Before she said anything, Acheron was already ahead of her, "Listen Kotone, I won"t be marrying you, no matter how much you beg. I appreciate your talent, but I don"t know you and you are just a little girl to me"

"My grandpa said your proposal didn"t count since you weren"t aware of my family"s custom of proposing by song" Kotone said

"That"s a stupid custom!" Acheron exclaimed, "How can you sing duets with a custom like that?"

"I never sang a duet with anyone before, you were my first.." Kotone said with a blush slowly forming on her face.

Akeno couldn"t help but get in between them and separate them, "Now that it has all worked out, you can stop pestering Acheron" Akeno said.

Kotone turned to Acheron and then to Akeno, she tilted her head before saying, "That doesn"t mean I am going to stop pursuing him, I like the way he makes me feel.."

Acheron gives Kotone a small smile, "You should give up, as of now, you don"t qualify to be by my side, you are still a little girl"

"How am I a little girl? Don"t you see these?" Kotone grabs her well developed melons and squeezes them together in front of him.

Some male students looking at the scene couldn"t help but pa.s.s out at the ma.s.sive blood loss they incurred when their noses burst like a firework.

Acheron wasn"t even fazed with her shamelessness, "So what? Akeno"s are much nicer and way bigger than yours" he had pointed at Akeno"s chest while saying that.

Akeno covers her chest in embarra.s.sment, "Acheron! W-w-what are you s-s-saying?!?"

At this point Akeno"s face was so red it would make a tomato jealous, Acheron just continues to smile at her,

"What? Akeno you should be more proud! You have wonderful a.s.sets!" Acheron says.

Akeno couldn"t be more embarra.s.sed, she was panicking, her heart couldn"t calm down, in an awkward attempt to calm herself, she stomps her feet in a cute manner.

"Come on Sakura! Let"s leave these perverts together!"

Akeno quickly grabs Sakura"s hand before dragging her away, she couldn"t look at Acheron at this moment, she needed to calm down.

Acheron sends them off with a chuckle and then turns to Kotone,

"Is there something else you need?"

Kotone with a straight face says, "Let me hang out with you, after your done with your club"

"Sure" Acheron says, "I need someone to show me the city, I haven"t had time yet to explore, you can give me a tour"

Nodding her head at Acheron"s request, "Okay, just find me at the Music building when you are ready"

"Okay" Acheron says, he then begins to head towards the Archery building.

Back with Akeno and Sakura.

"Say Akeno? Is there a reason for that foolish smile on your face?" Sakura asks.

Akeno still had a slight blush after remembering Acheron"s comment, but now it followed with a huge smile on her face.

"I-I-I don"t know what you are talking about Sakura!" Akeno exclaims.

Sakura looked at her best friend for a couple of seconds before narrowing her eyes," You wouldn"t have fallen in love with Acheron, right Akeno?"

"What?! I-I-I didn"t f-f-fall in l-l-love with Acheron!" Akeno exclaims, but her deep red, blus.h.i.+ng face betrayed her words.

"Oh My G.o.d! You totally did!" Sakura exclaims.

Akeno knowing the gig was up, found a bench near by to sit, "*sigh* I don"t know how, Sakura, the moment I saw him, my heart skipped a beat… Now, my heart beats so fast when I am near him and everything he says and does just seem sooo cool!"

To Sakura, it was worse than she thought, her best friend had fallen in love with someone that"s off-limits, she wasn"t sure her friend will even able to reach his eyes.

She didn"t want her best friend"s first love to be unrequited, but she wasn"t sure what to do.

"What should I do, Sakurchan?" Akeno asks.

"Though I"m sure its gonna be hard, he has that beautiful girl that he goes home with and then there"s Kotone... but I"ll be supporting you, and helping you out with ideas to get closer to him and break that impenetrable wall that is Acheron Belau" Sakura says as she looks towards her friend.

With a smile on her face, Akeno says, "Thanks, Sakura, I know I can count on you"

"Of course," Sakura says, "Lets finish our clubs and then find Acheron, I"m sure that Kotone is already making moves on him, we gotta move fast too"

Akeno nods her head before getting up and heading towards her club.

Unbeknownst to them, someone was listening to their conversation behind a tree nearby.

"I"M GONNA RUIN YOU, ACHERON! YOU STOLE MY WOMAN, AKENO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!! I"M GONNA MAKE YOU SUFFER COME FRIDAY!!" With a face full of anger, Poison raged to himself while walking away from behind the tree.
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The killing intent emitting from Poison had left the students in his immediate vicinity in cold sweat, most had run away in a different direction, n.o.body wanted to mess with him, specially now, when everyone could see his face twisted in anger.

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