there as if her processing hardware had overloaded, a foolish laugh and muttering escaping her lips.

"hee-hee… He insinuated that he would "do" me if I had a body…. Hehehehe"

Athena slowly disappeared into motes of light similar to b.u.t.terflies.


Acheron walked out of the limo followed by the 2 girls and Leon.

Violet looked unwilling to let Acheron go but Acheron just walked up to her and put a hand on her head.

"Come visit us in j.a.pan when you get a chance, okay?"

Violet nodded with a smile and hugged Acheron.
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Acheron patted her back before trying to pull away, only to find that Violet had locked her hands together in attempts to keep Acheron from leaving.

"Uh, Violet? You can let go now?... Oi, your squeezing too hard, your gonna break me in half!" Acheron said jokingly as he laughed,

Rose quickly grabbed Violet from behind trying to separate them.

"Let go of Lord Acheron, Corpse Breath! Your embarra.s.sing yourself"

"Nooo~, I don"t want to!"

Rose finally pulled them apart, her hair disheveled due to all the force she had to use to pull of Violet.

"You"re an embarra.s.sment!" Rose said as she tidied up her appearance.

"Shut up Rose! Let me have my time with him, you are lucky you get to be with him every day!" Violet declared,

Rose snickered and puffed up her chest in triumph as if declaring her victory over Violet.

Leon couldn"t help but laugh his a.s.s off from the side, he felt seeing his father"s awkward face made him feel a little better about the upcoming punishment.

Acheron walked up to Leon before pulling him into a hug,

"Stay safe dad… Dad? Your hugging a little too hard… DAD! my arms! They"re going to break!.... AH! I CAN FEEL IT! THEY ARE BREAKING!!!"

Acheron quickly let go, a wicked smile on his face. Acheron then flicked him in the forehead.

"Don"t laugh at your father"s misfortune"

Acheron then laughed,

"See you at Thanksgiving dinner with the rest of the family"

Leon held unto his hurting arms, a wry smile on his face.

"See you later Dad"

Acheron followed Rose up the stairs to enter into their jet before stopping and looking back at the city behind him.

"Ahh, London…. What a dump"

Acheron then proceeded to wave goodbye at all the cameras currently pointing at him. He was waving at the person he knew was behind the cameras. He walked in and the door closed behind him.

Leon jumped into his limo while Violet left on another car she had delivered to her.

"Steve, to my safehouse, I need to try to hide for a while," Leon said into the intercom.

"I"m afraid that"s impossible, sir" Leon heard his driver"s reply,

"And why is that, Steve?" Leon said.

Then the window separating the driver"s cabin from the back began to lower.

"Because those were not the orders from His Majesty," Steve, the driver, said as he slowly pulled down a white mask in the form of a skull, deep in the black sockets tiny green flames lit up.

Leon paled; his driver turned out to be a Ghost of Sparta.


The doors locked as he went to reach for them in an attempt to escape. Leon began to slam his shoulder against the door and the gla.s.s but to no avail, How could he? his limo could withstand an anti-tank projectile, so everything he did was all in vain.

He looked out the window only to see Acheron smiling at him from one of the plane"s windows.


The limo pulled off as Leon screamed in despair.

Acheron laughed as he saw the limo that held Leon in drive away.

"Nice try kid, be better next time"

Acheron then closed his eyes and begun to meditate.


New York, 1981

"Thank you so much for supporting our band all for the past 5 years Mr. Belau"

"Please Mick, you know you can all call me Acheron and it"s my pleasure to support talent when I see it," said Acheron,

"Yeah Mick, don"t be so stiff in front of Acheron, he is a friend," someone said,

"Shut up Lou!"

"Anyways," said Lou,

"As always, here"s our new song, we wanted you to be the first to hear it, please let us know what you think," said Lou, as the rest of the band nodded in agreement.

Lou pa.s.sed a ca.s.sette tape to Acheron, in which Acheron gladly took it with a smile and put it in his jacket pocket.

"Say Acheron, how come you still look so young after all these years?" Asked Mick,

Acheron chuckled,

"Good genes I guess"

"It will be so groovy to be young forever, don"t you think so Mick?" Said Lou,

"I think-"



A semi-truck rammed into the limo Acheron and the band was currently riding in. The limo turned and flipped like fish out of water before smacking into an electric pole. The wires fell and the spark from the live wire set the trail of gasoline, which had leaked from the ruined limo, alight headed towards the limo.

Seconds later,


The limo exploded and turned into a fireball, onlookers were freaking out calling for the police and firefighters. Women screamed in terror as something seemed to be moving inside the half-melted limo.

Acheron walked out the fire, his clothes torn and burned, some parts were still on fire.

People rushed at him asking if he was okay, Acheron just waved them away, his face now void of emotion. He walked up to a phone booth that he saw on the street corner before dialing a number.

"Yes, Your Excellency?" Someone answered,

"Track my location, find out what happened here, if it was an accident, deliver money to their families as part of my condolences but…. But if it wasn"t…. I want you to kill them all, no matter who it is!!"

"It will be done immediately, My Lord!"


Acheron ended the call, he walked out the booth and stared the ball of fire that was almost out of control, the light reflecting off his cold purple eyes. As he went to walk away,

*Crack* *Crunch*

Acheron looked down to see what he had stepped on, he realized it was the ca.s.sette tape that he had received from the band. It must have been thrown out as the limo crashed into the pole.

Acheron picked it up, the protective case fell away in pieces as the ca.s.sette tape was revealed to be undamaged.

Acheron held on to the tape and walked away.



1) I"ll be celebrating my birthday this week, I"ll be 24,000 years old this year! So, maybe just one chapter this week... idunno..... we"ll see how it goes.

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