"And who is she?" Acheron asked, pointing at the girl next to the student president.

"That"s vice president Yui, no one knows her surname so that"s what we call her" Sakura answered.

Oh?" Acheron slowly walked up to the vice president and once again sticking his face close.

Acheron was so close that their noses almost touched. He stared right into her eyes.

The vice president didn"t know what to do so she just stared back into Acheron"s purple eyes. She felt like she was getting lost in his eyes that seem to swirl like a galaxy.

"Hey! What are you doing to Yui?" The president"s shout help the vice president regain her wits.

She blushed when she realized how she got lost in his eyes. Her embarra.s.sment made her look away from Acheron.

"Interesting..." Acheron said.

"You are above average in looks but it seems you want to copy the president"s style and aura... are you lesbian perhaps?

Acheron dropped a bomb that silenced everyone there.

Yui couldn"t help but glance in the direction of the president, clearly embarra.s.sed.

But before she could say anything, Acheron continued.

"No, that"s not it! your eyes don"t show any love when you look at her... admiration maybe?.... You admire the president! you are some kind of fan... that"s why you copy her."

"Acheron!" Sakura called, trying to get him to stop.

"You also know me.... you must have seen me somewhere... by the way your eyes keep glancing at my crotch I"m guessing you saw me fight a month ago, I wasn"t wearing much then... your eyes involuntary move towards that direction but you stop yourself from lingering too long...."

"Acheron!" Sakura called once again but Acheron continued as if ignoring her. He stared at VP Yui but it was as if he was seen right through her. A blank look plastered on his face.

"But a closer look reveals even more...Your clothes, even though they are brand they seem worn out something someone from a middle to high cla.s.s family would do... Ah! I see! Your family works for her family! That"s why you follow her around... grew up together perhaps? Also...I see curiosity in your eyes... you want to know if it is that big... a closet pervert perhaps?... it comes to my understanding that j.a.panese men have..."

"ACHERON!" Sakura yelled

"Huh?" Acheron said finally snapping out of his rant.

He focused on the girl in front of him once again. Tears seem to be pooling in her eyes threatening to fall.

"I apologize... it seems that I may have gone too far," Acheron said sincerely,

VP Yui ran and hid behind the Student President Akira, her face red from the embarra.s.sment.

"Anyways since we finished what we came here to do, maybe its time to leave" Acheron said as he headed for the door.

"Hold right there Belau-kun," Akira exclaimed,

"Yes? Can I help you?" Acheron answered,

"You still need to submit a song for the festival and pa.s.s my interview," Akira said,

"I have to do what now? why?" Acheron asked confused,

"I don"t remember signing up for anything"

"Every club needs to perform a song for the festival, you were chosen as representative of the Archery Club as the number 1 archer," Akira said,

"Choose someone else, I"m not interested" Acheron stated simply,

"Oh? is one of the top 5 greatest warriors this school has scared?" goaded Akira

Acheron looked at Akeno,

"What is she talking about?"

"Oh, we forgot to tell you! Since Poison left the school, everyone decided that you would replace him in the ranks. You are now the 5th strongest student"

Acheron chuckled,

"5th strongest huh?"

Acheron turned to look back at the student president.

"I know what you are trying to do girl, but if I was so easy to be fooled and angered, I would have killed you already," Acheron said,

"But I"ll still do it, it just turns out that I have a promise to keep"

"Great, now I need to conduct the interview," Akira said,

"Interview? What interview?" Acheron asked,

"You didn"t think I would just take your word for it and not see you play something?" Akira said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You want me to sing now?" Acheron asked,

"of course," Akira pointed towards the stage,

"I conducted all interviews here, so all the equipment is ready for you. Do you want me to go call someone to play the instruments? Or maybe an audience?" Akira said sarcastically.

Acheron was starting to like this girl; she knew how to push someone"s b.u.t.tons. But Acheron wasn"t just anybody she could deal with.

"No need, everyone is already here," Acheron said as he walked towards the stage,


Acheron snapped his fingers, the sound echoed through the empty concert hall.

Out of nowhere, 100 people appeared all over the concert hall.

Akeno was the first to notice, she hurriedly grabbed Sakura and put her behind her for protection.

Akeno seemed pale, of course, she would, 100 people suddenly appearing told her that they were much stronger than her.


Sakura and the 3 other girls finally caught up with what was going on and were startled from these people"s appearance.

"You can relax Akeno, these are my Ferrymen, and you could say they are my… Royal Guard, so to speak" Acheron said with a huge grin.

At that moment, all 100 Ferrymen pounded their chests in salute and lowered their heads towards Acheron.

Everyone was gobsmacked, especially now that they could take a closer look at these so-called Ferrymen.

Each of them, both men and women, wore a black tactical outfit, the style differed from person to person as each carried different kinds of weapons. Guns were strapped to some chests, some had spear on their backs, knives and daggers adorned belts and thighs, swords were held on hips, others on their back, some hold them in their hands. Bows and quivers adorned other"s backs, glistening as if made of jewels.

Akeno even noticed some that carried kunai and nunchakus like her family did. She noticed one of them even carried an RPG on his back and a grenade launcher strapped to his chest.

The one thing they all had in common was the steel black skull masks that covered their heads. But if you looked into their eye sockets, different colored flames of light flickered. The girls found it creepy, it was as if they were staring at a dead person or ghost, as they stood there they still had no presence.

"Cool right?" Acheron asked,

"They follow me in the shadows, ready for my commands. This will probably be the first and last time you will ever see them but know they are always there"

Akira and Akeno were the only ones that knew what those words implied, especially with all the firepower they seem to carry.

And then Acheron waved towards the stage as if presenting someone. A group of Ferrymen stood on the stage, one stood out amongst the rest.

A giant of a man, almost 2 meters tall and built like a mountain, he carried a long sword on his back and M240 Bravo machine gun on his front.

"I want to introduce the leader of my Ferrymen and right-hand person.."

Thinking the giant man would step forward and introduce himself to them something unexpected happened.

The giant man simply stepped aside and let someone else pa.s.s in front of him.

It was a woman.

At least they thought it was, no other markings of a woman were visible except for the long hair reaching down her flat chest from inside her hood. What did differentiate her from the rest was the letter "A" in between the sockets of the mask.

"This is Charon, the strongest guard, the leader of my Ferrymen, my most trusted person, aside from family of course," Acheron said,

Charon slightly trembled from Acheron"s compliments before saluting and taking a knee, followed by the rest of the hundred.

Not a single word was uttered from any of them.



1) I was supposed to release this yesterday but Albedo-sama needed help maintaining our great Tomb of Nazarick.

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